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foo er ege ort ® of any torto Btobe ror TOEFL cy, to complete fast ide. class __ minoes work ed they fir the words have ever studi! five thirty ¢* _for me. (bis) man (pretty! owing wore | . Fat ._ economic advantages of various kinds. 0: ne imp REAT SESSIQ Réparare decane The science of meteorology gPPrOAChES to the a Soncerned with the san est One may consider the condition ern nat condition over a petiod of a few ~ Gpplcations of weather forecasting cannot es 108 Of the atmosphere hours to a few days a and the aim of improving the accuracy of weather {, er forecasts, ‘he tools needed to ad 4 vance our knowledge tosaWe meteafologlal problems, The use of these ovis forme hat mneh ene cathe n ere jematies and physics applied “|, Reading comprehansion (30 pts) Read the text carefully, and then answer th F the questions aq, about itn complete sentences. which are the 3. 0n redictions eee 2. Whatis synoptic meteorology? 43, How are the needs of shipping served? 4. Where will the increased accuracy in weather forecasting lead? 5, Which word in the text could best be replaced by: Enjoyed — forecast ~convenient — precise ~ different il, Grammar (30 pts) Complete the table, (20 pts) see verbal | Preterit | Past participle [creep : 2 (2 Terew 3 | We liregular) i | @ | awake = L a [5 [strike ee ee - change from direct to Indirect. 10 pts) 1. “Have you finished your homework?” Mr. Johnson asked his children __ Bs pa you know where | can find the post offices please? Jane asked the policeman. 3, “Let's go”. Mrs. Mortis suggested her husband 4, "Stop shouting”. The monitor ordered the children 5, “What will you do tomorrow?" ‘vir Blake asked us Replace the underlined verbs bY with. (10 pts) ‘go back put on - turn down = hold on ~ pass way 1. Mrs. Jones dled in 2. Walt.a minute, please? F Canada is such 2 beautiful country that ity settle there younever ceturn home, 4. You shouldn't celect this job OPPO © evifyone mst wear» life jacket wre” going rowing O" * iheeer the proper verb jou decide to EET BACCALAURE pee LA FORMATION PR N CEUXIEME PARTIE os RDINAII JUILLET 2018 ANGLAIS 20 of Metworolo sud a the sre, sate and beh = Sat te scene cannot al prec ‘tive to the whole picture. es 24 gen momen a and attempt Ts proach covered bythe ren sinter te ae oe In serving the Needs of fields biden cy in the form of the saving of hi siatereperead in burpose ofthe incease out knowledge ofthe atmosphere with hat branch of the science called dynamic meteor ESSIONNELLE (MENFP) ry one vantage predict changes fro TOEFL Editions 1987 I, Vocabulary (18 pts) ‘A> Flin the grid withthe word missing (20 pts) “adjective | = [ions 8. Choose the correct answer to the underine word, (5 pts) 1. The gi Scouts of America was established by luliette Gordon Low in 1922 orgonized joined — interviewed ~ funded 2 The President of the United States may satk Teelection during the fourth year ofthe frst fl term in office decide against ~ campaign for ~ enticiate — consider 3. Because they add fa less contamina the best diffusion pumps much--even = no hardly 4A fundamental premise of eonomic systern is tat all small busing difficult competition confront - mock ~ lose ~ appreciate 5, according to most geologists, the universes nes about 15 bilion years old jon pumps contain no pumping fluid tion to a vacuum than free enterprise esses face without questions W. Writing (25 pts) Staples below, then write uti. st tremendous power Choose one of the tw: ‘a twelverline paragraph 2b0 1. cyclone Sandy with an exer Frade a great devastation in some 3Tem of our minty By destroying the cTOPS, EMEA f lot Gf houses, killing people ete. Whee should the Mdo to pafiate to these nds of government a phenomena / natural disasters? 2. Risking one’s life to rescue other lives. IS it legitimate?

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