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Herrera-Camus et al 2021, summarized by Ramses Jerez:

In this paper, the authors presents a study of HZ4 galaxy. In its spectra it is possible to see [CII ] line transitions
and dust continuum. The analysis shows outflow evidence and that HZ4 is a typical star forming galaxy. I present
the main ideas, observations, results and conclusions of this work.

The baryon cycle is the responsible to drive the growing and evolution of a galaxy. Observations of stars,
interstellar medium (ISM), like cold gas in several phases (CO transitions) and circumgalactic medium (CGM) are
the main mechanisms for its understanding.
An alternative way to study the ISM features is analyzing the transition of the [CII ] line, searching for outflows
and [CII ] halos. The [CII ] transition is tightly connected with star formation activity, because FUV (far ultraviolet)
photons are produced in star formation regions, heating the gas through photoelectric effect over the grain dust.
[CII ] transition is the main mechanism to cool the grains dust. At high redshift the lacks of details of the ISM
is huge, so finding outflows signs in individual galaxies provide a deeper understanding of the stellar formation
activity and maintenance of [CII ] halos. Motivated by this, the authors presents a HZ4 research, a star-forming
galaxy (SFG) of the main sequence. Using ALMA1 observation in 7-band (6 cycle), they found [CII ] transition and
continuum emission produced by dust with high resolution (0.3” ∼ 2 kpc). Data observation was reduced using
CASA2 and tclean task to obtain the data cube. One spectral window (spw) shows [CII ] line (νobs = 290.386 GHz),
while other three spw were used to detect continuum emission (λrest f rame = 160 [µm]) near the peak of the FIR
(far infrared) spectral energy distribution.

I classified the main results in four blocks:

I. [CII ] line and dust continuum: the [CII ] spectra was obtained (S/N≈16) subtracting the continuum emission.
Fitting a single Gaussian to emission line, its center is located at ν0 = 290.471 ± 2 × 10−3 GHz (z=5.543). The
total flux S[CII] and dust continuum Scont,160µm are 1.12 ± 0.07 Jy km s−1 and 0.15 ± 0.03 Jy km s−1 respectively
(consistent with previous measurements). The dust emission distribution is aligned with morphological major axis
of [CII ] line which gives clues about the spatial distribution of the gas.
II. ISM properties: There is a close relation between [CII ] line and FIR continuum, allowing to explain the ISM
properties in galaxies. [CII ]/FIR ratio give a count of ionization parameter of HII regions. Typical ratios range from
0.1-1% in disk of SFG. Modelling the dust grain as a greybody it is possible to estimate the FIR luminosity and
[CII ]/FIR ratio (∼ 3 × 10−3 ) along the major axis of HZ4 as a function of the FIR surface brightness. The values
estimated are comparable with SHINING sample (nearby SFG and starburst) and the central region of the M82
and M83 (starburst galaxies). Taking four regions of the [CII ]/FIR map, the distribution of the dust continuum
is smooth with variations of ΣF IR about 30%. Due that the [CII ]/FIR ratio is low, it is possible that MZ4 has
a high neutral gas (nH ) density. However, to establish the properties of the neutral gas and function of FUV
radiation field intensity (GO ) is necessary at least one additional photodissociation line ([OI ] transitions). With
available information, the GO /nH ratio in HZ4 is ≈ 0.5 (according to those observed in nearby SFG), however the
heating and cooling properties of neutral gas can also be studied assuming that the gas is in thermal balance and
that [CII ] is the dominant coolant, so the [CII ] luminosity represent the total energy insert into the gas by several
processes, including UV photons. This is the same relation and physical connection observed in the milky way and
nearby galaxies among [CII ] surface brightness (Σ[CII] ) and the star formation rate surface density (ΣSF R ). The
measurement of this parameters in HZ4 are similar with other main-sequence galaxies at z∼5.
III. Outflows: evidence in two (of seven) apertures in the integrated [CII ] map along the minor axis. Fitting two
Gaussian components for narrow and broad line, it observe flux excess in the latter. The confirmation of outflow was
done estimating: (1) the maximum projected velocity of out-flowing gas (through Lutz et al. 2020), whose values
are vout,A1 = 590 km/s and vout,A2 = 445 km/s (including a correction factor by inclination); (2) ΣSF R , based on
the combination of FIR luminosity observation and UV continuum emission with ΣSF R = 0.3 − 1M⊙ yr−1 kpc−2
(similar value found in SFG at z∼ 2); (3) Measuring the mass outflow rate (Ṁout ) from atomic gas mass based on the
luminosity of broad component in [CII ]. The estimated values are Ṁout,1 ≈ 22 M⊙ yr−1 and Ṁout,2 ≈ 12 M⊙ yr−1 .
These values are comparable with the ones measured in the subgroup ALPINE SFG (Ṁout,1 ≈ 25 M⊙ yr−1 )]; (4)
estimating the global neutral mass loading factor, is ηglobal ≈ 0.5 (the same for ALPINE).
IV. Morphology: Due that the escape velocity is half of vout , the ejected gas remains bound to the galaxy, this is
the key for the formation and maintenance of CGM. Existence of extended [CII ] halos are detected in HZ4 plus
the new observations with ALMA, provides opportunity to study [CII ] halos beyond the stellar disk. The surface
brightness profile of [CII ] line it extends to a radial distance of ∼ 6 kpc.

Through the [CII ] transition and FIR luminosity it is possible to constrain mechanism to heating-cooling balance
in ISM. The HZ4 parameters estimated in this paper are similar to the observed in the main-sequence galaxies and
nearby SFG. Furthermore, star-formation driven by outflow in a main-sequence galaxy is demonstrated. Finally,
the [CII ] emission extends beyond the dust and UV continuum disk, forming an extended emission halo about ∼ 12

1 Atacama Large Millimeter Array

2 Common Astronomy Software Applications package

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