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Body types

There are three extremes of body types.


 A pear shaped body

 A rounded head
 Wide hips and shoulders
 Wider front to back rather than
side to side.
 A lot of fat on the body, upper
arms and thighs


 A wedge shaped body

 A cubical head
 Wide broad shoulders
 Muscled arms and legs
 Narrow hips
 Narrow from front to back rather
than side to side.


 A high forehead
 Receding chin
 Narrow shoulders and hips
 A narrow chest and abdomen
 Thin arms and legs
 Little muscle and fat.
Most of us are a combination of the three body types, see if you can find a sport to suit yours:

Sprinters are tall and muscular with slim, yet powerful legs and are mesomorphic. Sprinters need
plenty of fast twitch muscle fibres, which give them a powerful burst of speed, often leaving them
exhausted after a race.

Long-distance/marathon runners
Marathon runners are smaller and lighter than sprinters. To succeed, they must have a high
percentage of slow twitch muscle fibres, which are built for endurance. Strict training allows their
muscles to store high reserves of glycogen — the fuel that keeps them running and helps them
withstand dehydration.

Like Ian Thorpe, the perfect swimmer is tall with long arms and legs; extra large feet and hands
make good paddles. Short distance swimmers tend to be mesomorphs with more fast twitch muscle
fibres to give them a burst of speed.

Rowers need to be tall and heavy, but have low body fat. Long limbs are an advantage and rowers
need to have serious aerobic fitness. They need a strong heart and lungs — elite rowers can take up
to 300 litres of air each minute.

Yes, you do need to be fit to be a good shooter. Cardiovascular fitness allows a shooter to lower
their heart rate at the moment of firing providing a steady shot. If pistols are your game, a strong
upper body for stability is a plus.

Small and slim women with a high strength-to-muscle ratio make the best gymnasts. Their body
must be supple and narrow to allow for bends and moves. They are overall the fittest of all athletes.

Weight lifting
A good weightlifter's body is generally average to short, with short arms and legs. Mesomorphs are
best suited to this sport and weightlifters need a high percentage of fast twitch muscle fibres for
intense bursts of energy.

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