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Eric Brody, Trajectory President

Things will get better. But consumers wont forget. And they wont change how they now shop and choose their brands. Theyll continue to seek out the extras that will break the ties and deliver what they perceive to be superior value.

Here are seven ways to break those ties.

1. A Great Brand Experience, which inspires

trust, builds loyalty and promotes word-of-mouth

2. Tried & True Comforte.g. the authentic

foods and household products that we grew up with and that remind us of safety, warmth and joy.

3. Tying To A Cause, e.g. purchasing a

product to support a cause I care about.

4. Reinforcement, e.g. through the brand, I

can track my progress.

5. Community, where consumers actively

participate in co-creating brand value.

6. Small Investment, Big Dividend, e.g.

with Prius, I get more miles to the gallon, and Im doing good for the planet.

7. Personalized Expression e.g. where

the brand serves as a blank canvas for personal expression

Seven ways to create new brand value: 1. Great Brand Experience 2. Tried & True Comfort 3. Tying To A Cause 4. Reinforcement 5. Community 6. Small Investment, Big Dividend 7. Personalized Expression

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