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23. If you could 22. How would 21. If you could 20.

If you could
meet a people's lives live anywhere in choose any job to be
celebrity, who change if the world, where replaced by robots,
START would you like everybody were would you live? what job would you
to meet? Why? immortal? Why? make obsolete?

24. If you could

speak several
1. If you could be a languages, which
languages would
19. Take the
historical character, you speak and shortcut
who would you be? why?
25. If you could
read people's
minds, would 18. If you had to
2. What would you you like to do describe yourself,
like to work as? it? Why? what adjectives
would you choose?
26. If you could
switch lives with
someone for a
3. If you had the day, who would 17. Would you
ability to become you choose? choose to know
invisible whenever your future if it
you wanted, what meant forgetting
would you use that 27. If you had to your past? Why?
power for? spend the rest of
your life eating

4. If you could solve

only 3 food items
what would they FINISH 16. If you had to
choose 3 items of
be? clothing to wear for
any problem in the eternity, which would
world, which would you choose? Why?
you solve? Why?
29. If you had a 30. If you could
28. If you were have one special
clone of
a country, what superpower, what
yourself, what
5. If you could be country would would it be? 15. If you were a
would you want Why?
anywhere in the you be? Why? book, which would
it to do?
world right now, you be? Why?
where would you

6. If you could 14. If you could

become If I lived… I would do control your
famous, what
would you like to
If I won … I would buy dreams, what would
you like to dream
be famous for? If I could live…, I would live about?
If I were…, I would become
13. If you were the
7. What would If I had to choose, I would wear … last surviving
happen if there person on the
were no seasons at planet, what would
all? you do?

11. What would

8. If you could 9. If you could teach 10. If you were happen if 12. If you won a
your pet a phrase, going to spend time million euros, what
travel back in time, computers could no
on a desert island,
where would you what would you like longer be used would you do with
what 3 items would
go? Why? it to say? you take? Why? anywhere in the it?

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