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Hellfire 2


Assalamualaikumwarahmatullahi wabarakatuh


I received a good number, almost 30 homeworks. There is some of you who I have asked to
read. I want Ustadzah Afiah if she is with us to read her homework.

When you go to your google classroom, you see two things, you have the stream and you have
the classwork. You have the homework, you have the guide, you have join the session to get the
link for the zoom meeting, resources that´s the book and you have the recordings.

Now I go to the homework. We have 25 people who turned their homework in. Here you go, now
everybody can read it.


Hellfire (May Allah protect us from it, Amiin) is not just a place. It is a state of despair, loss and
humiliation. I often wonder why fire was chosen by our Lord to be the fitting punishment for the
wrong doers for eternity. He could have chosen anything of His creation as a mean of
punishment, but He chose fire. It is because it is symbolic of our passions when unbridled and
uncontrolled? Of the rebellions of Iblees, who himself thought it a matter of pride to be created
from fire?

We obviously need a certain amount of fire for our survival on this earth as humans: for warmth,
for cooking our food, for powering our means of transport. However, this same firepower can
and is misused for our utter destruction in the form of unjust wars and killing. In the same way,
the human instincts we were created with such as the desire to eat, sleep and procreate are
within limits, useful and necessary. However, too often the fire of these passions crosses the
bounds of lawful, and prepares for those who indulge in them, the eternal Burning of Hell.

There are cultures and belief systems that seek to make the idea even the word ´hell` itself
taboo. However, it was, and shall remain a stark reality. The promised destination that lies in
wait for rebels against their Lord. Lies in wait behind veils of passions and desires.

Let us beware and understand. Before it´s too late.

Jazakillahu khairan. I hope everyone got the point. I started with this one because this one is
practical. What we teach in Jannah Institute is not only information and knowledge because a lot
of us have it alhamdulillah. My answer to myself is `Where is the practice?´

Question number one the Ustadzah Afiah choose is “Why did He choose fire?” Cause that
question makes you ponder and reflect. One thing, I would have said ´Allahu ´alam. “It is
because it is symbolic of our passions when unbridled and uncontrolled?” When you want
something and I say `I want it, I want it…´ Something burning in you. Is that my passion? There
is so much desire in us that it is burning in me, so the punishment is burning. Allah knows.

Or is it because Iblees was created from fire and when we obey him the punishment will be from
where he was created. Allah knows.

Or I will add because it´s one of the most painful things, human beings can feel. Allah knows.

Again, what do I learn from this? Every time I want something or I am so angry, remember the
burning of the Hellfire.

Second paragraph, I need to have hunger inside me, I need the fire. But it have to be tangled in
certain extend and certain time. Otherwise it will be painful and harmful. So when I eat too
much, it harms my body. But when I don´t eat it also harms my body. We need balance. I need
my nafs, but I need to control my nafs, not my nafs controlling me.

And then there is cultures that is realty. If you sit with your friends or in a gathering, everyone
will leave. The word hell is taboo, even the word is used for something that is really bad. People
talk about how you are, about the weather. It is related to our culture. But it remains stark reality.

The whole idea from every class you take is that we are not from those who are hateless.

And Allah keeps reminding us. If you open the door in a country where the weather is extremely
hot you need to remember “Tell them the Hellfire is way more hotter than this” (Surah Taubah)

If I am rebellion the fire is for sure for me. Allah sayd in surah Maryam “Each one of you will
pass over it.” Some scholars say you pass over it, some say you are in it.

Let´s beware and understand before it´s too late. That´s the message.

There is one (homework) that was really nicely written by Febriyanti.

Don´t forget to start with Bismillahirahmanirahim, to put barakah in your writing.

Summary about Annaar are:

Hellfire is a place to return to (forever) which Allah has prepared for those who not believe in

1. They don´t believe in Allah

2. They deny His commands, do not fear the need for prayer, fasting (this is not forever)

For somebody who does not pray, for example in your family, you don´t want to know the
answer. If they say, they don´t believe in prayer, they are kafir. If they say ´I am lazy, I don´t
know why I don´t pray, it´s hard for me….´ they will be punished but how and how much, Allah

3. We as Muslims are asked why we have to pray, fast wear hijab, don´t have relationships
outside marriage, don´t drink alcohol. Answer: Because Allah asks us to/ not to.

4. Those who do not believe in Allah´s Prophets.

It is not the same a person that reject Allah and a person who is a Muslim but not wears hijab,
or has committed zinna. They have committed major sin, but it is not similar to someone who
does not believe in Allah.

And the fire of hell is punishment for the enemies of Allah and a prison for those who do evil.
The world is a prison for those who believe. If we are surrounded by many trials and calamities.
And the Hereafter is a prison for the disbeliever.

If we remember hellfire, we should think “Am I going to hellfire?”

That´s the important question. We are not there forever cause we believe in Allah, but how

And don´t say “No.” We all make mistakes that can bring us there.

If I make a mistake, it doesn´t mean I am going to hellfire. It depends if I am going to repent, if I

ask for forgiveness, if I am not doing it again.

In Al-Furqan Allah puts all major sins, including zinna, shirk, wastefulness and then Allah put a
way out “except those who repent, believe and do good deeds. Those people their sins, their
evil deeds, will be replaced by good.”

Hellfire is the greatest torture and loss, the greatest disgrace.

Anytime you quote from the Quran, you have to put it into quotation marks and give the surah
and ayat number. The reason because you put it in quotation marks, cause it are the words of
Allah and to separate it from your own writing.

If we had everything and suddenly ended up living in a bad and lonely territory, people would
ask “How did they end up there?”
And we must remember that. We have everything in this world now. We choose where to end.

It´s my choice to obey Allah or not to.

We humans come from heaven. Sayydina Adam alaihissalam created in heaven and then sent
down to earth. And we are destinied to return to heaven.

Life in the world is a prison for us, not a place to play and have fun. Our return to heaven is a

Allah created paradise and hell before the rest of the creations. And He created inhabitants for
both of it. Whoever Allah wants will enter paradise with His mercy, and whoever Allah wants will
go to hell as a result of His justice.

We need to supplicate to Allah subhanahu wa ta´ala to as for help to be kept away from hellfire
and reach heaven with our deeds while in the world.

“In the graves the disbelievers will see hell every morning and night. And the believers will see
Paradise every morning and night. And it will be said to them, you will enter there.”

Every time you quote give references.

Shaitan tries to whisper to us with arguments, such as hell was created and will perish. Because
all creations will perish. But Allah declared that hell will not perish.

If you don´t know the references you can always email me or Norita, our Teacher Assistant.


Allah subhanahu wa ta ´ala surrounds heaven with things people don´t like. When Jibriel
alahissalam saw it he said “it will be hard to enter”.

And He surround hell with things people like. And when Jibriel alaihissalam saw it he said “it will
be very difficult to stay away from it”.

Not everything we like is good for us. Getting to heaven is hard. And we need to do things that
are not easy and we don´t like.

The Reflectiona about the subject are:

1. I felt afraid.

2. Because getting to heaven is hard, I´m willing to increase my worship to Allah.

The first homework was a reflection, the second one a summary. You choose what you want to
do. Read the book, it has many quotes. Listen to the class again. Every time I said something
you want remember or listen to it again, make a note of the minute. So if go into the review, you
can go into that certain minute.

All the homework is posted on the google classroom, go and read it if you can.

Today´s class is page 6 in the book and page 27 in the Arabic version.

The keeper of the Hellfire

What does the keepers of the Hell mean? Khosanah (in Arabic).

Think of a place of high security, the guards are usually men, high, stern. Maybe having some

Standing over Hell are MIGHTy and STERN angels who never disobey Allah subhanahu wa

Allah says in surah An-Nahl “They never disobey Allah.” Allah created them with the ability to
always obey. That´s why we are not angels.

In Surah Tahrim (66:6): “"O you who believe! Save yourselves and your families from a Fire
whose fuel is men and stones, over which are [appointed] angels stern [and] severe, who flinch
not [from executing] the Commands they receive from Allaah, but do [precisely what] they are

Look at the world “save yourself and your family”, because when you obey Allah and you do
your best to make your children obey Allah you save them from a fire. Allah doesn´t says hell
here, because He describes it “whose fuel is men and stones”.

Surah Tahrim, ayah 6 is is a proof that the hell has gate keepers.

The name of the gate keepers: Malik – last page of surah zuhruf, on the top Allah describes
“And the people of the hellfire will call and beg Malik ´Let Allah allow us to die.´ No! You are
there forever alive”. Malik is an angel and the gate keeper number one. Imagine how severe it
is, that they ask to die. No one of us would ask to die, except those who have severe
depression. And depression is when you see it is the worst and no wait out. Like that it is for the
people of hellfire.

The number of the gate keepers is mentioned only one place in the Quran, in surah al Mudatthir
ayah 26-30.
"Soon I will cast him into Hellfire. And what will explain to you what Hellfire is? Naught does it
permit to endure, and naught does it leave alone! Darkening and changing the colour of man!
Over it are nineteen [angels as guardians and keepers of Hell]" (74:26-30)

Allah subhanahu wa ta´ala calls it saqar there, not hellfire.

Why does Allah mention there are nineteen gate keepers? The answer is in surah al-Mudatthir
in the next ayah, 31: "And We have set none but angels as guardians of the Fire, and We have
fixed their numbers [19] only as a trial for the disbelievers." (74:31)

When you read the Quran you ask yourself what wisdom can I get out of it.

Imam Ibn Rajab, one of the famous Imam, said: "What is known and well-established among the
earlier and later generations (as-Salaf wal-Khalaf) is that the trial came about when the number
of angels was mentioned and the kuffaar thought that it was possible to kill them. They thought
that they would be able to fight and resist them. They did not know that humankind in its
entireity would not be able to resist even ONE of them." (at-Takhweef min an-Naar, p.174)

How do I live this? What does it remind me there are gatekeepers?

I don´t want to get in, but they will push me? Getting out is not easy?

Don´t get distracted by the details. If Allah gives a Command don´t ask why. Because Allah said
so. It is a trial for us.

This is what I quoted in the beginning: "Those in the Fire will say to the keepers [angels] of Hell:
"Call upon your Rabb to lighten for us the torment for a day!" (40:49)

When we are studying we need to go and (….?). First from the Hellfire, that it is there. Then who
is outside, all the angels. Then there is gates and then what is inside, and what the people of
the hellfire will see.

Q: Why stones are fuel of the hellfire?

A: Because Allah said so. It represents the idols (that were worshipped). And it gets much

Q: Why is it in the Quran that women are raised, we have surah an-Nisaa. But why is hell filled
with women?
A: This is a really good question. Keep it for the end. But I want you to focus on what we are
studying right now.

Let´s go to the Gates of Hell, on page 9 in the book.

Hell is there and gate keepers are there.

In surah Al-Hijr Allah subhanahu w ata ´ala told us that Hell has seven gates. (Last semester we
learned that Jannah has eight gates.)

"And surely, Hell is the promised place for them all. It [Hell] has seven gates, for each of these
gates is a [special] class [of sinners] assigned". (15:43-44)

It was reported from 'Ali ibn Abi Taalib (ra) (this is not a hadith of the Rasul sallallahu ´alaihi wa
salam) that he said, during a khutbah (sermon): "The gates of Hell are such and-such". Abu
Harun (a companion of Sayydina Ali) said, "They are in layers, one above the other". It is
reported that he also said, "The gates of Hell number seven, one above the other. The first will
be filled, then the second, then the third, until all of them are filled." (Tafseer Ibn Katheer, 4/162)

In Imam At-Tabari he says, Jahanam has seven layers – one on top of each other- or seven
gates. The hypocrites are in the lowest level of Jahanam. The meaning of Abuab in Arabic has
more than one meaning.

"And those who disbelieved will be driven to Hell in groups, till, when they reach it (hellfire), the
gates thereof will be opened [suddenly like a prison at the arrival of the prisoners]. (Suddenly,
it´s more scary) And its keepers will say, "Did not the Messengers come to you from yourselves
- reciting to you the Verses of your Rabb, and warning you of the Meeting of this Day of yours".
They will say, "Yes" but the Word of torment has been justified against the disbelievers". (39:71)

Keep asking yourself which group I am, which group I will be.

After they are admitted, they will be told (this is also in Az-Zumar):

"Enter you the gates of Hell, to abide therein. And [indeed] what an evil abode of the arrogant!"

If you read ´abide there in´ and there is no forever in the Quran kholidiina fiiha abada. The
forever is for those who won´t get out of it, those are the kafirin and the hypcrites. Anybody who
believe in Allah in the Rasul sallallahu ´alaihi wa salam will not stay forever in Jahanam. It
depends what they did and what they did not how long they will stay there.

These gates will be shut upon the evildoers (it´s disbeliever not evildoers), and they will have no
hope of ever escaping from them after that, as Allaah (swt) says, "But those who reject Our
Signs, they are the [unhappy] Companions of the Left Hand. On them will be Fire vaulted over
[all round]." (90:19-20)

The doors are locked like when you lock yourself somewhere and you don´t find the key. They
won´t get out.

Ibn 'Abbaas said, "vaulted" (literally: "shut over them") means that the gates will be locked".
al-Mujaahid pointed out that the word used (mu'sadah) is the word used in the dialect of
Quraysh to mean "locked" or shut" (Tafseer Ibn Katheer 7/298)

The Quran sent it to the people of Quraysh and used the dialect of the word of Quraysh. Like
when you live in the US everyone speaks English, but if you live in Texas the dialect is different
than in New York. Or in the Arab world, when you live in Saudi the language is different when
you live in Egypt.

Also Allah subhanahu wa ta ´ala said: "Woe to every [kind of] scandalmonger and backbiter,
who piles up wealth and lays it by. Thinking that his wealth would make him last forever! By no
means! He will be sure to be thrown into that which Breaks to Pieces. And what will explain to
you that which breaks to pieces? The Fire of [the wrath of] Allaah, kindled [to a blaze], which
mounts [right] to the heart. It shall be made into a vault over them, in columns outstretched."

Khutamma is one name of Jahanam cause it will shatter human beings into pieces.

May Allah subhanahu wa ta´ala protect us all.

Last I want you to read this:

The gates of Hell may be opened and closed before the Day of Judgement. The Prophet (Saw)
told us that the gates of Hell are locked during the month of Ramadhan. at-Tirmidhi reported that
Abu Hurayrah said the Prophet (saw) said: "When the first night of Ramadhan comes, the
Shayaateen (devils) and evil jinns are chained up. The gates of Hell are closed and not one of
them is opened. The gates of Paradise are opened and not one of them is closed." (Ibid, p.66)

Meaning the opportunity and the possibility of doing good deeds is much easier during
Ramadhan because Allah subhanahu wa ta ´ala facilitated.

Q: What does it mean ´which mounts to the hear´?

A: It looks into the hearts because Allah subhanahu wa ta´ala doesn´t look how we are created,
how we look. He looks at the hearts. So the hellfire will look at our hearts, what we do or didn´t
do, meaning our intentions.
Q: How to remind the family to obey Allah? Cause I have tried to remind them but they ignored

A: You did your best. Number one, you are the example, you do it yourself. And you do not do
what they do. You make du´a for them. And you remind them here and there. And when they
become 18, you won´t be asked. Rasul sallallahu ´alaihi wassalam told Sayyidinah Fatimah:
“Fatimah, I will not be able to help you.” So when your child is not praying you say: “My son/my
daughter, I love you so much. I would love to see you in Jannah. But if you don´t pray that will
be very difficult. And I will not be able to help you. It´s your choice.”

Please read the chapter before class, it will make it a lot easier. It´s only 2 pages and will not
take you longer than 15 or 20 minutes.

Please don´t ask question that are not related to the class. You can email me for anything
personal I can´t promise you to respond right away, but I will do
my best.

Q: What do you want us to do in our future reflections?

A: If you want to learn more then do more searchs about the gates of Jahannam, about the
angels. And then write a summary, not more than half a page. Or if you want to reflect what you
learned, you learned, you´re afraid or worried, then write something about it. Do your best. It´s
not an obligation but it´s good for you. Even summarizing the chapter.

May Allah reward you. Next weekend the “Year of Knowledge” will start. There are only 25
places. Afterwards you will get on the waiting list. Registration will be on the website. If you are
not on social media, join our social media on Instagram and Facebook “Jannah Institute” and
join or mailing list.

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