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Below you'll find today's workout, which includes

a strength focus with work in pulling, squatting,
and core patterns. There are more details within
the coach's notes below, Enjoy!

6 minutes of Paced Breathing
Coaches Notes: Choose Run/Row/Bike/Ski and work for
6 minutes of paced breathing, changing it up we are
going to be beginning a new inhale based on our
cadence instead of a time frame. This will be every 10th
step if running, 6th rotation if on the bike, or 2nd stroke
if rowing/skiing.

3 Rounds for Quality:
8 R/L Half Kneeling Kettlebell Chops
8 R/L Standing Fire Hydrants
8 Alternating Dumbbell March
Coaches Notes: Grab a pair of light kettlebells, dumbbells, a
light sandbag or backpack, or perform these with just your
body weight. Maintain a slower down than up tempo on all
movements throughout.
A. 5 x 3 R/L Landmine Row @ RPE 8
with slower down than up tempo
B. 3 x 15 Heels Elevated Goblet Squats
@ RPE 6 with slower down than up tempo
C. 2 x AMRAP Strict Toes to Bar

Coaches Notes: Working through this today, we're

going to complete all of "A", and then all of B", followed
by all of "C". We want to select a weight for the
landmine row that leads to tough reps, but leaves us
feeling able to complete 2-3 more before reaching
failure. Both the squats and toes to bar should be done
at a lower difficulty allowing for complete focus on body
position, tempo and accumulating light fatigue,
decreasing range of motion for the toes to bar as you
were before if necessary - AMRAP stands for as many
reps as possible (before hitting muscle failure). Rest
approximately 90 seconds between sets throughout this

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