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by We’re Not Really Strangers

,·YH DOZD\V EHHQ WROG ,·P senses. Not because I didn’t Heartbreak skews your
JRRG DW EUHDNXSV I never care, not because I’m void perception of reality. It makes
really understood what that of emotion, breakups HURT you delusional. Once you
meant. It felt like people were and there’s no “right” way— start to catch these delusions
praising me for something but there’s a way I’ve found and become aware of them,
that didn’t feel praise worthy. works for me. In order for it makes it easier. We’ve all
I don’t want to be good at this to work, you’ll need to experienced a friend being
breakups. I don’t want to do exactly what I say. Don’t delusional during a breakup.
keep having breakups. I’m get discouraged if some of
tired of having to move on. these steps take multiple “They’re just afraid of
days or longer, it’s more commitment!!! They have
I’ve had 3 breakups over than okay. Try your best. abandonment issues!!”
the past 4 years. Each with
people I thought at one point Everyone has issues.
I’d spend the rest of my life As a disclaimer, I’m a woman They are not special. It all
with. Even typing that out who has only dated men so depends on what you’re
feels vulnerable, like there’s that’s the place i’m writing willing to put up with. If you
something wrong with me. from but feel free to use want to be with someone
I got over each of these this advice towards anyone forever and excuse how
relationships fairly quickly, who broke your heart. terrible they make you feel,
with my last heartbreak Heartbreak is universal. WKDW‫ڕ‬V ߔQH WRR 7KLV ZRQ‫ڕ‬W
lasting 2.5 weeks before I be the right guide for you.
started coming back to my You can stop here.
)RUHYHU\RQHHOVH knew your friends would notes app about how you
hate them if you did. Write feel. It will be nice to look
Answer the following everything. Your friends will back in the future and see
questions and be honest love this too. how far you’ve grown from
with me. And yourself. this moment.
Pairs nicely with wine.
This phase hurts the most.
Why are you still holding on? But it gets better. Much
3+$6( better. Promise <3 You
Do you love this person?
3KDVH  LV DOZD\V PRUH can’t heal what you don’t let
Do you like this person? HPRWLRQDO than phase yourself feel. Love u.
1. During a breakup, the
Are they nice to you with
mornings and the nights are
their words? 3+$6(
the loneliest. You’ll wake up
With their actions? and want to go back to sleep. 3KDVH  \RX·OO QHHG WR
The pain will feel unbearable. GLVWUDFW \RXUVHOI Make
Are they choosing you? You will feel alone. the day pass as quickly as
possible. The more days
Here’s what I do, and this pass, the more clarity you
may shock you: I feel it ALL. have.
3+$6( This is not the time to “play
<RX·OO QRWLFH WKDW \RX·YH it cool”. Send them the text Maybe you’re feeling
VORZO\ VWDUWHG WR IRUJHW with all your feelings. Cry. rejected. Maybe you’re just
WKHEDGVWXIIYou’ll bargain, A lot. Make the phone call. really fucking sad.
you’ll excuse behavior. They may not respond, you
Not because you want to, may feel rejected. That’s Either way starting today,
you’ll just forget. During this okay. It’s all a part of healing. you will need to start
phase, I call my friends and You always hear “don’t call transitioning to no contact.
have them make a list with them !!! resist the urge!!!” Phase 2 was for getting
me. We don’t just bash this everything out and putting it
person, we write down the I disagree. on the table. It teaches you
part of the relationship I a lesson.
liked… and then we make THIS IS NOT PERMISSION
a list of all the things that TO SLEEP WITH YOUR You might not get it right
were bad. This is not the EX (if you happen to, I away, you may need a
time to give excuses. Write won’t tell anyone and you couple days—but starting
down the facts. The ways haven’t ruined your healing today you need to start
your needs weren’t being progress) but during this coming to terms with the
met, the things you never time it helps most to journal fact that you need to cut out
told anyone because you and write a novel in your contact completely. Watch a
lot of movies and go to bed too so I can’t see what the 3+$6(
early. You’re probably not entire group is doing. This is 5HSHDWSKDVH
hungry but try your best to not you being petty, and don’t
eat something. let anyone convince you that
you are. You’re doing what’s 3+$6(
best for you. TU\ DQG JHW EDFN WR D
(the unfollowing rule) I consider this the #1 self
care tip even though it
Being in a relationship can
take you off of a personal
RQ HYHU\WKLQJ and stop going to be honest it’s not fun
routine. You have another
stalking their insta stories and it sucks but this whole
person to consider. You
from your fake account. thing sucks so just do it).
have to compromise.

I get it, that feels hard. It

What do your days look
makes it feel like it’s really 3+$6(
like now?
over. Not only is he out of <RX ZRQ·W ZDQW WR JR
your life physically, you won’t RXWVLGHJRRXWVLGH What time do you want to
even see his face anymore. wake up?
You won’t want to see your )PX EP ZPV XBOU UP mMM
But… coming off of an friends, see your friends. your days?
addiction (whether it’s a
What do YOU like to eat
person or not), you’ll try and You won’t be hungry, try
for dinner?
get a hit wherever you can. and eat.
You’ll be tempted to see
what they’re doing, you’ll If you’re not ready to throw Choose a routine that makes
zoom into a photo to see away their hoodie, put it in a you happy. Organizing your
if there’s someone in the place you won’t see often. life gives you a sense of
FRUQHU <RX‫ڕ‬OO SRVW D VHOߔH control again. Today, choose
just to see their name in your +HDUWEUHDN IHHOV OLNH WKH a routine to start tomorrow
insta story views. It prolongs ÁX$OOWKHWKLQJVWKDWDUH and stick to it. Don’t make
you signed up to get over EHWWHUVRXQGKDUGWRGR and attainable. It’s going to
them in 10 days, right? This feel really good!
is the only way. As hard as Drink water.
this is, do it anyway. If you
only listen to a couple of the Do one little thing that will 3+$6(
things I say, I hope this one bring you joy and remind you ,W·V RND\ QRW WR KDWH \RXU
sticks. Sometimes, I even of who you are. Learn how to H[ don’t skip this part,
mute his friends on instagram take care of yourself again. hear me out lol
Not hating your ex is not 3+$6( You’re able to leave your
excusing bad behavior. 1HHGLQJFORVXUHLVIDNH house again.
They are working things out
just like you. It doesn’t make You’re never going to hear Now is the time to start
them a bad person, just not what you think you want to JHWWLQJ \RXU FRQߔGHQFH
the right person for you. hear. EDFN6D\WKHVHDIߔUPDWLRQV
Your ex probably had great every morning for as long as
qualities which is why you If he says something nice, you need to. Say them out
OLNHGWKHPLQWKHߔUVWSODFH you’re going to get false loud in the mirror when you
hope. wake up. It may feel silly at
Maybe they’ve been hurt ߔUVWEXWLW‫ڕ‬VQRW
before and are scared of If he doesn’t say what you
being hurt again. It’s not want, you’ll want to keep 5HSHDWDIWHUPH
your problem to deal with, seeing him until he does.
but hating them is not the “I love what I look like today”
only way to get over this. You’re looking for validation
not closure. “I am easy to love”
Journal the following
questions: “I only want what wants me”
Read that again.

“I deserve healthy love, even

Closure is internal. It’s when
if I’ve never seen it before”
you make peace with the
What part did I play in this?
situation yourself. You’re “I love who I am”
What am I understanding prolonging the process by
of but refuse to tolerate? thinking you need it from
You got this.
him and thinking there are
What were the good parts? these magical words you
can hear to make all go
What was the bad that away. You won’t. It won’t.
came with it? Now you know.

What do I need going

How do I respond
when I’m hurt?
Name one reason you’re heartbreak starts to feel
happy it ended: more like a scar than a scab.
You’re not completely over
it, but you can see the light.

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