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Amidst the forest's hushed embrace, A somber tale unfolds with grace, Where once

stood giants, proud and tall, Now echoes silence, as they fall.

Their branches once stretched towards the sky, Reaching for dreams, far and high, But
now they lie, broken and sere, As whispers of sorrow fill the air.

Each fallen tree tells a tale untold, Of battles fought, of stories bold, With weathered
bark and gnarled limbs, They bear witness to life's fleeting whims.

Their roots, once firmly anchored deep, Now exposed, as sorrows seep, The forest
weeps, its heart weighed down, By the loss of trees, once nature's crown.

For in their fall, a world undone, A sanctuary lost, forever gone, The birdsong hushed,
the shelter gone, And nature mourns, in tears withdrawn.

Oh, fallen trees, how we grieve, For the loss that we can't retrieve, Your absence echoes
through the land, A melancholic dirge, a mournful strand.

Yet, in the echoes of your fall, A plea resounds, a haunting call, To cherish, protect, and
make amends, Before the tapestry of life unravels and ends.

So let us rise, with hearts unbowed, To heal the wounds, to stand as proud, For every
fallen tree is a lesson to learn, That nature's beauty, we must fiercely yearn.

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