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A I Using GPT-4 Al Content For SEO How we went from 0 blog traffic to 750K/mo with Al Overview We ran a large-scale SEO campaign using only Al-generated content for a B2B SaaS website. The website now has: > 4K+ keywords in positions 1-3 > 13K+ keywords in positions 4-10 > 135K+ keywords in positions 11+ > Started getting traffic after 24hrs > Hit 300K/mo after 6 months > Hit 750K/mo after 12 months = 7K total pages generated "What about Google updates?!" Spam update V May 2022 July 2022 September 2022 November 2022 January 2023 Mai A Core Helpful content update update (also Christmas) How did we do it? All content was produced at scale (and in hours) using byword_ Generate high quality, Al-written articles at scale. Here's exactly how... —> 1. Understanding the target audience A large part of successful Al content campaigns is knowing what your audience is searching. Ways we researched: = Keyword research tools => Competitor keyword data = Ideation around the product 2. Choose a scalable topic series Find a series of topics with 100s of potential keywords to target. Here are the main 6 we chose: Hormulae/ Outranking Google & Microsoft, by building content around every single Sheets & Excel formula. Icalculate/ 2,000 pages around how to calculate commonly used financial metrics in different accounting platforms. Idefine/ A glossary of commonly used financial terms, looking to generate traffic from relevant users. Iwhats-the-difference/ A list of commonly confused financial metrics (think ARPU vs ARRPU), and an explanation of how they differ. Ihow-to/ A search-based campaign, where we answered the 1,000 most searched how to questions in Sheets & Excel lexcel/ A.unique campaign, where we looked at other sites’ sitemaps to build content of our own 3. Generate content for each topic series Use to generate the Al content from the keywords/titles (it can produce 1,000s in a day). byword. Project inputs 4. Build the website architecture Create an area on the site to house the content to ensure Google can discover and crawl the pages. v Advanced guides Each of those pages then houses the individual posts for that topic series (like a HTML sitemap). Financial Modelling Glossary 5. Publish quickly Publish the content and ensure all URLs are in the XML sitemap and submitted in Search Console. Byword has integrations with CMS platforms to speed this up. 6. Results... Wait 3+ months to see traffic. However, this project saw traffic as soon as the next day. The time to rank will depend on the existing authority of the website. 800,000 600,000 400,000 200,000 0 January 2022 April 2022 July 2022 October 2022 January 2023 What did it cost? Large-scale Al campaigns like this require the ‘Unlimited’ monthly plan. byword. Biting (The majority, if not all, of the content can be generated within 1 month) But you can try Byword for free Simply enter a topic/keyword here and generate your article. eee byword_ Generate high quality, Al-written articles at scale. = = = a - = Questions? I'm replying to all comments over the next few days. Ask me any questions in the comments section below... Add a comment... x Like this post? © dBQe F2 Want more content like this? Follow me and get daily SEO and content marketing tips. A I

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