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Date/Time: ____________________

Name of Security Guard(s): 1. ____________________________________

2. ____________________________________
SG(s) signatures: 1.__________________ 2. _____________________

Name of Establishment/ Location: _____________________________________



Switch off/ on of perimeter lights
Inspect unnecessary lights that are open
Properly check all the padlocks of the establishment (locked or not)
Check all faucets and/ or leaking pipelines
Presence of uncollected garbage
Presence of items/ unsecured tools by the employees
Presence of unauthorized vehicles parked at parking area
Presence of animals/pest: (dogs, cats, rats, cockroaches,
mosquitoes etc.) state if any:_____________ Nr of animals:____

Alarm of Security System:

time started: _______ stopped: _______ location: ___________
time started: _______ stopped: _______ location: ___________
time started: _______ stopped: _______ location: ___________
time started: _______ stopped: _______ location: ___________

Conduct of roving inspection of agency inspectors:

time arrived: ________ departed:____________
Complete name(s) of Inspectors:___________________________

Standby and/or roving of police mobile cars:

time arrived: _____ departed:____ Plate/Body Nr:____________
Name of Police Officer(s):_________________________________

time arrived: _____ departed:____ Plate/Body Nr:___________

Name of Police Officer(s):_________________________________

Concurred by: Noted by:

_____________________________ ______________________________
_____________________________ ______________________________
(SG Signature over printed name) (TL Signature over printed name)

Designation: _________________
Time/Date: __________________

Note: Outgoing Guards (night shift) to fill-up this checklist form fifteen (15)
minutes prior relieving time.

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