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Branch: _________________________________ Teacher: ____________________________ Group: ________________

Student: ______________________________________________________________ Date: _______/_______/________


Students’ Instructions:
Take some time to check, understand and formulate a concept about the questions below. The questions are addressed to all
students and the main objective of this part is a debate of general ideas. Try to base your questions on your personal knowledge of
the topic, avoid “I DON’T KNOW” answers. Use your colleagues’ answers as a base for your own ones and contribute to their answers
as well.

1. Are social networking sites effective, or are they just a sophisticated means for stalking people?
2. Is torture justified when used for national security?
3. Should cell phones be banned in schools?
4. Is peer pressure harmful or beneficial to individuals?
5. Should violent video games be banned?
6. Should the death penalty be taken away completely?
7. Are beauty pageants a way to objectifying women?
8. Should cigarettes be banned from society?
9. Is it unethical to eat meat?
10. Should homework be banned?
11. Who is more complicated gender: men or women?
12. Should humans eat to live or live to eat?
13. Do video games cause bad behavior in children?
14. Should older women be allowed to marry younger men? (older men/younger women)
15. Is it better to be honest and poor or dishonest and rich?
16. What are the best dating techniques out there?
17. What are the advantages of bottled water vs. regular water?
18. Which is the best season of the year?
19. Is it better to date someone attractive and popular or intelligent and smart?
20. Which is better to have as a pet: a cat or a dog?


An important thing to consider when you are going into a debate (or presentation deliverance) is the fact that the people on the other
side of the table, or your audience, is going to have something to say against your position. A great way to prepare for this is, once
you have your interesting topic chosen; to list the pros and cons to be able to see both sides of the issue clearly. Get divided in two (or
three) groups according to the proposition and try to explore the subject below using the example given (plus your knowledge about
the subject).

GROUP A – You have a PRO position about the main subject;

GROUP B – You have an AGAINST position about the main subject;
GROUP C (moderator) – You must keep NEUTRAL about that situation, judging the sides impartially and providing other facts to
keep the debate alive.

Main Subject: “The Brazilian Supreme Court has stated this week that the subject “Religion” must be implemented in
public schools in the next two years to come. For that matter, the subjects “Philosophy” and “Social Studies” must be taken
out of the scholar curriculum and a new parameter must be implemented. With the reformulation of High School
curriculum, it means that those two last subjects, that would be mandatory in college exams like “ENEM”, would be not
included as regular subjects and totally disregarded in what concerns a continuative step of High School formation years.
Some researchers have already stated their position against the matter, declaring that the laicity of the State would be
violated. On the other hand, others declared that Religion must be taught in schools due to the lack of commitment
between the new generations and religion. The Supreme Court has also decided that a particular religion should be chosen
to be taught, without any concerns to other religions and beliefs.”

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