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SCHIRMER’S LIBRARY OF MUSICAL CLASSICS Vol. 750 KAYSER Op. 20 Elementary and Progressive Studie: For the Violin (SVECENSKI) Complete: $1.25 PREFACE In using Hans Wessely's edition of the Kreutzer Etudes, and the special exercises by Franz Kneisel (‘Advanced Exercises for the Violin”), I have found that a great many students experience diffi- culty in carrying out the excellent instructions therein given for acquiring a correct position of the left hand (retaining the fingers in their places), owing to insufficient attention to the correct placing of the fingers during the years of elementary and preparatory study. Students who follow faithfully the instructions given in this edition of Kayser’s Studies will find themselves repaid—when ready to take up the Kreutzer Etudes—by having acquired the correct position of the left hand, without which a reliable technic cannot be attained. LOUIS SVECENSKI. 2 Studies for Violin Notes marked © indicate place for “preparatory finger” and should not be sounded. ‘The longth of the lines following finger-marks indicates the time during which fingers should retain thei Revised and fingered by Louis Svecenski places. H, E. Kayser. Op. 20, Book I Andante, quasi Adagio o = SS TESS CSS OS SS ba im 4 4. 9° f— SSS SSS ; ——+ morendo SS <> SS Copyright, 1915, by @. Schirmer, Inc. ten, rPYriEht, 1915, by A >s 4 >s4 S ao poate feftefte so $333 dim. 4. sen seu Allegro vivace —,. gro ir . Allegro molto tres (down! 4 NG == = = Sip eee the er, z=e! fie Z oer cf SF aebte 7" ? reve ‘Pp res. decrese. a decrese. se Allegro poderato_-;~—————_ sais f decrewe. se 10 Allegro assai eu erese. SS es 2 yy SSS Se ‘Tris Number must also be practised staccato, the Diese: Nummer muss such bei villiger Rube des El- elbow perfectly steady and the wrist properly best. | bogens und richtiger Biegung des Handgelenkes, gesto- seen geibt werden Allegro, ma non tanto 10. ae ~ S1_e oe orese. Bt 1 = ———_ 13 seus Allegro energico _*—3— + A — - nf 4 decrese. ?——| Allegro, ma non tanto brillante decrese. eee —— SSE orese. a ae — Z. calmato sane a 18 Revised and fingered by Studies for Violin Louis Svedenski H. B. Kayser. Op. 20, Book II Allegretto _— _ ot see sane 20 Allegro moderato, - ne at sn & ? sm Andante.quasi Allegretto PL Ff risoluto oe = - e ca == cr A= marcato 4 rene Allegretto ___— Sma orene. o erese. 2 9: re wf dyad ater mn this z"] see Allegretto (aear the aut of the box) bn ee Tp pins. a St La. - = se eres. 32 Allegro assai faring Allegro sons ai. aay 4 of erese. t fee t sae cory Studies for Violin 4H. E. Kayser. Op. 20, Book OT of din. Dp ° = Grene. tf (up-bow) s poussez, af? ° — nf crese. f Pp nf “reno. Allegro assai BS ne 28. ib fp fp + Sores, s Va Seen Tttttperen ofa te eerie pn i fp hp ay q x 2 ~~ PERSE EE RL FEE! Soe & f& fe fe seu 40 Allegro moderato 12406 42 Allegro, molto agitato ‘ 4 > > 7 f> crese. a 2. ee pep Hate ee (earth eee) reso. All t dolee sus. a 7 pte ise F 8 Position. tet 7 erese. hee nGalins P _< eee lee ee. din. é = — $ - . bager TS 4 (ap-bow a] Foes tizer (down-bow) Allegro moderato. a dim. 45 To practise the staccato also with down-bow one must include the 8th-note following the six 16th-notes in the same bow Allegro moderato t P, sens Andante, poco allegretto re F oes SSS a . din. Tae. BPs f time. OOS fe “= PB eresc. 8 Position su 48 Allegro con fuoco 35., f = 2 | i Vv i i te oa te 1 YS a tempo ao Ss ritard. 7 3 1 — nArrretatitemetenelterrtttintes rea f 2 Allegro. Ga D Strings cap 36, of Nee Fs : poco a poco rallent. SCHIRMER’S LIBRARY of Musical Classics CLR STUDIES AND EXERCISES FOR VIOLIN SOLO SERIES ONE ‘The Library Volume Number is given ta brackets: [1309] ALARD, D. Op.41, 24 Etudes-Caprices (Lichtent berg) {1389} 1.50 BACH, J. S. 6 Sonatas (Hermann) [221]..... BERIOT, C. DE “oom BLUMENSTENGEL, A. Op. 33. 24 Studies [1032]... - 125 SLAM ATR iss BOHMER, C. Op. $4. 75 Studies in Intonation (Schill) [1622] 1.25 1 Violin (Lehman: CASORTI, A. Op. 50. The Technics of Bowing [932]..... 1.25 DANCLA, C. Op. 68., 15 Studies. ‘2 2d Violin (602... area H.W. Etudes. In Two- to Four-Part Harmony ° Goes {1470}... FIORILLO, F. 36 Studies or Caprices (Schradieck) [228]..... 1.25 GAVINES, P. 24 Studies (Matinées) (Lichtenberg) [929]...... 1.50 GRUNWALD, A. First Exercises (Sve‘enski). HERMANN, F. Op. 20. 100 Violin Studies for Beginners uton eff Bit: For heDerespment 12s spe [1390]... 1.00 HOFMANN, R. 25, First Studies. Oe Tete Beat In the First Position. Bk. Il: The Progressive il BE iil: The Mowe havenced Studer [86S}ea, 75 HRIMALY, J. ‘Scale-Studies (842)... KAYSER, H. E. ». 20. 36 Element and Picadtes (Gvetenait). Complete {750}... Be. IT (30 ‘The same. Bk I Bee. IIT (308)... Op. 67. The Study of the Positions. "34 Short Pieces. [867]... KREUTZER, R. 42 Studies or Caprices (Singer) (230) ‘7 Siren Lary emg myn i ating ri wil eel nou DAVID, F. Violin Harmon pe. {IAi0) as DONT, J. Op 3, 2 nde snd Cae (HT... 1.25 37, 24 Bxerclaee. Otten of Re Reeser and’ Be Rode 2). 38. 40 Progressive Exerciees. With Rompaniment ste 2s Vis RT 4.25 Pree Sa INC. Ss, SCHIRMER, sect lo Change Wishon! NEW YORK

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