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you're of course showing off because

here I am with a big jacket in here

without one now you're the number one

player getting traction in the Americas

as well as Asia outside of Europe I mean

it's hard to stay on top especially with

competition from China what is the

strategy I think it's a we're literally

pursuing the same we have put we have

put our assets up super high technology

power houses up for for more than four


what is also super interesting to see is

that the whole allocation into now the

energy sector and especially also the

Renewable sector has of course led to an

acceleration of that so to give you an

example a decade ago to compare to today

we have reduced somewhere around the

levelized cost of energy with two thirds

just ten years ago and that also means

that we now have an energy source from

wind that is literally either on or

below other energy sources globally

which of course for me it's just perfect

you talk about cutting cost can you

compete solely on costs when competing

with Chinese developers now but you I

don't think it's a it's a question about

Chinese developers or something this is

a this is a global market and and

reality is right now that if you look at

the demand and the supply side we are

constantly expanding manufacturing

footprint so I don't think it's a cost

question it is more how effective are

your assets going to be and for how long

because you would appreciate when we

talk about energy transition today this

is not about what happens in 20 it's

what happens in 2030 it's what happens

in 2040 and and that is far bigger than

just a single question about two

companies this is this is a global

question and of course we as the global

capacity provider on the supply side

we're constantly expanding that so

confident of staying on top confident on

being number one confident as I'm

sitting here it's full of fire then and

still I keep my my heat let's take a

look at the cost of carbon expected to

be at 30 euros by urine how is that

impacting you yeah but I said it's it's

for us when we look at things we we come

we try to live with their valuables and

there will be variables in the supply

tea and there'll be variables in the

market we live with I think what we have

kept really throughout now many years is

a long term view of where do we need to

be from a competitive point of view and

then as we also just come out of a year

which we expect or commented on a number

of times you would have challenges in a

year when there are many changes

variables like the tariffs the trade war

and others which probably affected us

negatively within the year but I will

also say that is to be overcome of a

global organization like vistas and a

leadership team that's Jose the strength

of it but does it create any problem for

you is it a challenge no honestly not

because right now I think the challenge

is that we have a number of both

companies and countries around the world

that we need to serve as customers for

our energy solutions when they are then

variables coming to that that comes not

only to us but that comes to the world

so all of the variables the world has to

live with I think it's more that we then

transparently say how are we going to

deal with the variables on your energy

solution given the confidence given the

optimism I mean give us a sense of the

outlook for wind turbines for 2020 2021

it's super nice but as I'm releasing my

annual report on the fifth of favor and

not going to fall into that trap

but I'm just saying here it cannot avoid

affecting you when you walk around three

days here in intervals

you literally meets our direct customers

you need countries and other stuff we

have all the time said that the

transition that is happening right now

from the various energy sources this is

not about closing an energy source down

it's about dealing with that there will

be a demand side in 2035 that is 40%

higher for demand for electricity so

renewable is not going to cut it alone

but we are going to take a material part

of that so instead of talking about your

your twenty which I'm already now 24

days in to listen I need to I need to

talk about what happens in three five

ten years because that's actually how we

need to focus on how to expand

businesses footprint

right now participating and leading a

super exciting part of the Renewable

industry fair to say though the

environment is quite challenging

especially with the us-china situation I

mean that added to your cost in 2019 I

mean do you see the phrase one deal

helping to alleviate the cost that

you're bearing now I think the face one

deal is not going to touch too much on

our supply chain which ways we know but

I think it's it's more like we are now

coming from a in a situation where there

were more tensions - less tensions so

I'm all looking at a sort of a little

bit of a scale and saying it seems like

we are easing it rather than further

tensing it and therefore I'm hopefully

that when we look towards 21 and 22 that

we have more natural or more ordinary

circumstances and if not then it's up to

us to adjust our global supply chain to

deal with with those parameters

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