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Lép tiéng Anh thay Nghia - 0914502080 INDIRECT SPEECH (LOI NOI GIAN TIEP) (A. THEORY (LY THUYET) Cau tuéng thudt Li loai cau thudt lai oi r6i ctia nguéi khéc durdi dang gin tiép, L MOT SO THAY DOL co BAN KIIL TUONG THUAT . Khi chuyén tir cfu néi true tiép sang cau ndi gidn tiép 06 nhimg thay di sau: 1. Che dgi tir [The day after tomorrow [The day before yesterda Here 3. Thi ciia dng tir (Cie dai tir True tiép Gian tiép [Subject pronouns I he/ she You 1 We! The; We We/ The (Object pronouns me him/ her fou ‘me! us/ them us, us/ them [Possessive adjectives m his/her our my/ our! their our our their [Possessive pronouns ‘mine his/ hers ours. mine/ ours/ theirs ours cours! theirs Demonstratives this that these those 2. Trang tir chi thdi gian Trwe tiep Gian tiep (Today that da: (Tonight that night [Tomorrow the next day/ the following da: [Tomorrow morning the next moming esterday ithe day before/ the previous day [Ago before Now then INext (Tuesday) ithe next! following Tuesda iLast (Tuesday) the previous Tuesday/ the Tuesday before jin two days’ time/ two days later ‘two days before there {Tén thi True tgp Giin tgp IHign tai don V(barey/V( Vedi V (cit 2) He said: "I live in a big city." He said (that) he lived in a amiis/are big city. She said: "Iam at home." Wasiwere Lép tiéng Anh thay Nghia - 0914502080 She said (hat) she way at jome. (Qua Khe don lHign tai tiép dién Vedi¥ (et 2) Peter said: "I did it by myself.” sunday." [Amlis/are + V-ing She said: "we are leaming now." Had + VPIT Peter said (that) he had done jit hy himself. Had been lary said (that) she had ibeen in the park the Sunday before. asiwere + V-ing ‘She said (that) she was learning then. (Qua Kit tigp dién Hi¢n tai hoan| han Higa tai oan, thanh tiép dién asiwere + V-ing |e said: "I was sleeping then." IHave/has + Vp2 He said: "Someone has stolen my bag." IHave/has + been + Ving She said: "I have been waiting for you for 3 hours." Had + been + V-ing IIe said (that) he had been Sleeping then Had + Vp2 IHe said fthati someone had stolen his bag [Had + been + Ving ‘She said (that) she had been waiting for me for 3 hours. Twromg lai don ill/shall + V(bare) |: "I will call you tonight.” ‘ould + V(bare) [Lan said fthatf) she would all me that night. TTicomg Tai gan |Am/is/are + going to+ V Huong said: "Wwe are going to have a jparty next weekend." ‘asiwere + going to + V [Huong said (that) they were lgoing to have a party the next weekend.” |Déng tir khuyerCan (Could thiéu He said: "I can’t come on time.” He said (that) he couldn't on time. ‘Must/have to (su bitt bude) Had to ‘She said: "I must take care of my little She said (that) she had to other.” take care of her little brother. Must (sy suy dién) - Must He said: "You must be tired now." Must (dura ra loi khuyén) My father said: "This exam is very important. You must prepare for it well." Mustn't (sr cm doan) She said: "You mustr't make noise here." {He said (that) I must be red then. Must My father said (duat) that fexam was very important land I must prepare for it well, Mustn't ‘She said (that) I mustn't make noise there. lay My _ teacher said: "You_may Might My teacher said (that) we Lép tiéng Anh thay Nghia - 0914502080 use dictionaries for this test." ied He said: "I need do itnow." Imight use dictionaries for that test. Needed/had to lHe said (that) he Ineeded/had to do it then. Needn't (ding & hign tai) - Needn't/didn't have to he said: "We needn't set off early." She said (that) they needn'vdidn't have set off early. - Wouldn't have to He said (that) I wouldn't have to come here the next la 4, Nhing thay d6i cy thé trong tirng loal cu trong 161 ndl glan tiép a. Cu tran thuat trong Idi noi gin tiép: (Statements in reported specch-KD;PD=dang ké) Cong thite: S + say(s)/said + (that) +S + V... S + said (to + O) + (that) S + V. S + told + O + (that) S + V. We will have a test tomorrow’, My teacher said. My teacher said (that) they would have a test the next day. Luu §: say(s) /said to sb => tell(s)/told sb Vi dy: Eg: He said to me: "You are my best friend." => He told me (that) I was his best friend. “Note: Cé thé sir dung mot sé DT dan sau: thought, announced, explained, complained, believed. b. Céiu hoi trong loi ndi gidn tid (Questions in reported speech) © Chii y: Khi chuyén edu hoi truc tip thinh gidn tip eting can ap dung qui tic chuyén di trén, ngoai ra cn thay déi: ~ Déng tir tudng thugt cau hoi gin tigp la asked/ wanted to know/ wondered ( ty hdi) ~ Trat ty tir chuyén vé dang tran thuat tic Li chii ngtr ding true déng tir va khéng c6 tro d6ng tir ~ Khong diing lign tir “that’, du “2” duge bo di +*** Yes/ no questions: Céng thirc: § + asked (+O)/wanted to know/wondered ...+ Eg: Tuan asked Ba “Are you fond of watching television’ Tuan asked Ba if/whether he was fond of watching television "Did you go with your mother yesterday?" asked he. => He asked me if/whether I had gone with my mother the day before. 88% Wh-questions: Cong thite: $+ asked (+O)/wanted to know/wondered/..... + Wh-words/how + S + Needn't (ding 6 tuong lai) [He said: "You needn't_come here tomorrow. ' fiwhether +S + V+... Eg: He said to me, “Why did you go with her father last week?” => He asked me why I had gone with her father the week before. The teacher asked: "Why didn't you go to class last Friday?" =>The teacher asked me why I hadn't gone to class the Friday before. at va cau héi khi doi sang cau gidn tiép phan nao vin cir di phan ay Eg: “ T have left my watch at home. Can you tell me the time?” He said that he had left his watch zt home and asked me if I could tell him the time c. Cau ménh Iénh trong loi néi gidn tiép (Imperative in reported speech) Khi doi cau ménh lenh tryc tiép thanh cau ménh lénh gidn tigp, can I-u ¥: + Dong tirt- Ong thuat la: ordered, commanded (ra lénh), requested, asked (yéu cau), told (bao lam) + Tam ngittruc tiép chi ng-di nhan menh lenh d- ge néu len. + Hinh thie menh lenh cia dong tir rong cau menh Ienh truc tip déi thanh dong tir nguyén thé, (1) He/ she + ordered ¥ object * to infinitive commanded told asked requested Eg: “Please wait for a minute.” The man asked me > The man asked me to wait for a minute. “Would you mind opening the door” she asked me, She asked me to open the door. He said to the waiter, * Please bring me some hot water.” > He told to the waiter to bring him some hot water. I said to her “Please shut the window.” > Lasked her to shut the window. (He/she + ordered + object not to + infinitive told asked Eg: “Please don’t talk loudly”. > He asked me not to talk loudly. He said “Don’t shut the door”. > He asked me not to shut the door. 4. Cin cam than trong loi ndi gidn tiép: (L:xclamationin reported speech) - DOng tit ting thugt la: exclaim/shout Eg: He said, “ What a lovely garden they have” He exclaimed that they had a lovely garden - Céc hinh thite cam than bit diu bing “what’ va “how” chuyén sang gidn tiép bing: He said that it was ... hogc He exclaimed that it was ... Egl: She said; “What a pity!” (Direct speech) -> She exclaimed that it was a pity Eg2: I said; “What a nice horse” > I exclaimed that it was a nice horse Eg3: He said; “How beautiful she is!"-> He exc: she was beautiful! Eg4: “What a big egg” he said -> He said that it was a big egg gs: “ How dreadful!” he said -> He exclaimed that 1t was dreadful. Il. KHONG THAY BOI THI DONG TU" 1. Khi dng tir Grong thudt 6 thi hign tai ode Grong bai Vi du: He says: "I have just finished my work.” => He says (that) he has just finished his work. Lép tiéng Anh thay Nghia - 0914502080 2. Khi d6ng tir twong thuat 6 thi qua kh, cing khong cé thay déi thi dong tir trong nhiing trudng hgp sau a, Tuwéng thudt mét sy that hién nhién, mét chan li Vi du: ‘The little boy said: "Mother's mother is grandmother.” => The little boy said mother’s mother is grandmother. 4, Thoi qué khir don hode qua khit tiép dién c6 théi gian xac dinh hoic thuge ménh dé chi théi gian. Vi du: 1. She said, “My mother arrived on Monday” ~ She said that her mother arrived on Monday. 2. He said, “When I saw them, they were playing tennis” ~ He said when he saw them they were playing tennis. 3. He said: "I was doing my homework when my mother came in." => He said (that) he was doing his homework when his mother came in. 4. He said: "I was born in 2000." => He said (that) he was born in 2000. c Khi d6ng tir trong ciu true tiép c6: used to, should, would, could, might, ought to, had better, would rather Vi du: Peter said: "We used to go fishing in the afternoon." => Peter said (that) they used to go fishing in the afternoon. d. Khitwong thuat ménh dé w6e mudn voi “wish” va “if only” Vidu: He said: "I wish I were taller.” => He said (that) he wished he were taller. Cu didu kign Logi 2, 3 Vi du: He said: "If I were you, I would apologize to Linda.” => He said (that) if he were me, he would apologize to Linda, Tuy nhién néu loi ni tre tiép la cau diéu hign logi 1 thi duge chuyén sang logi 2 6 loi néi gidn tiép Eg: The advertisement said; “If you answer the questions correctly, you may win one million dollar” —> The advertisement said that | might win one million dollar If I answered the questions correctly, about) time..." My mother said: "It is high time you washed the dishes." => My mother said (that) it was high time I washed the dishes. I. CAC LOAI CAU TUONG THUST KHAC 1, Cau twong thuat véi déng tir theo sau bing d6ng tir nguyén thé trong nhimng tinh hudng nhu: yeu e4, dé nghj, khuyén bao, khuyén khich, .... = tell/ask sb + to V: bio/yéu eau ai lim gi = advise sb + to V: khuyén ai kim gi ~ promise + to V: hia kim gi threaten + w V: de doa lam gi ~ warn + sb + not to V: canh bao khdng nén Lim gi Lép tiéng Anh thay Nghia - 0914502080 - invite sb + to V; méi ai lam gi = remind + sb + to V: nhac nhé ai Lam gi = encourage sb + to V: khuyén khich ai Lim gi = offer + to V: 8 nghj lim gi = agree + to V: ding y Lim gi - Ex: He said, “Would you like to go out for a drink?” ----> He invited me to go out for a drink. = She said to me; “How about some coffee” --> She invited me some coffee “L will look after the house for you if you like” he said. He offered to look after the house for me if I liked. ~ Ex: She said, “Can you lend me your book?” ---> She asked me to lend her my book. Ex: “You should study harder,” my mother said. ---> My mother advised me to study harder. = Fg’ Why don’t you repaint our room? —>She advised me to repaint their room. - Ex: She said to me; “Don't forget to ring me up tomorrow evening” --> She reminded me to ring her up the bext eveining ~ Ex: “All right, I'll wait for you” he said ~-> He agreed to wait for me - Ex: “I'd like Lan to become a doctor,” my mum said --> My mum wanted Lan to become a doctor - Eg: ‘No, I won't lend you my car” --> He refused to lend me his car. - Eg: ‘I'll send you a card on your birthday” - > He promised to send me a card on my birthday. 2. Céu twong thudt véi déng tir theo sau bing danh dng tir (dug diing trong cic tinh hudng cé cae dong tir sau) = accuse sb of + V-ing: bude t6i ai vi lim gi = admit + V-ing: thira nhan lim gi ~ deny + V-ing: phu nhan lam gi ~ apologize (to sb) for + V-ing: xin léiai vi Lim gi ~ blame sb for + V-ing: dé 16i cho ai vi lam gi = complain (to sb) about + V-ing: phan nan ve diéu gi ~ confess to V-ing: thi nhdn kim gi - insist on + V-ing: khang khang - object to + V-ing: phan déi Lim gi ~ suggest + V-ing: goi y/dé nghi lam g' - thank sb for + V-ing: cam on ai vi kim gi ~ Ex: He said to me; --> He suggested going home -Ex: “I'll help you with your physics exercise,” Peter said to Susan. ----> Peter insisted on helping Susan with her physics exercise. + Ex: “It was nice of you tw help me. Thank you very much,” Tom said to you, ---> Tom thanked me for helping him Lép tiéng Anh thay Nghia - 0914502080 - Ex: “I'm sorry I'm late,” Peter said. ----> Peter apologised for being late. ~ Ex: John said, “I heard you received tke scholarship. Congratulations!” > John congratulated me on receiving the scholarship. -“Thear you passed your exams. Congratulations!” John said to us, - => Tom congratulated us on passing our exams - Ex: “We stole his money,” they said. ----> They admitted stealing his money. - Ex: “I didn’t steal his money,” she said, ----> She denied stealing his money. - Ex: “T want to pass the exam with flying colours,” John said. John dreamed of passing the exam with fying colours. -“P’ve always wante to be rich, ” Bob said -> Bob had always dreamed of being rich - Ex: “You took some of my money,” he said = ---> He accused me of taking some of his money BAL TAP AP DUNG TONG HOP Exercise 1: Viét lai cu bing cach chuyén tir cau truc tiép sang céu gidn tiép 1. Nam said: "I am told to be at school before 7 o'clock", ‘Thu said: "All the students will have a meeting next week" Phong said: “My parents are very proud of my good marks” The teacher said: "All the homework must be done carefully”. "Her father said ta her 90 to the mar your friend". "Do you enjoy reading?", Phong asked Peter. "Do your sister and brother go to the same school?", she asked Nam, "Are there any oranges in the fridge?”, she asked her mom. "Were you reading this book at 8 o'clock last Sunday?", she asked Bi "Will it rain tomorrow morning?", he asked his friend. "Where does your father work?" the teacher asked me. “How many people are there in your family?" she asked Lan ‘Tam's friend asked him: "How long ‘The teacher said to Lien: "What's your hobby? 15. "Llow do you go to the airport?" his friend asked him. Lép tiéng Anh thay Nghia - 0914502080 16. "wish Thadn't gone to the party last =>. ight" she said. 17. "The Earth moves around the Sun", my teacher said, =>. . 18. Peter sai =>. want to tell you the news, You must be surprised’ 19. The woman said: “When I was walking on the pavement, a strange man stopped and asked me the way to the nearest bank." 20. "How many lessons are you going to learn next month?”, he asked me. Exercise 2: Chia dang ding cia dng tir trong ngoge Jack asked his sister where she (go) ____the following day. The mother told her son (behave)____s0 impolitely She asked why Mathew (look____ so embarrassed when he saw Carole. The boy admitted (not do), the homework. Our grandparents used to suggest (Wear) __sunglasses when we were out on ight sunny days, Robert offered (help) Carlo do the dishes. The captain ordered his men (abandon) the ship immediately. Tom promised (give) Janet the answer by the end of the week. 9. Jane criticized Frank for (disclose) __ their confidential report to the pre 10. The team leader reminded us (tidy up)___the final draft before submi SANT eee mn. 11. The kidnappers threatened (kill)___ our boy if we did not pay the ransom, 12. Bill said that he never (be) ___to Russia and he thought he (go)___there the next year. 13. John apologized to his Mum for (break), promise. 14, Steve warned Mike (touch)____the wires as it might be deadly. 15. The police asked Mr John what he (do)___ the night before. 16. The doctor strongly advised Jasmine (take)___a few days' rest. 17, Maty said if she (be), +h, she (travel) around the world, 18. He said that English (be) very useful for my future job and I (must) master i 19. He said they (play) games in the bedroom then. 20. She said that I had better (go) __home early. Exercise 3; Viét lai cau bing cach chuyén tir cau try tiép sang cau gidn tiép 1. She said to him: "Give me another glass of wine". => She told. 2. She said to me: "Bring me a book". => She asked. 3. The mother => The mother told ‘The captain said to them: "Wa => The captain asked . . 5. "Do come and enjoy tea with my family” she said. => She invited us... 6. "Why don't we come to visit our teacher today?" he said. => He suggested... : "Open the window please!" Icome back". Lép tiéng Anh thay Nghia - 0914502080 7. "My advice to you is to do morning exercises" she said, => She advised me... 8. "I'm sorry I broke the glas => Peter apologized 9. "Why don't you put your luggage under the seat?" he asked, => He suggested. 10. “It's true that T broke your: old vase", she said in tears. => She admitted se 11, "Don't move or I'll shoot", said the bank robber to the clerk. => The bank robber threatened 12. "Don't forget to phone the police”, she told him, => She reminded ........ 13. "Don't swim out too far, boys", said the coach, —> The coach warned... sone 14. Linh said, "If my father pais the bike now, I will ride the bike to school.” —> Linh said. 15. "Lwould have passed the exam => Binh said Exercise 4: Chon phurong in ding if [had tried my best” Binh said. 1. The interviewer asked me what experience___for the job. ‘A. do you get B. did I ge: C.1 got D. you got 2. They asked me whether I was working "A. next day afternoon B. the afternoon followed C. the following afternoon D. tomorrow afternoon 3. “Where have you been hiding?", she asked. She asked me where____hiding. A. Thave been B. have I been C. had Ibe D. [had been 4. He asked me, home the day before. A. what time I leave RB. what time I will leave C. what time I had left D. what time I left 5. John asked me English. A. what does this word mean B. what that word means C. what did this word mean D. what that word meant 6. She said 1 an angel. B. was C. were D. have been 7. Laura said she had worked on the assignment since. ‘A. yesterday B. two days ago C. the day before D. the next day 8. John asked me. interested in any kind of sports. A. if L were B. if were [ C. if was I D. if twas 9. John asked me. that film the night before, ‘A. that I saw B. had I seen C. if'Thad D. if had I seen 10. She asked me. the seat or not. A. if/ had occupied B. whether / was occupied if has been occupied D. whether / occupied Il. The policeman asked us A. had any of us seen the accident happen B. if had any of us seen the accident happen Lép tiéng Anh thay Nghia - 0914502080 C. whether any of us had scen the accident happen D. that if any of us had seen the accident happen 12. Lasked him. but he said nothing. ‘A. what the matter was B. what was the matter C. the matter was what D. what's the matter was 13, James him up when the bus reached the square. A. told me wake B. asked me to wake C. said me to wake D. requested me waking 14, Lwonder, we'll catch the bus we'll take a taxié A. it/and whether B. whether / or that C. if / or that D. whether / or whether 13. Excuse me. Could you tell me. 2 A. what time is it B. what is the time C. what time it is D. it is what time 16. We wonder from his office after that scandal. ‘A. why did he not resign B. why he did not resign C. why he not resign D. why didn't he resign 17, Jeff'wanted to know. ‘A. that why were his friends laughing B. why were his friends laughing C. why his friends were laughing D. the reason why his friends laughing 18 Mr Hawk told me that he would give me his answer the__day. A. previous B. following C. before D. last 19. She him whether he liked the steak she cooked. Av asks B. wondered C. wanted to know. asked 20. His neighhonrs sometimes wondered he did for a living A. why B, when C. where D. what

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