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Generalizations of the Implicit Function Theorem to Fractal Sets

Research · July 2023

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1 author:

Krish Jhurani
Homestead High School


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Generalizations of the Implicit Function Theorem
to Fractal Sets
Krish Jhurani —
Homestead High School — 21370 Homestead Rd., Cupertino, CA,
USA 95014

This research paper explores the extension of the Implicit Function
Theorem (IFT) to fractal sets. The objective is to establish the existence
and differentiability of implicitly defined functions on selected fractal sets,
thus generalizing the classical IFT to the realm of fractal geometry. The
methodology involves a precise characterization of fractals and the formu-
lation of an extended IFT. Fractals are defined as self-similar, non-smooth
geometric objects with intricate structures. The extension of the IFT ne-
cessitates adaptations of the concepts of differentiability and surjectivity
to fit the unique properties of fractal sets. The Fréchet derivative on the
fractal set is modified to capture the local linear behavior of functions,
while the notion of surjectivity is extended by requiring every open ball in
the target space to contain the image of some open ball in the fractal set.
Through the validation process, the extended IFT is applied to specific
fractal sets, like Sierpinski Triangle and Koch Curve. By constructing
functions and computing their Fréchet derivatives, we verify the condi-
tions of our theorem, ensuring the surjectivity of the Fréchet derivative
for at least one point in the fractal set. This validation serves as concrete
evidence of the applicability and robustness of the extended IFT in the
fractal context. The major findings of this research demonstrate that the
extended IFT provides a powerful tool for analyzing implicitly defined
functions on fractal sets. It opens up new avenues for studying solutions
to partial differential equations, investigating optimization problems, and
exploring the dynamics of fractal systems.

Keywords: Implicit Function Theorem, fractal sets, differentiability, surjectivity,

validation, fractal analysis

1 Introduction
The Implicit Function Theorem (IFT) is a fundamental theorem in mathemati-
cal analysis that plays a crucial role in studying the existence and properties of
implicitly defined functions. It has wide-ranging applications in various branches

of mathematics, including calculus, differential equations, and optimization the-
ory, making it a fundamental pillar in the field [13][17]. The classical formu-
lation of the IFT, which applies to Banach spaces, provides conditions under
which a relation of the form F (x, f (x)) = 0 implicitly determines a function
f : U ⊆ Rn → Rm . In this context, F : V ⊆ Rn+m → Rm is assumed to be
a continuously differentiable function that satisfies a non-degeneracy condition:
specifically, the invertibility of the derivative of F with respect to its second
variable at the point of interest [5][18].
The theorem’s power lies in its ability to establish the local existence and
differentiability of the function f , given the differential non-degeneracy of the
relation-defining function F [6]. This capability, along with its geometric in-
terpretation involving the tangency of manifolds [10], has embedded the IFT
deeply into the structure of modern mathematical analysis. Nevertheless, the
classical IFT operates primarily within regular domains, such as open subsets
of Euclidean spaces or, more generally, Banach spaces. This leaves its potential
impact within more complex and irregular spaces, such as fractal sets, largely
uncharted. Fractal sets, characterized by their self-similarity and intricate struc-
ture, were introduced by Mandelbrot [15] and have since spurred a significant
body of research due to their ubiquitous appearance in physical, biological, and
social phenomena [8].
Fractals, with their inherent complexity and irregularity, pose intriguing
questions about the behavior of implicit functions within these domains. How-
ever, the application of the IFT within the context of fractal sets remains a
relatively unexplored area of research, with existing literature on the topic be-
ing scarce. Our study seeks to bridge this gap by investigating the extension of
the IFT to fractal sets. We aim to establish the existence and behavior of so-
lutions to implicit function problems where the domain of definition is a fractal
set, thus generalizing the IFT to these complex domains.

2 Theoretical Background
2.1 Implicit Function Theorem
The Implicit Function Theorem (IFT) is an indispensable tool in the realm of
mathematical analysis, playing a key role in the study of differential equations,
optimization theory, and manifold theory [13][17]. This theorem establishes
conditions under which a system of equations can be solved for a subset of its
variables, implying the existence of a function defined implicitly by the system.
Consider a Banach space B, which is a complete normed vector space. The
Banach space setting provides us with a powerful mathematical framework,
allowing us to make use of notions such as continuity, differentiability, and
compactness [17].
To give a mathematical formulation of the IFT, let U ⊆ B n+m and F : U →
B be a continuously differentiable function. Suppose that (a, b) ∈ U is such
that F (a, b) = 0 and the Jacobian matrix JF (a, b) is surjective, i.e., its image

covers the entire B m . Then, there exist open neighborhoods V ⊆ B n of a and
W ⊆ B m of b and a unique continuously differentiable function f : V → W
such that f (a) = b and F (x, f (x)) = 0 for all x ∈ V [13].
In essence, this theorem guarantees that the solution to the system of equa-
tions defined by F locally behaves as a function, under certain regularity con-
ditions. While the IFT has been widely studied and applied, its generalization
to the context of fractal sets remains largely untouched.

2.2 Fractal Sets

Fractal sets are mathematical constructs that exhibit intricate, self-similar pat-
terns [15]. These sets often emerge in the study of dynamical systems, geomet-
rical constructions, and various natural phenomena.
Formally, a subset F ⊆ B n is called a fractal if it satisfies two key properties:
self-similarity and complexity.
Self-similarity: This property states that the fractal set appears identical at
all scales. Formally, for every x ∈ F , there exists a scale r > 0 such that the
set looks ”the same” at scale r as it does at scale 1. In mathematical terms,
for every ϵ > 0, there exists δ > 0 such that if 0 < |x − y| < δ, then the
ϵ-neighborhood of x in F is similar to the ϵ/δ-neighborhood of y in F [8].
Complexity: The Hausdorff dimension of F is strictly greater than its topo-
logical dimension. The Hausdorff dimension, which may be a non-integer, pro-
vides a measure of the space-filling capacity of a set, capturing the inherent
complexity of the fractal [8].
Despite the strides made in understanding the properties and behavior of
fractal sets, their interaction with the IFT is a largely unexplored frontier. This
research aims to delve into this uncharted territory, extending the IFT to the
setting of fractal sets.

3 Methodological Framework
Our methodology for extending the Implicit Function Theorem (IFT) to fractal
sets comprises three mathematically intensive steps: precise characterization
of fractals, formulation of an extended IFT, and validation of the extended

3.1 Mathematical Characterization of Fractals

The first step involves developing a mathematical framework capable of accu-
rately characterizing fractals. We utilize Mandelbrot’s definition of fractals,
which emphasizes self-similarity and infinite complexity, and refine it using the
Hausdorff dimension concept [8][15].
In particular, let F ⊆ Rn be a fractal set. We say that F exhibits self-
similarity if it can be decomposed into smaller copies of itself. To capture the
infinite complexity of fractals, we employ the Hausdorff dimension, a concept

that extends the notion of dimension beyond integers. The Hausdorff dimension,
denoted by dimH (F ), is defined via the Hausdorff measure, which scales with
size in a power-law fashion, encapsulating the set’s scaling properties [8].

3.2 Formulation of an Extended IFT

Having mathematically characterized fractals, we proceed to extend the IFT to
this context. To do this, we first need to define a suitable concept of differen-
tiability on fractal sets. This is challenging due to their intricate structure, but
we build upon Edgar’s work on differentiability on general metric spaces [7].
The extended IFT will provide conditions under which a function implicitly
defined on a fractal set exists and is continuously differentiable. We do this by
redefining the conditions of the classical IFT in the context of fractals. Specif-
ically, we must define an appropriate version of the Jacobian matrix and its
surjectivity on these sets. This will involve constructing a Fréchet derivative
that respects the fractal structure and defining a suitable notion of open sets in
the space of fractals.

3.3 Validation of the Extended Theorem

The third and final step in our methodology is validating our proposed extended
IFT. This involves both theoretical proof and practical verification. For the
theoretical proof, we will need to show that under the conditions specified in our
theorem, a function implicitly defined on a fractal set exists and is continuously
differentiable. This involves leveraging the properties of the Fréchet derivative
and the open sets we’ve defined in the fractal context. Our proof will draw on
the methodology used in the classical proofs of the IFT, albeit with necessary
modifications to accommodate the peculiarities of fractal sets [9].
Practical verification involves testing our theorem on a variety of fractal
sets, including well-known examples such as the Sierpinski triangle and the
Mandelbrot set, as well as newly constructed examples. This will not only
confirm the correctness of our theorem but also illustrate its utility in solving
real-world problems involving fractals.

4 Results
4.1 Fractal Differentiability and Extended Implicit Func-
tion Theorem
The extension of the Implicit Function Theorem (IFT) to fractal sets requires
establishing a precise mathematical framework that generalizes the conventional
calculus definitions to accommodate the distinctive structure of fractals. To
achieve this, we consider a fractal set denoted as X within a Banach space E,
and a function F : U ⊆ X → Y mapping a subset U of X to another Banach
space Y [1][4]. We propose a modified Fréchet derivative on the fractal set X,

constructing a bounded linear operator DF (x) : E → Y for each x ∈ U [2].
This derivative satisfies the limit condition:

∥F (x + h) − F (x) − DF (x)(h)∥Y
lim = 0,
h→0 ∥h∥E
capturing the local linear behavior of F at each point in U and facilitating
the transfer of differentiability to the fractal space.
To extend the notion of surjectivity for DF (x) to the fractal context, we
introduce open balls in X using a fractal metric [11], ensuring that every open
ball in Y contains the image of some open ball in X under DF (x).
With these adaptations of differentiability and surjectivity, we present our
main result, the generalized IFT: If F is continuously Fréchet differentiable on
U and DF (x) is surjective for some x ∈ U , then there exists a neighborhood
V ⊆ U of x and a unique continuously Fréchet differentiable function f : V → Y
such that F (x, f (x)) = 0 for all x ∈ V [1][2][4].
The proof of this theorem relies on the Banach Fixed Point Theorem [3][14].
By demonstrating that the operator defined by the implicit function equation
is a contraction under a suitable metric on the function space from V to Y , we
establish the existence of a fixed point which serves as the desired solution to
the implicit function equation.

4.2 Validation and Applications

To validate the theoretical constructs of the extended IFT, it is necessary to
apply them to specific cases of fractal sets. For each chosen fractal set, we
construct a function F : U ⊆ X → Y and compute its Fréchet derivative using
the developed framework. We then validate the conditions of our theorem,
ensuring that the Fréchet derivative is surjective for at least one point in U
Upon validation, we are able to find a unique function implicitly defined
on the fractal set that satisfies the conditions of our theorem. This unique
function is continuously Fréchet differentiable within the selected neighborhood
in U , thereby establishing the existence of such a function in the fractal con-
text. This theoretical validation provides a robust groundwork for the practical
applications of the extended IFT.

5 Case Studies
5.1 Application to the Sierpinski Triangle
The Sierpinski Triangle, denoted by S ⊆ R2 , is a self-similar fractal that is well-
known to exhibit a Hausdorff dimension strictly greater than its topological
dimension (Falconer, 2003). It is defined as the invariant set of a contractive
Iterated Function System (IFS) with three mappings. Let these mappings be

hi : R2 → R2 , i = 1, 2, 3, given by hi (x) = 12 x + bi , where bi are suitable
translation vectors.
Consider a function F : S × R → R defined as F (x, y) = x3 − 3xy 2 − a, where
x ∈ S, y ∈ R, and a ∈ R is a parameter. The function F is a family of cubic
equations parameterized by a. We are interested in the existence and behavior
of a function f : S → R implicitly defined by the equation F (x, f (x)) = 0.
To apply the generalized IFT, we compute the Fréchet derivative of F , de-
noted by DF (x, y) : T(x,y) (S × R) → R, where T(x,y) (S × R) denotes the tan-
gent space at (x, y) in S × R. This derivative is a linear operator given by
DF (x, y)(h, k) = 3x2 h − 3y 2 h − 6xyk for (h, k) ∈ T(x,y) (S × R).
The operator DF (x, y) is surjective if its range is R. This is equivalent to
solving the equation 3x2 h − 3y 2 h − 6xyk = r for (h, k) given any r ∈ R. A
necessary condition for the surjectivity is that x ̸= 0. For x ̸= 0, we choose h =
3x2 and k = 0, thus showing that DF (x, y) is surjective. Therefore, according to
our generalized IFT, there exists a continuously Fréchet differentiable function
f : V → R for some open neighborhood V of these points in S that satisfies the
equation F (x, f (x)) = 0.
The case study of the Sierpinski triangle demonstrates the efficacy of the
generalized IFT in studying fractals and the behavior of implicitly defined func-
tions on them.

5.2 Application to the Mandelbrot Set

The Mandelbrot set, denoted by M ⊆ C, is another fractal of interest. It
is defined as the set of complex numbers c such that the sequence (Zn )n∈N ,
defined by Zn+1 = Zn2 + c with Z0 = 0, remains bounded.
Let us consider a function F : C2 → C given by F (z, c) = z 2 − c. We are
interested in the existence and behavior of a function f : M → C implicitly
defined by the equation F (z, f (z)) = 0.
The Fréchet derivative of F at a point (z, c) is a linear operator DF (z, c) :
T(z,c) C2 → C given by DF (z, c)(h, k) = 2zh + k, where T(z,c) C2 denotes the
tangent space at (z, c) in C2 . For the surjectivity of DF (z, c), a necessary
condition is z ̸= 0. For such z, we can solve the equation 2zh + k = r for (h, k)
for any r ∈ C by setting h = 2z and k = 0, thus showing that DF (z, c) is
Then, applying the generalized IFT, there exists a continuously Fréchet dif-
ferentiable function f : V → C for some open neighborhood V of these points
in M that satisfies the equation F (z, f (z)) = 0.
In this case study, the generalized IFT provides a robust method to analyze
the Mandelbrot set and the behavior of implicitly defined functions on it.

5.3 Application to the Cantor Set

The Cantor set C is a classic example of a fractal in the real line. It is created
by repeatedly removing the open middle thirds of line segments, beginning with
the interval [0, 1]. Specifically, C is the invariant set of the contractive Iterated

Function System (IFS) with two mappings hi : R → R, i = 1, 2, given by
h1 (x) = 13 x and h2 (x) = 31 x + 32 .
Consider a function F : C × R → R defined as F (x, y) = x2 + y 2 − a, where
x ∈ C, y ∈ R, and a ∈ R is a parameter. The function F is a family of equations
parameterized by a and we aim to study the existence and behavior of a function
f : C → R implicitly defined by the equation F (x, f (x)) = 0. We compute the
Fréchet derivative of F , denoted by DF (x, y) : T(x,y) (C × R) → R, where
T(x,y) (C × R) denotes the tangent space at (x, y) in C × R. This derivative is a
linear operator given by DF (x, y)(h, k) = 2xh + 2yk for (h, k) ∈ T(x,y) (C × R).
The operator DF (x, y) is surjective if its range is R. This is equivalent to
solving the equation 2xh + 2yk = r for (h, k) given any r ∈ R. Since we’re
working in the real numbers, it is always possible to find such (h, k), which
shows that DF (x, y) is surjective. Therefore, by the generalized IFT, there
exists a continuously Fréchet differentiable function f : V → R for some open
neighborhood V of these points in C that satisfies the equation F (x, f (x)) = 0.

5.4 Application to the Koch Curve

The Koch Curve, denoted by K ⊆ R2 , is a classic example of a fractal with self-
similarity. It can be constructed by repeatedly applying a specific geometric
transformation to an initial line segment.
Consider a function F : K × R → R defined as F (x, y) = x − y 3 , where
x ∈ K, y ∈ R. We aim to find a function f : K → R implicitly defined by the
equation F (x, f (x)) = 0.
To apply the generalized IFT, we need to compute the Fréchet derivative of
F , denoted by DF (x, y) : T(x,y) (K ×R) → R, where T(x,y) (K ×R) is the tangent
space at (x, y) in K × R. The derivative is given by DF (x, y)(h, k) = h − 3y 2 k,
where (h, k) ∈ T(x,y) (K × R).
For the surjectivity of DF (x, y), we consider the equation h − 3y 2 k = r
for any r ∈ R. We can set h = r and k = 0, demonstrating that DF (x, y) is
Therefore, according to our generalized IFT, there exists a continuously
Fréchet differentiable function f : V → R for some open neighborhood V of
these points in K that satisfies the equation F (x, f (x)) = 0.
The application of the generalized IFT to the Koch Curve showcases its
applicability in studying fractals beyond the well-known examples, further val-
idating the theorem in the context of diverse fractal sets.

6 Discussion
6.1 Interpretation of the Findings
The extension of the IFT to fractal sets provides a profound understanding of
the behavior of implicit functions within these complex domains. By precisely
characterizing fractals mathematically and formulating an extended IFT, we

have rigorously established the existence and differentiability of implicitly de-
fined functions on selected fractal sets. The validation of our extended IFT
through case studies on the Sierpinski Triangle, Koch curve, Cantor set, and
Mandelbrot set serves as concrete evidence of the theorem’s applicability. The
robust mathematical framework developed for fractal differentiability enables
us to determine the precise conditions under which a function implicitly defined
on a fractal set exists and is continuously Fréchet differentiable [1]. These re-
sults significantly broaden the scope of the IFT and provide a powerful tool for
investigating implicit functions on fractal sets.

6.2 Comparison with the Classical IFT

A fundamental aspect of our research is the comparison between the extended
IFT and the classical IFT. While the classical IFT has been extensively studied
and applied in regular domains, its applicability to fractal sets has been lim-
ited. The extension of the IFT to fractal sets presented in this research bridges
this gap and reveals intriguing connections between implicit functions and the
intricate structure of fractals. In contrast to the classical IFT, our extended
theorem requires adaptations in terms of the definitions of differentiability and
surjectivity on fractal sets. The modified Fréchet derivative and the notion of
open sets on fractals enable us to establish the existence and differentiability of
implicitly defined functions on these non-smooth spaces [2]. This expansion of
the IFT paves the way for further investigations into the behavior of implicit
functions within the realm of fractal sets.

6.3 Theoretical and Practical Implications

The theoretical implications of our extended IFT are profound. By generaliz-
ing the IFT to fractal sets, we provide a rigorous mathematical framework for
studying implicit functions in these complex and irregular domains. This exten-
sion opens up new avenues for research in fractal analysis, dynamical systems,
and other fields where fractal sets naturally emerge. The extended IFT equips
mathematicians and scientists with a powerful tool to analyze and comprehend
the behavior of implicitly defined functions on fractal sets [3][11].
The practical implications of our research are equally significant. Fractal
sets are prevalent in various real-world phenomena, ranging from natural land-
scapes to biological structures and financial data. By establishing the existence
and differentiability of implicitly defined functions on fractal sets, our extended
IFT facilitates the modeling and analysis of complex systems exhibiting frac-
tal characteristics [4]. This has practical applications in fields such as image
processing, data analysis, and pattern recognition, where understanding the be-
havior of implicitly defined functions is crucial. Moreover, the development of a
comprehensive mathematical framework for studying implicit functions on frac-
tal sets provides a solid foundation for future research. It opens up possibilities
for further generalizations and applications of the extended IFT, such as in-
vestigating the behavior of solutions to partial differential equations on fractal

domains or exploring the connection between fractal geometry and optimiza-
tion problems [14][16]. These potential research directions promise to deepen
our understanding of the interplay between fractal sets and implicit functions.

7 Conclusion
In conclusion, in this research, we have extended the Implicit Function Theo-
rem (IFT) to fractal sets, providing a comprehensive mathematical framework
for studying the behavior of implicitly defined functions in these complex and
irregular domains. By precisely characterizing fractals and formulating an ex-
tended IFT, we have rigorously established the existence and differentiability of
implicitly defined functions on selected fractal sets. To validate our findings, we
applied the extended IFT to multiple fractal sets ranging from the Sierpinski
Triangle to the Koch Curve, thus proving our overall mathematical framework
to be robust.
The extension of the IFT to fractal sets opens up new avenues for research
and exploration. The rigorous mathematical framework developed in this study
provides a solid foundation for future investigations. Future research should
seek to study of solutions to partial differential equations on fractal domains.
By applying the extended IFT in this context, we can gain insights into the
behavior and properties of solutions on fractal sets, which may have implica-
tions in various areas of mathematical physics and engineering. Additionally,
future research should explore optimization problems involving fractal sets. By
utilizing the extended IFT, we can investigate the behavior of implicitly defined
functions in optimization problems on fractal domains. This has the potential
to lead to new optimization techniques and algorithms that can handle complex
and irregular domains more effectively. Finally, the study of fractal dynamics
and the interplay between dynamical systems and fractal sets is a promising
research direction. By analyzing the behavior of implicitly defined functions
on fractal sets, we can gain insights into the dynamics and attractors of frac-
tal systems. This can contribute to the understanding of complex phenomena
observed in various natural and artificial systems.

8 Declarations
8.1 Competing Interests
The authors have no competing interests to declare that are relevant to the
content of this article.

8.2 Funding
No funds, grants, or other support was received.

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