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Alhamdulillahirobbil’alamin, let’s thank unto our god Allah

SWT who has been giving us some mercies and blessing. So by his
great blessing we can arrange this speaking book without any
troubles and obstacles.
Shalawat and salam always be given to our prophet
Muhammad SAW, by his guidance we are able to know which one is
right and which one is wrong.
Learning English is something important to face this
globalization era. We have to compete with other countries which
English is as the daily language. To communicate well we need to
improve our speaking. By practicing English every day we can catch
our fluent English.
By motto “practice makes perfect” we create this book as
teacher and student hand book to develop the speaking in ENGLISH.
We are sure that this book has not been perfect so the critics
and suggestion we wait for as our improvement.
Finally we don’t forget to say thanks so much for all of
GENTA Team who have helped to arrange this book. May this book
give something useful and be able to be guidance for great speaking
development. Amin
Pare, 04 September 2016


We are as human being of course we ever get sick. Sick is
something that makes our body, mind and everything feeling unwell.
When we are getting sick, we often can’t cure it by ourselves. We
need some advices from a doctor or our friends.
 Power words about sickness
1. Cough : batuk
2. Have a cold : pilek
3. Dizzy : pusing
4. Stomachache : sakit perut
5. Catch a cold : masuk angina
6. Painful : pegal
7. Fever : demam
8. Itch : gatal
9. Allergy : alergi
10. Health : sehat
11. Medicine : obat
12. First aid : P3K
13. Iodine : obat merah
14. Be sprained : keseleo
15. Exercise : olahraga
16. Take a rest : istirahat
 Asking advice
- What should I do for ……? (apa yang harus saya
- Where can I take medicine? (dimana saya bisa
- What is the medicine of ……..? (apa obatnya ……..)


- How to keep my healthy? (bagaimana cara jaga
kesehatan saya)

 Giving advice
- You should …… (kamu seharusnya……)
- You can take medicine in ….. (kamu bisa berobat
Emotion is part of life that can’t be separated. We always
express our emotions everyday. Emotion can be happy, sad,
embarrassed, amused, and so on. So now let’s get started!
 To express happiness 
- I’m really happy to hear that (saya senang
- It’s really exciting ….. (ini … yang sangat
- I am absolutely interested (saya sungguh tertarik)
 To express sadness 
- I was sad not meeting my mom (saya sedih ga berjumpa
- I’m having blues for …….. (saya sedih karena
 To express anger
- I can’t stand him any longer (saya tidak bisa lagi
- Don’t take it on me (jangan marah-maarah
- I have no any patience (kesabaranku sudah
Power words
- Surprised : terkejut
- Disgusted : jijik
- Ashamed : malu
- Bored : bosan
- Amazed : takjub
- Excited : gembira
- Confused : bingung
- Scared : takut
- Shy : malu
- Confident : percaya diri
- Exhausted : lelah
- Disappointed : kecewa
- Satisfied : puas
- Interested : tertarik
Living in village or city makes people having different
environment, culture, habit, and others. We need discuss to know
well about that. So let’s get started!
1. What do you think about village or city?
(apa yang kamu pikirkan tentang desa atau kota)
2. Why do you prefer to live in ……?
(mengapa kamu lebih suka tinggal di …….?)
3. Can you tell me about the environment of ………?
(bisakah kamu menceritakan tentang lingkungan di ….?)
4. What do you think about education in ……?
5. Is ……… nice according to you?
6. What about the transportation in …. ?
7. Do you feel comfort to live in …….?


Power words
Fresh Segar Pollution Polusi
Comfortable Nyaman Noisy Berisik
Dirty Kotor Cold Dingin
Factory Pabrik Company Perusahaan
Lake Danau River Sungai
Nature Alam Clean Bersih
Transportation Transportasi Safe Aman
Natural Alami Healthy Sehat
Simple Sederhana Mall Tempat
Amusement Taman Crowded Ramai
park bermain
Hot Panas Modern Modern
Access Jalur Wide Luas
Narrow Sempit Sport center Area olahraga
Field Sawah


Family is a group of people who are related to each other,
such as a mother, a father, and their children.
Here we have some topics to talk about that. Here we go!

 Signs of family and relationship problems

 Triggers for family and relationship problems
 The impact of family and relationship problems
 Things you can do if you are having family/relationship
 Where to go for help

Signs of family and relationship problems

 Frequent arguing (sering beradu komentar)
 Disagreements (ketidaksetujuan)
 Breakdown in communication (jarang komunikasi)
 Angry outbursts (marah yang luar biasa)
 Avoidance (penghindaran)
 Physical conflict (kekerasan)

Triggers for family and relationship problems

(pemicu terjadinya masalah keluarga dan hubungan)

 Difference in opinions, personalities, beliefs, values or goal

 Change in family circumstances e.g. new baby,
divorce/separation, blending families
 Financial problems
 Stress
 Issues relating to sexuality
 Alcohol or drug use
 Gambling problems
 The onset of mental health problems
 Bullying/harassment
 Natural disasters
 Lack of trust/respect in a relationship

The impact of family and relationship problems

Often family are the most important people to you so relationship

problems can be considerably distressing and can lead to:

 Negative emotions – anger, sadness, anxiety

 Stress
 Exhaustion
 Confusion
 Feeling isolated, alone or withdrawn
 Lack of concentration
 Difficulty eating or sleeping
 Problems with friends, colleagues or your children
 Using alcohol or drugs to cope or escape
Things you can do if you are having family/relationship
problems back to top

1. Talk - communication is the key and often the first step to

finding solutions. Be calm and honest about your concerns
when discussing your problems with a loved one.
2. Accept your differences - it can help avoid unnecessary
conflict if you can recognize that people have different ideas,
opinions and beliefs and you may not always be in agreement.
3. Have fun together - even when things are tough, it's important
to find the time to have fun with your loved ones.
4. Make a plan - it can help reduce stress and give common
goals to work towards. For example if you are having
financial problems it can help to create a budget.
5. Get help - you may not always be able to solve your problems
yourself so you may need some external help.

Where to go for help back

 Talk to friends/family
 Get relationship counseling or mediation
 Check out online information and resources through
Relationships Australia
 Attend courses/workshops in communication, parenting,
budgeting and positive communication skills
 See your GP if you are concerned about mental health
problems in yourself or others
Call a helpline like Lifeline or Kids Helpline


1. We consider that the foreigner is not busy
2. We consider that the foreigner is friendly
3. Don’t make your face scaring, but please be relaxed and often
4. Don’t ask their privacy, such as :
a. Personality
b. Religion
c. Marital status
d. Politics
5. Make them sure that you are really want to practice your


Excuse me, is it all right to trouble you, becouse we are
studentof English course and we mean to speak English
with you.
Hello.../sir/ madam, may I practice my English with you?
 My name is....Iam from.....and what is your name?
 Which country do you come from?
 Why do you come to visit my country?
 By the way, is it your first time to coming here?
 Then what do you think of my country?
 How long have you been here until now?
 Any way, where areyou staying now?
 Will you plan to stay for ages?
 Whom do you come here with?
 Anything makes you interested that you like my country as
your destination?
 What do you think about the season here?
a. Education matter
b. Their living
c. Economic
d. English matter
e. Culture
f. Work experience
g. Sport


h. Hobbies
Excuse me, can we take our picture?
Excuse me, May I have a picture wiht you?
Excuse me,could you write your down your home-town
address here?
Excuse me, here is my name card
Well, Mr.......or Mrs.....I must go now, it’s nice talking with
you and so long.

All right, Mr......or Mrs.......I must leave now.I’m verry happy chatting with
you thanks and good bye.

Debate is a formal contest of argumentation between two teams or
individuals. Each group has their own opinion about the topic that is given
at that time. In a debate, we have to know the rules and how to argue well.

Debate Vocabulary

(1) When you start saying something / contributing to a

First of all, I would like to say/state that
To begin this nice debate, I …….
In the first line, I

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(2)  What can you say instead of "I think"  
I would say/think
In my opinion
To my mind
I am of the opinion that
I hold the opinion that

(3)  When you want to stress your "personal opinion":

Personally I think
As far as I am concerned
As for me
As I take it
As far as I can see

(4)  When you "agree" or when you "don't agree":

I entirely/quite agree with you.
I agree to (with) her plan.    
I am of the same opinion.
I differ from/with you entirely.
I disagree with you: I am sure you're mistaken.
I stick to my opinion.
Let's agree to differ!

(5)  When you want to say the "opposite" of what someone else
on the contrary! quite the contrary! just the opposite!
That is the very opposite of what I said.
That is quite the contrary to what I said.
I maintain the contrary.
In contrast to what you said, I maintain that...........

(6)  When you are "quite sure" of something:

of course!
That goes without saying
It goes without saying that

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I contend/maintain that................
It's my conviction that..................

(7)  When you want to "ask a question":

May I interrupt you?
There arises the question/point whether/if
This question raises the whole issue

(8) When you "haven't understood":

I beg your pardon. / Pardon?
Could you repeat what you've just said? But slower, please./
Could you slow down a bit?

(9) If you should want to "correct a mistake":

Excuse me (for interrupting) you should have said:"....."

(10)When you want to distinguish one aspect from the other:

on the one hand - on the other hand
in general - in particular
generally speaking             
on the whole
taken as a whole
at first sight - on second thoughts

(11)When you want to "add" something:

In addition

(12)When you want to "emphasize" something:

I would like to lay (put) emphasis (stress) on the fact that..
I just want to point out that

(13)When you want to "say the truth":

To be frank (with you)
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Frankly (speaking)
To say the truth

(14)And if you are "not sure":

I don't know exactly.
I don't know for certain.

(A) General phrases:

in other words                    in this respect
to a certain degree/extent        It depends on your point of view
in brief/short
To be brief
To cut a long story short,...... 
Let me put it this
I don't know. - I don't know either.   Nor/Neither do I.

Let’s get debated!

Debate Topic 1: Men and Women – Equal at Last?

Debate Topic 2: Health or Rich

Debate Topic 3: Internet

Debate Topic 4: Studying or Working

Debate Topic 5: The Necessity of Grammar

To apologize is to tell someone that you are sorry for having
done something that has caused him inconvenience or unhappiness:


13 | G E N T A D I P L O M A - S P E A K I N G
 I must apologize to Isabel for my late arrival.
 I'd like to apologize for my
 Trouble making.
 Trains may be subject to delay on the northern line.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
 Here are some expressions you can use to make and respond
to apologies

Making apologies:

 I do apologize for...
 I must apologize for...
 I apologize for...
 I'd like to apologize for...
 I am so sorry for...
 I shouldn't have...
 It's my entire fault.
 I'm ashamed of...
 Please, forgive me for...
 Excuse me for ...
 I'm terribly sorry for...
 Pardon me for this...
 Please, forgive me for my....
 Please, accept my apologies for...

14 | G E N T A D I P L O M A - S P E A K I N G
Accepting apologies:

 That's all right.

 Never mind.
 Don't apologize.
 It doesn't matter.
 Don't worry about it.
 Don't mention it.
 That's OK.
 I quite understand.
 You couldn't help it.
 Forget about it.
 Don't worry about it.
 No harm done.

15 | G E N T A D I P L O M A - S P E A K I N G
I couldn’t replay
I can’t give your
your message I left you at the party
money back
last night

I brought your I couldn’t come to I use your pulse to call

sandals your birthday party my friend

I break your I can’t receive your

I’m late
heart love

I could not join

I couldn’t answer your
your class I broke your phone

I couldn’t come
to your wedding I can’t give you money I can’t help you
Elsa was coming late in Azza’s party. He had been waited for many
hours. He came an hour before the party finished.
Elsa : (knock the door) excuse me!
Azza : elsa? What time is it? I’ve been waiting for you many hours
Elsa : I’m so sorry Za, I was getting trouble with my stomach
Azza : why didn’t you send me message before?
Elsa : my phone was trouble, no one’s in my home. I do apologize
for my coming late.
Azza : oh sorry! I quite understand. Just forget about it!
Elsa : (hugging azza) thanks my friend and happy birthday to you.

16 | G E N T A D I P L O M A - S P E A K I N G
A vacation or holiday is a specific trip or journey, usually for the
purpose of recreation or tourism. Vacations are often spent with
friends or family. A person may take a longer break from work, such
as a sabbatical or gap year and for students in USA, they have fall,
winter, spring, or summer break.
Amusement park : taman hiburan
Campground : perkemahan
Mountain : gunung
Beach : pantai
Island : pulau
Trip : perjalanan
Lake : danau
Museum : musium
Destination : tujuan
Zoo : kebun binatang
Waterfall : air terjun
Cruise Ship : kapal pesiar
Diving : menyelam
Surfing : berselancar
Tour guide : pemandu wisata
Tourist : wisatawan
sight-seeing : melihat-lihat
souvenir : oleh-oleh

17 | G E N T A D I P L O M A - S P E A K I N G
visit : mengunjungi
spend : menghabiskan
let’s speak up by answering these questions!
1. Did you ever take a vacation?
2. When did you have a vacation?
3. How long did you spend for your vacation?
4. Where did you go on your vacation?
5. Can you tell me the place?
6. Whom did you go with?
7. How was your vacation?
8. Which place will you visit next time? why?


To talk about your likes and dislikes, you can use these expressions.
Expressing likes:

 I like…
 I love...
 I adore…
 I ‘m crazy about…
 I’m mad about…
 I enjoy…
 I’m keen on…

Expressing dislikes:

 I don’t like…
 I dislike...
 I hate…

18 | G E N T A D I P L O M A - S P E A K I N G
 I abhor…
 I can’t bear...
 I can’t stand…
 I detest...
 I loathe...

 Examples of likes and dislikes :

I'm mad about basketball, but I can’t bear ice hockey.

I adore reading poetry, but I loathe doing the housework.
If you neither like nor dislike something:

"I don't mind doing the housework."

Things to remember about likes and dislikes:

1. When these expressions are followed by a verb, the latter is put in

the -ing form.

"I like listening to music."

"I hate wearing sunglasses."
I like
I detest VERB+ING
I don't mind

2. Note that" very much" & " a lot" always come after the things
you like.

 "I like basketball very much/a lot. NOT" I like very much/a lot

19 | G E N T A D I P L O M A - S P E A K I N G
3. Be careful when you use "I don't mind..."

"Do you mind playing football?"

"No, I don't mind."(Although it's in a negative form, it means that it's
ok for me. I neither love it nor hate it.)
Dialogue:Steve is at home. His girlfriend comes in...Notice how they
express their likes and dislikes

Hello, darling. Do you fancy watching a film

Oh, no thanks, I don't really feel like watching a film
tonight. How about going out instead.
Steve: OK. Do you feel like going to the theater?
Oh, no. I hate it. Do you like eating at the new
Chinese restaurant?
Steve: I don't mind. The Chinese cuisine is alright.
Girlfriend: Well I really love it. Let's go.


What are complaints?

Complaints are expressions of "displeasure or annoyance" in

response to an action that is seen by the speaker as unfavorable.
Suppose you want to complain about the pizza you have just ordered
because it's too salty, what are the expressions needed to express and
respond to complaints?

20 | G E N T A D I P L O M A - S P E A K I N G

Here are expressions you can use when complaining:

 I have a complaint to make. ...

 Sorry to bother you but...
 I'm sorry to say this but...
 I'm afraid I've got a complaint about...
 I'm afraid there is a slight problem with...
 Excuse me but there is a problem about...
 I want to complain about...
 I'm angry about...

Responding to complaints

 Positive response to complaints:

 I'm so sorry, but this will never occur / happen again.

I'm sorry, we promise never to do the same mistake again.

 I'm really sorry; we'll do our utmost/best not to do the same

mistake again.
Negative response to complaints:

 Sorry there is nothing we can do about it.

 I'm afraid; there isn't much we can do about it.

21 | G E N T A D I P L O M A - S P E A K I N G
 We are sorry but the food is just alright.

Things to remember about complaints:

When expressing a complaint in English, it helps to be polite.

Although "I'm angry about your pizza. It's too salty" is one
possible way of expressing a complaint, it is considered too rude and
you'd better use more polite expressions if you want to get what you
Let’s have some dialogues! (Listen to the audio)
Not Enough Options.
Elan : Are you ready to order, Sir?
Richie : I wanted to try something new today, but I don't see
anything interesting on the menu.
Elan : What kind of food are you looking for?
Richie : Hmm.. nothing specific. Actually, I’ve tried all the dishes
that are listed here. I was looking to explore new ones.
Elan : Let me to talk to the chef. I’m sure he can suggest
Richie : No.That’s okay. Let me just suggest that you add some more
food variety to your menu. I haven’t seen any changes in it,
for a while now.
Elan : You’ve been one of our more regular customers. I’ll
definitely take your suggestion to the manager.
Richie : That’s good. For now, you can bring me the red sauce pasta
and potato wedges.
Soup Wasn’t Good.
Andy : Excuse me! Are you out of vegetables today?
Sam : I am sorry, Sir. I don’t understand...
Andy : I ordered a Creamy Vegetable Soup and there aren’t many
vegetables in it. It’s mainly just broth.

22 | G E N T A D I P L O M A - S P E A K I N G
Sam : I really apologize for that. Allow me to replace it with a
better one.
Andy : No. That’s alright now. I’ll just fill up on the main course.
Sam : I assure you it won’t happen again. As a token of our
apologies, we won’t charge you for the soup.
Andy : That’s good. I hope we won’t be disappointed with the food
Sam : You will not, Sir.
This Is Not How I Ordered It.
Elan : Excuse me! Would you mind telling me who’s the cook?
Sam : What’s wrong, Sir? Is there anything I can help you with?
Elan : Well, as you can see, I ordered a chicken parmigiana and the
chicken is not well-cooked.
Sam : I really apologize for this mistake. Allow me to get you a
better dish.
Elan : That’s alright, but you people have been running this
restaurant for so long! Usually such things do not happen
Sam : It’s a random mistake. I apologize on behalf of my chef.
Elan : I would appreciate if you can replace it with a well-cooked
Sam : Sure. Thank you for your patience.
It Is Taking Too Long!
Andy : Excuse me, Captain!
Richie : Yes Sir. How can I help you?
Andy : Well, it’s been 20 minutes since I gave my order. We’ve
haven’t received any appetizers or even any drinks yet.
Richie : Kindly give me a couple of minutes. I’ll check the status of
your order.
Andy : Please do so. I’m in a hurry and don’t have much time
Richie : Sure. I’ll bring your drinks now, and your order will be on
your table within the next 5 minutes.
Andy: Thanks a lot.
23 | G E N T A D I P L O M A - S P E A K I N G
There are two kinds of willingness expression. “Wish and hope” do
you know that? So let’s get started to speak about that!
 Wish
Wish umum digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu harapan yang
hanyalah sebatas khayalan “imagination”. Sehingga ini
bersifat unreal “tidak nyata”
I wish (that) you were here
(saya berharap kamu disini)
The fact: you’re not here
 Hope
Hope digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu keinginan yang
mana keinginan itu bisa direalisasikan.
I hope you can come to the party on Saturday.(future
(saya berharap kamu bisa dating ke pestaku hari sabtu)
I was hoping that you would come to the party.(but you
Wishing in Special Birth Day
3 of February is risma’s birth day. She gets special present from her

beloved sister. She is very happy but she is disappointed. Her elder
brother does not come and give saying “happy birth day”. She is
celebrating her birth day in her boarding school.
Elsa : happy birth day my beloved sister. (Bringing tart while
24 | G E N T A D I P L O M A - S P E A K I N G
Risma : wow. What is it? I’m really shocked.
Elsa : yeah, today is your birth day my sweetheart. Don’t you
remember it?
Risma : wait a moment. I will look at the date first (looking a date on
Emmzz, yeah now is 3th of February.
Today is my birth day. Thanks my beloved sister.
Elsa : don’t say it my sister. ok well, in this special day, what is
your wishing?
Risma : I wish that my elder brother was beside on me
Elsa : hahaha,,, you are really something ris. And what else?
Risma : I have special wishing actually. I hope that my elder brother
came to my party and said HBD.
Elsa : hems, be patient my sister. your brother may be busy with
his job.
Risma : I know but……..
Elsa : just be positive thinking to your brother. I hope you can
meet your elder.
Risma : if only he had not taken university in china he must have
been in my party.
I always imagined as if I had been beside me in my daily.
Elsa : I know what you feel now but this is your day. Let’s have a
tart now.
Risma : alright. You are my best.


1. What is kind of the housing in city?
2. How is the condition of housing in city?
3. How is the society there?
4. What is the advantage and disadvantage?
25 | G E N T A D I P L O M A - S P E A K I N G
5. Do you have any plan to live in the city?

Power words

1. Luxurious : mewah/ elegan

2. Design : desain
3. Imperial : kekerajaan
4. Simple : sederhana
5. Price : harga
6. Neighborhood : kerukunan tetangga
7. Well being : sejahter
8. Interior : desain dalam
9. Safety : keamanan
10. Private : pribadi
11. Self centric : individual/ egois
12. Medium : biasa
13. Compound : kumuh

Who never shops? I can’t believe it. Shopping is the activity
of buying something in the shops. Everyone ever must shop. The
shopping is not only done by adult but also teenager even childhood.
Let’s get started to study about that!

26 | G E N T A D I P L O M A - S P E A K I N G

Salesman : Good evening Sir.

Customer : Good evening.
Salesman : How can i help you?
Customer : Can u Show me Some Formal Shirts?
Salesman : Please Come with me.
Customer :Yes why not?
Salesman : Please come to counter no.2.
Salesman : What is the occasion sir?
Customer : It's my interview.
Salesman : That means u need to wear a light color shirts with lining.
Customer : Yes show me something in slim fitting
Salesman : Do you have any color preference?
Customer : Yes show me something in white with blue lining.
Salesman : think sir u will like this shirt.
Customer : Yes,not bad but can u show me somthing in cotten fabric.
Salesman :Would you like to see this one.
Customer : Yes,this is awesome.
Customer : Can u open the whole thing.
Salesman :Yes,definitely.
Customer : Is there any different lining in this one.
Salesman : Yes,there are 2 or 3 different linings in this one.
Customer : Please show me those.
Salesman : OK,but i think this linings looks very impressive.
Customer : So,whats the price?

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Salesman : It is Rs.1500/-
Customer : Oh,the price seems to be quite it fixed?
Salesman : Since you are our regular customer some discount will be
offered to you.
Salesman : Sir,the quality of the shirt is also very good.

Customer : Yes,i know that.still i feel that the price is high.

Customer : So how much exactly should i pay you?
Salesman : Sir,You say what are you willing to give?
Customer : Not more than 1100.
Salesman : Oh!sir that will be too less.
Customer : I have an idea,how much it actually cost?
Salesman : Sir,you give at least Rs.1300/-
Customer : OK,then ill give you Rs.1200/-
Salesman : Alright sir.
Customer : Can i make the payment through a credit card?
Salesman : Yes,sir.
Salesman : Thank you for coming sir.
Customer : Yes,but next time i come here for shopping you have to offer
more discounts.
Salesman : We will surely try to satisfy you.Keep coming
Customer : OK,thank you.

Power words about shopping

Bargain : menawar
Sell : menjual
Buy : membeli
Small change : uang receh
Cheap ; murah
Expensive : mahal
Good quality : kualitas bagus
Best seller : terlaris
Sold out : laku terjual
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Pay for : membayar
Owe : hutang
Credit : kredit
Price : harga
Come with me : ikut saya
Customer : pelanggan
Export : ekspor
Import : impor
Guaranty : jaminan

Special activity is some activities that you like or become

your special hobby. Every day and everywhere you do.

For example:

Every week each class visits the lab DC dance studio and
attends a break-dance lesson with Mr. Duane and Mr. Antonio. The
children enjoy learning the basic steps in break dancing, develop their
gross motor skills, and cultivate their creativity in inventing their on
freezes and dances steps.

Get up : bangun tidur lying down : leyeh2
Manage : mengelola take down :
Share : curhat tired of : bosan
Wait : menunggu well known : terkenal

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Brush : menyikat day after day : sehari
For a while : sebentar

 What your special activity?

 Why do you like it?
 With whom do you do your special activity?
 How many times do you do your special activity on one day?

What goods do you need?


Talking about favorite things
When you talk about your favorite things you talk about the best
liked or most enjoyed things.
 "What's your favorite color?" "Green."
Study the dialogue:
Leila is talking to her new friend Cathy:
Leila: What kind of films do you like best?
Cathy: Science fiction. And you?
Leila: Comedy. And who's your favorite actor?
Cathy: Tom Cruise.
Leila: I like Robert de Nero most.

Asking about favorite things:

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 What's your favorite sport?
 What sport do you like best?
 What sport do you like most?
 What kind of sport do you like best?
 Who's your favorite football player?


 My favorite sport is football.

 I like football best.
 I like football most.
 My favorite football player is Ronaldo.
Let’s get exercised!
What’s your favorite ………………. Why?

(you can fill the blank by your own question you want)

Do you like problem buddy? Are you sure? How if there are many
problems coming on one time? Are you ready to face that?  SO

Here you have seven problems coming together at the same time?
Which one will you do for the first and which one will be the last?
All depend on your choice.

1. You are taking a bath

2. There is someone knocking the door
3. Your baby is crying
4. Your phone is ringing
5. The electric is off
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6. Your water is boiling
7. Your time to pray less 5 minutes left
So please choose your best and give the reasons.

Power words
Carry : menggendong
Switch on/off : menyalakan/ mematikan
Give priority to: mendahulukan
Obligation : kewajiban
Soul : nyawa
Save : menyelamatkan
Call back : telfon balik
Ignore : abaikan
Come out : keluar
Come in : masuk
Run : berlari
Slowly : dengan santai
Be hurry : terburu- buru

Hey what is up buddy? Do you have any planning for your
next day? That’s to be great if you have it? Emzz,, what are your
I’ll try to guess it
1. Will you go to Australia?
2. Will you have dating with your honey?
3. Will you buy new bike?
4. Will you call your mother?
5. Will you take education in abroad?
6. Or…… will you…………..?
Yaps!! Everything you do just do it.
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Well buddy! Let’s make our future plans by these purposes:
- The place you want to visit
- The university you want to take
- The job you want to apply
- The event you want to join
- The gadget you want to buy
- And so on ……..
- And the last! How to get it please tell and speak up!!!!!

Power words
Visit : mengunjungi
Intend : berniat
Travelling : bepergian
Study hard : belajar giat
Arrange : menyusun
Do nothing : ga ngapa-ngapain
Apply : melamar
Imagine : membayangkan
Sacrifice : berkorban
Effort : usaha
Having fun : bersenang – senang
Holiday : liburan

Do you ever watch ever Eat Bulaga guys? I’m sure that all of you
ever watch that TV show. How if that show we apply to our
speaking. It seems to be great. Here we go!!!!


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I am thing. I am used by many people in this world. I have many
colors. My shape is square. I have line inside. Usually someone
writes on my line. What am i?
Answer: book

Let’s speak up by describing these things

Orange (jeruk) Hat (topi) Motorcycle (motor)
Wind (angina) Sandals (sandal) Mirror (cermin)
Laptop Mobile phone (hp) Car (mobil)
Broom (sapu) Dictionary (kamus) Veil (jilbap)


Giving news

There are different ways to give news:

Giving good and bad news

 I'm really pleased to tell you...

 I've got a bit of good news to tell you..
 I've got some good / brilliant / great / wonderful / splendid
news for you...
 You know what! I've got a bit of great news for you...
 Great news for you...
 I'm afraid I've got some bad news for you...
 I'm sorry I've got a bit of bad news to tell you..
 I really don’t know how to say it, but …
 I’m sorry to have to say this, but …
 I really feel bad to have to say this, but …

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Responding to news

Responding to good news

 Wow, that sounds exciting!

 That’s great!
 How fantastic!
 What fantastic / good / brilliant / great / wonderful / splendid
 That's good / brilliant / great / wonderful / splendid news!
 That sounds like great news!
 Congratulations!
 That’s wonderful / fantastic!
 I’m glad to hear that!
 Great news!
 Incredible!
 Superb!
 Sounds great!
 Lucky you!
 Oh, how wonderful!
 I can’t believe that!

Responding to bad news

 I’m awfully sorry that…

 I’m sorry to hear that..
 I’m sorry to hear such terrible news.
 My goodness!
 I can’t believe it!
 Poor you!
 I do sympathize with you.
 Please, accept my deepest sympathy.

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 I know how you must be feeling.
 That must be awful
 Oh, dear!
 Too bad!
 That’s awful / a pity / unfortunate.


You are the best

You get promotion You get a gift student in this

You win the We are invited to

She/he loves you
competition join to America

You get
You get high score We will get long
scholarship in
in examination holiday

You get
Your mobile is lost punishment from Your pat is dead

Your boy/girl
You get bad score
Your car is broken friend makes a
in examination

You don’t pass the The teacher is Your mother is

examination angry at you getting sick

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Expressing shock and disbelief

It is sometimes difficult to say how you feel in unexpected situations,

such as natural disasters, bad news .., especially when you feel sad.

Here's a list of some common expressions to help you express

 shock
 And disbelief.

Shocked to hear…
I was Stunned by...
taken aback by…
... came as
a complete shock.
I'm in

 I was shocked to hear the news.
 I was stunned / taken aback by the news
 I was completely taken aback by his behavior.
 I was just stunned by her clothes.
 The news came as a complete shock.
 We're all in complete shock.

I (just) Can’t believe…

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can't imagine…



 I just can't believe he won the race.

 It's unbelievable that they got married
 I just can't imagine they were able to get along with each


Do You Have Siblings?
John : Do you have any siblings?
Sam : Yes. I have a younger brother. What about you?
John : I have quite a big family with 2 brothers and 2 sisters!
Sam : Wow, a big family… I’d have liked a sister too.
John : Yes, my sisters are very nice. They’re kind and smart. I feel
lucky to be their brother.
Sam : What a nice thing to say!

My Grandparents.
Sam : So you were gone visiting your grandpa last weekend?
Joanna : Yup! My grandfather must be in his late 80’s and he’s very
Sam : Wow! That’s great! What about your grandma?
Joanna : She’s a very sprightly old woman too. In fact my
grandparents from my mother’s side are pretty healthy and active
Sam : That’s really good to hear. Your folks know how to take
care of themselves.
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Joanna : Yeah, our family eats right and exercises. That’s why we’re

Proud of Your Family Member.

Joanna : Where’s your younger brother these days?
Sam : Well, John got admitted to the medical college in NY. He’s
going to be a doctor.
Joanna : Really? You must be so proud of him.
Sam : Yeah, I am. My old man was a carpenter, and I got into the
same profession, but little Johnny’s always studied hard. He’s going
to bring credit to the family name.
Joanna : So happy for you Sam!

She Ain’t My Cousin!

Joanna : Hey John, I met Samantha at the party last night. Is she
your sister?
John : Samantha? No, she ain’t my sister. She’s Frank’s daughter.
Frank is my brother. Samantha is my niece.
Joanna : Your niece? But she’s not very young!
John : Yeah! My dad married my mom when he was in his 40s.
Frank was already 18 then. He’s my step brother actually.
Joanna : Wow! Families are weird, aren’t they? A woman older than
you is your niece.
John : That’s how families are Joanna.

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Something to know about public speaking

- You are not alone (kamu ga sendirian)
- Never tell you are nervous (jangan pernah cerita km
- Starting by greeting (awali dengan sapaan)
- Know your stuff (pahami bahan pembicaraan)
- Have a prepared roadmap (buatlah pemetaan)
- Practice (latihan)
- Notes or mind map (catatan mind map)
- Deep breathing (nafaslah dalam)
- Good night’s sleep (jangan lupa tidur malam)

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1. Get Organized
Siapkan dan tata dengan rapi bahan speaking kamu.
Dengan penataan yang bagus kamu akan lebih mudah
untuk menyampaikan topic yang akan kamu
2. Practice and Prepare Extensively
Parakteklah dengan menggunakan catatan pentingmu
sebagai bahan mengawali pembicaraan selanjutnya.
3. Eliminate fear
Buang jauh-jauh kegelisahanmu. Jangan khawatir
audience suka atau tidak dengan speaking kamu.
4. Focus on patterns
Tetap focus pada pola yg sudah kamu persiapkan di
mind map
5. Watch yourself in the mirror
Lihatlah dan berbicalah didepan dirimu sendiri dengan
menggunakan cermin dengan memperhatikan:

 Your facial expressions

 Your gestures
 Your body movements
 How welcoming you appear

6. Record yourself and learn your voice

Rekamlah suara kamu dan dengarkanlah kembali
7. Work on your breathing
Aturlah nafasmu, dengan nafas teratur kamu akan
lebih relax untuk berbicara
8. Give your speech to another person
Sampaikanlah speech kamu ke teman atau siapapun
sebelum kamu tampil diatas panggung.
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9. Public speaking classes
Mintalah bimbingan guru kamu disaat kamu dalam
proses pembelajaran public speaking.
10. Exercise before public speaking
Tenangkan diri kamu dengan olahraga sebelum public
speaking. Bisa jalan jalan, jogging atau apapun
11. Pick a subject that you really care about
Pilihlah pembahasan yang sesuai dengan apa yang
kamu suka dan mengerti
12. Focus on the material not audience
Tetap focus pada pembahasanmu dan jangan terlalu
focus pada audience dengan tanpa membelakangi
13. Relax
14. Don’t overthink audience reaction
Jangan terlalu dipikirkan olah audience
15. Avoid talking too fast
Bagi yang sudah jago speakingnya, hindari bicara
terlalu cepat ya
16. Develop a plan to improve your next speech
Practice makes perfect. Rekamlah diri kamu saat
public speaking dan tontonlah ulang, catat apa
kelemahanmu dan kembangkanlah lagi dengan topic
17. Trust yourself that you can do it
yakinkan dirimu kalau kamu bisa
18. Pray to our god
Jangan lupa berdo’a kawan

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Echols, john M. and Hasan Shadily, 1975. Kamus Indonesia

Jakarta:PT Gramedia

CAMBRIDGE Advanced Learner’s Dictionary Third Edition

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