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BLE TO BLE Bonding Solutiond

The Slave devices do not require firmware.

The Slave devices are completed and currently in use with our BLE App.

We require developed separate projects.

Each milestone should be a solution to a problem.

A User friendly BLE to BLE Bonding Solution for Master and Slave Devices for Android and IOS

Our concerns;
Android Apk limitations;
IOS Users must acquire access to an Android Device in order to bond their devices therefore
they will not make the purchase.

Proposed Solution 1
Our admin may use the Apk to bond devices at the factory level.
However, a problem occurs when a User later decides to replace or add more devices.
That takes us back to the Apk original IOS Users limitations.

Under this scenario only Android Users would be able to add more or replace a product.

Proposed Solution 2
Xamrin WebApp limitations;

Although Web application can be accessible to both Android and IOS Users stability and
reliability maybe of concern.

First Project; Compare

- Android Apk
- Xamrin webApp

Second Project
Master BLE firmware

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