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A Dice Game for Gambling in the Old World. 

‘Wow, you’re really good at this for a beginner! How about 
giving me another chance? We could raise the stakes. If I lose 
all my money like last week, my missus will hang me!’ 
‘He kept getting sixes, but his dice weren’t loaded. Just in case I 
- Jurgen Vogel, Charlatan 
broke his fingers and told him to never show his face around 
here again.’ 
- Karl, Protagonist 
Made popular by soldiers, Tilean Three Round Skirmish 
eventually found its way into every gambling house in the 
empire.   G​AMBLING (​Int) ​basic 
  You are lucky and your purse shows it. You know when to 
The game is played using standard six sided dice. Each player  call and when to fold. You are allowed a ​Challenging (+0) 
will be using six dice to play. To begin, both players must  Gamble Test ​to reroll one of your dice per round. An 
agree on an initial bet. Then, each player will remove their six  Astounding Success (+6) allows you to reroll two dice. An 
dice from the table and roll a certain amount of dice, while  Astounding Failure (-6) forces you to reroll your highest dice.  
keeping the rest hidden in their other palm. The result of the   
roll is added together and the player with the higher number 
​ ​
AND (​Dex) ​advanced 
  Relying on luck is for fools and you know it. You are 
Before continuing, the winner of the first round can decide  allowed an​ Opposed Sleight of Hand/Perception Test 
to double the initial bet. If the loser does not call the bet,  per round to add an extra dice to your roll, quickly removing 
then he automatically forfeits and loses all his money.   it from the table without the opponent noticing. If you are 
  caught, things may get ugly. 
If the bet is called, then a second roll is done with the   
remaining dice the players have, leaving the others on the  L​OADED D
​ ​
table, but not counting them towards the next sum.  So you’re unlucky and slow of hand? Not all hope is lost. 
Once again, whoever has the highest sum wins.  Loaded dice always land on a 6. Each round you use Loaded 
  Dice the opponent may attempt a ​Perception Test​to catch 
If at this point, a player has won twice, he is declared the  you cheating.  
winner and takes the pot. If not, the winner of the round   
may once again double the current bet. If the loser declines 
he is forfeit and loses all his money.  Item  Cost  Enc  Availability 
Loaded Dice  3/-  0  Scarce 
After the third and final roll which follows the same rules, a 
winner is declared and takes the pot.    
Loaded Dice Used  Perception Test Modifier 

1  Difficult (-10) 

2  Challenging (+0) 

3  Average (+20) 

4  Easy (+40) 

5-6  Very Easy (+60) 

*​Cardsharp​and D
​ iceman w
​ ork as normal. Extra dice are per round. 

Tilean Three Round Skirmish​is a fan supplement for ​Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4​th​Edition w
​ ritten by Rodrigo Peralta. 

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