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Anesthesia for Trauma & Emergency
Brian P. McGlinch, MD


All trauma patients should be presumed to have a full stomach and

thereby be at increased risk of pulmonary aspiration.
Cervical spine injury is presumed in any trauma patient presenting with
neck pain or any suggestion of neurologic injury as well as those with
loss of consciousness, significant head injury and/or intoxication.
In the patient with blunt or penetrating injury, providers should maintain
a high level of suspicion for pulmonary injury that could evolve into a
tension pneumothorax when mechanical ventilation is initiated. No
trauma patient should die without having potential tension
pneumothorax relieved.
In up to 25% of trauma patients, trauma-induced coagulopathy (TIC) is
present shortly after injury and before any resuscitative efforts have
been initiated.
Balanced administration of red blood cell, fresh frozen plasma, and
platelet units (1:1:1) is termed damage control resuscitation (DCR).
Administering blood products in equal ratios early in resuscitation has
become an accepted approach for preventing or correcting TIC.
Transfusion-associated circulatory overload (TACO) is the greatest risk
to trauma patients from DCR. The incidence of transfusion-related
acute lung injury (TRALI) has decreased markedly with restriction of
plasma and platelet donation to donors who are male, or who are
female and who have either never been pregnant or who have been
tested and found to be anti-HLA negative.
Damage control surgery is a surgical intervention intended to stop
hemorrhage and limit gastrointestinal contamination of the abdominal
compartment in severely injured and bleeding patients. An emergent
exploratory laparotomy is performed in a start–stop fashion, attempting
to discover and control bleeding injuries, while affording the anesthesia
provider opportunities for resuscitation and preventing prolonged
hypotension and hypothermia between surgical interventions.
Any trauma patient with an altered level of consciousness must be
considered to have a traumatic brain injury (TBI) until proven
otherwise. Presence or suspicion of TBI mandates attention to
maintaining cerebral perfusion pressure and oxygenation during all
aspects of care. The most reliable clinical assessment tool in
determining the significance of TBI in a nonsedated, nonparalyzed
patient is the Glasgow Coma Scale. Acute subdural hematoma is the
most common brain injury warranting emergency neurosurgical
intervention and is associated with the highest mortality.
Systemic hypotension (systolic blood pressures <90 mm Hg), hypoxia
(PaO2 <60 mm Hg), hypercapnia (PaCO2 >50 mm Hg), and
hyperthermia (temperature >38.0°C) have a negative impact on
morbidity and mortality following head injuries, likely because of their
contributions to increasing cerebral edema and intracranial pressure
Current Brain Trauma Foundation guidelines recommend maintaining
cerebral perfusion pressure between 50 and 70 mm Hg and ICP at less
than 20 mm Hg for patients with severe head injury.
Maintaining supranormal mean arterial blood pressure to help ensure
adequate spinal cord perfusion in areas of otherwise reduced blood
flow due to cord compression or vascular compromise is likely to be of
more benefit than steroid administration.
Major burns (a second- or third-degree burn involving ≥20% total body
surface area [TBSA]) induce a unique hemodynamic response. Cardiac
output declines abruptly by up to 50% within 30 minutes of injury due
to massive vasoconstriction, inducing a state of normovolemic
hypoperfusion (burn shock).
In contrast to blunt and penetrating trauma, where crystalloid fluids are
discouraged, burn fluid resuscitation emphasizes the use of balanced
crystalloid fluids in preference to albumin, hydroxylethyl starch,
normal or hypertonic saline, or blood.
The differential diagnosis for altered mental status following burn
injury, smoke inhalation, or both, includes carbon monoxide and
cyanide poisoning.
Beyond 48 h after significant burn injury, succinylcholine can produce
lethal hyperkalemia.
The elderly represent the fastest-growing trauma population. A
progressive decrease in trauma survivability is first seen beginning
around age 50. Significant underlying medical conditions contribute to
increased trauma-related morbidity and mortality after even modest
In situations of mass casualty incidents, point-of-care ultrasound
technology may provide timely, critical information related to triaging
patients for surgical and nonsurgical therapies using the CAVEAT
(chest, abdomen, vena cava, and extremities) assessment.

Trauma is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in all age groups and a
leading cause of death in both the young (under 20 years old) and elderly (over
70 years old). All aspects of trauma care, from that provided at the scene,
through transport, resuscitation, surgery, intensive care, and rehabilitation, must
be coordinated if trauma patients are to have the greatest opportunity for full
recovery. The Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) program developed by the
American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma has provided training and
recommendations leading to increasingly consistent approaches for trauma
resuscitation. The development of criteria for Level 1 Trauma Centers has also
improved trauma care by directing severely injured patients to facilities with
appropriate trauma care resources. Although trauma anesthesia is sometimes
thought of as a unique topic, many of the principles for managing trauma
patients are relevant to any unstable or hemorrhaging patient. Thus, many
common issues encountered in typical anesthesia practice are addressed in this

Emergency Medical Technician-Paramedics (EMT-P), Critical Care flight nurses
and Emergency Medicine physicians have airway management training for the
prehospital and hospital settings. As a result, the anesthesiologist’s role in
providing initial trauma airway interventions has declined significantly in North
America. This trend also means that when called upon for assistance in airway
management in the emergency department, anesthesia providers must expect a
challenging airway since routine airway management techniques have likely
proved unsuccessful.
There are three important aspects of airway management in the initial
evaluation of a trauma patient: (1) the need for basic life support intervention;
(2) the presumed presence of a cervical spinal cord injury until proven
otherwise; and (3) the potential for failed endotracheal intubation. Effective
basic life support, by improving oxygenation and reducing hypercarbia in the
unresponsive trauma patient, may be sufficiently effective in improving a
patient’s level of consciousness to remove the need for endotracheal intubation.
In those with persistent unresponsiveness, effective basic life support skills
improve preoxygenation and reduce the risk for hypoxia during airway
management interventions. All trauma patients should be presumed to have a full
stomach and thereby be at increased risk of pulmonary aspiration.
Cervical spine injury is presumed in any trauma patient presenting with
neck pain or any suggestion of neurologic injury as well as those with loss of
consciousness, significant head injury and/or intoxication. Cervical collar (“C-
collar”) application before transport protects the cervical spinal cord by limiting
cervical extension, and first-responders should utilize well-designed “hard”
collars (eg, Aspen, Miami-J, Philadelphia) for cervical spine stabilization.
Traditional “soft” cervical collars provide essentially no useful cervical spine
stabilization. Hard collar cervical spine stabilization negatively impacts
positioning for direct laryngoscopy and tracheal intubation, and alternative
airway management devices (eg, video laryngoscope, fiberoptic bronchoscope)
must be immediately available. If tracheal intubation is required, the front part of
the C-collar can be removed as long as the head and neck are maintained in
neutral position by a designated assistant maintaining manual in-line
stabilization. This is usually performed with the assistant standing by the torso or
kneeling at the head of the bed, holding the patient’s head at the level of the ears,
allowing the patient’s mouth to open during laryngoscopy.
Alternative supraglottic devices for airway management (eg, King
supralaryngeal device) may be used if direct laryngoscopy has failed in any
environment (prehospital to intensive care unit). These devices, blindly placed
into the airway, isolate the glottis opening between a large inflatable cuff
positioned at the base of the tongue and the distal cuff that most likely rests in
the proximal esophagus (Figure 39–1). The prolonged presence of supraglottic
devices in the airway has been associated with tongue engorgement resulting
from the large, proximal cuff obstructing venous outflow from the tongue, and in
some cases, tongue engorgement has been sufficiently severe to warrant
tracheostomy prior to its removal.

FIGURE 39–1 The King LT supralaryngeal device. The glottic opening lies
between the large cuff positioned at the base of the tongue and the smaller
balloon positioned in the proximal esophagus. The airway is not secured but
rather isolated between the oropharynx and the proximal esophagus. (Reproduced
with permission from King Systems Corporation, KLTD/KLTSD Disposable Supralaryngeal Airways
Inservice Program, August 23, 2006.)

Limited evidence exists that prehospital airway management in trauma

patients improves outcomes. However, failed endotracheal intubation in the
prehospital environment certainly exposes patients to significant morbidity.
Failed intubation attempts often result in systemic hypoxemia, and repeated
hypoxemic events after even modest neurological injury further exacerbate the
initial neurological insult (the second hit phenomenon).
Airway management in trauma patients is uneventful in most circumstances.
Cricothyroidotomies and tracheostomies are rarely required for securing trauma
airways. However, when trauma significantly alters or distorts the facial or upper
airway anatomy to the point of preventing effective mask ventilation, or when
hemorrhage into the airway precludes the patient from lying supine, elective
cricothyroidotomy or tracheostomy should be considered before any attempts are
made at sedating or paralyzing the patient for oral intubation.

Pulmonary injury may not be immediately apparent upon the trauma patient’s
arrival to the hospital. In the patient with blunt or penetrating injury, providers
should maintain a high level of suspicion for pulmonary injury that could evolve
into a tension pneumothorax when mechanical ventilation is initiated. Peak
inspiratory pressure and tidal volumes should be monitored throughout the initial
resuscitation. Abrupt cardiovascular collapse shortly after instituting mechanical
ventilation may signal the presence of a pneumothorax. Any trauma-related
cardiovascular collapse is managed by disconnecting the patient from
mechanical ventilation and performing bilateral needle thoracostomies. This
intervention is accomplished by inserting a 14-gauge intravenous catheter into
the second intercostal space in the midclavicular line followed by larger, more
effective thoracostomy tube insertion placed in the midaxillary line. No trauma
patient should die without having potential tension pneumothorax relieved.

Signs of a pulse and blood pressure are sought during the primary trauma patient
survey. Unless the trauma patient arrives at the hospital other than by ambulance,
the resuscitation team will likely have received information about the patient’s
vital signs from the prehospital first responders. The absence of a pulse
following trauma is associated with dismal chances of survival. An emergent
ultrasound evaluation of the chest and abdomen is indicated for any patient
arriving after trauma in cardiac arrest, as is bilateral needle chest decompression.
The ultrasound evaluation will focus on the presence of an empty heart or
massive blood collections in the chest or abdomen, which are indications of
lethal injury.
The American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma no longer endorses
the use of emergency thoracotomy in treating patients without blood pressure or
palpable pulse following blunt trauma, given the lack of evidence supporting
survival following this intervention. In victims of penetrating trauma without a
palpable pulse or blood pressure, but with organized cardiac rhythm, a
resuscitative thoracotomy may offer some survivability but mortality remains
exceedingly high.
Tourniquet use remains underutilized for compressible hemorrhage. Any
extremity with significant vascular injury should have a tourniquet applied at the
earliest possible moment (“stop the bleed”). The fear of tourniquet-induced limb
ischemia often distracts first responders from making prompt, effective
interventions in controlling hemorrhage with a tourniquet. Hemorrhage, not
limb ischemia and limb function, is the most pressing threat to life, and it
should be controlled by any effective measure at the earliest possible

Neurological Function
Once the presence of circulation is confirmed, a brief neurological examination
is conducted. Level of consciousness, pupillary size and reaction, lateralizing
signs suggesting intracranial or extracranial injuries, and indications of potential
spinal cord injury are quickly evaluated. As noted earlier, hypercarbia often
causes depressed neurological responsiveness following trauma, and it is
effectively corrected with basic life support airway interventions. Additional
causes of depressed neurological function (eg, alcohol/drug intoxication, effects
of illicit or prescribed medications, hypoglycemia, hypoperfusion, brain or spinal
cord injury) must also be addressed. Mechanisms of injury must be considered
as well as exclusion of other factors in determining the risk for central nervous
system trauma. Persistently depressed levels of consciousness should be
considered a result of central nervous system injury until disproved by emergent
diagnostic studies (eg, computed tomography scan).

Injury Assessment
The patient must be fully exposed and examined in order to adequately assess
the extent of injury. This physical exposure increases the risk of hypothermia,
which is associated with increased bleeding in the trauma patient. The
resuscitation bay and operating room must be maintained near body temperature
(uncomfortably warm), all intravenous fluids and blood products (except
platelets) should be warmed during administration, and under-body forced air
patient warmers should be utilized. While these interventions are important in
addressing hypothermia, trauma team efficiency in identifying life-threatening
injuries is critical for patient survival. In most urban trauma centers, the initial
major trauma evaluation is completed within 20 min of patient arrival.

The FAST Examination

The FAST (Focused Assessment with Sonography for Trauma) examination
utilizes ultrasonography at the trauma victim’s bedside, performed by surgeons
or emergency medicine physicians, for detecting the presence or absence of free
fluid in the perihepatic and perisplenic spaces, pericardium, and pelvis. Patients
with free fluid in these areas, as well as two of the following—penetrating
injury, systolic blood pressures less than 90 mm Hg, or heart rate over 120
beats per minute—are likely to have a high mortality, trauma-induced
coagulopathy, and require a massive transfusion. These critical findings have
been validated in numerous trauma studies and warrant immediate surgical
intervention for hemorrhage control.

Certain trauma terminology must be understood and utilized by the trauma care
team in order to effectively communicate during trauma resuscitation or
procedures in which blood loss is occurring. Hemorrhage classifications I
through IV, damage control resuscitation, and damage control surgery are terms
that quickly convey critical information, using a common understanding of the
various interventions that may be required for resuscitating a trauma or surgical
patient experiencing life-threatening bleeding. The American College of
Surgeons identifies four classes of hemorrhage:

• Class I hemorrhage is the volume of blood that can be lost without

hemodynamic consequence. The heart rate does not change and the blood
pressure does not decrease with this volume of blood loss. In most
circumstances, this amount of blood represents less than 15% of circulating
blood volume. The typical adult has a blood volume equivalent of 70
mL/kg. For a 100-kg patient, the circulating blood volume is nearly 7 L.
Children are considered to have 80 mL/kg blood volume and infants, 90
mL/kg. Intravenous resuscitation is not required if the bleeding is controlled
promptly, as in minor elective surgical procedures.
• Class II hemorrhage is the volume of blood that, when lost, prompts
sympathetic responses to maintain perfusion, and represents the loss of 15%
to 30% of circulating blood volume. The diastolic blood pressure will
increase due to vasoconstriction and the heart rate will increase to maintain
cardiac output. Intravenous fluid replacement is indicated for blood loss of
this volume. Transfusions may be required if the bleeding continues,
suggesting a progression to class III hemorrhage.
• Class III hemorrhage represents loss of 30% to 40% of circulating blood
volume, which consistently results in decreased blood pressure.
Compensatory mechanisms of vasoconstriction and tachycardia are not
sufficient for maintaining tissue perfusion to meet metabolic demand, and
metabolic acidosis will be detected on arterial blood gas analysis. Blood
transfusion is necessary to restore adequate tissue perfusion and
oxygenation. The other trauma team members must be notified when this
pattern of fluid dependence develops, and discussion must be initiated
regarding the possible need for damage control intervention (discussed
later) for hemorrhage control.
• Life-threatening class IV hemorrhage represents more than 40% of
circulating blood volume loss. The patient will be unresponsive and
profoundly hypotensive, and rapid control of bleeding and aggressive
blood-based resuscitation (damage control resuscitation) are required to
prevent death. Patients experiencing this degree of hemorrhage will have
some element of trauma-induced coagulopathy (TIC), require massive
blood transfusion (more than 10 units of red blood cells in a 24-h period),
and are at high risk of death. The response to hemorrhage of this
consequence must be damage control resuscitation and damage control
surgery (see later discussion).

Trauma-Induced Coagulopathy
Coagulation abnormalities are common following major trauma, and trauma-
induced coagulopathy (TIC) coagulopathy is an independent risk factor for
death. Recent prospective clinical studies suggest that in up to 25% of major
trauma patients, TIC is present shortly after injury and before any resuscitative
efforts have been initiated. This means that the coagulopathy cannot be
attributed to dilutional effects of resuscitative fluids. In one report, TIC was only
related to the presence of a severe metabolic acidosis (base deficits >6 mEq/L)
and appeared to have a dose-dependent relationship with the degree of tissue
hypoperfusion; 2% of patients with base deficits less than 6 mEq/L developed
coagulopathy compared with 20% of patients with base deficits greater than 6
mEq/L. Although injury severity scores were likely higher in the coagulopathic
patients, only the presence of metabolic acidosis correlated to developing TIC.
Global tissue hypoperfusion appears to play a key role in the development of
TIC. During hypoperfusion, the endothelium releases thrombomodulin and
activated protein C which, at the microcirculation level, prevents thrombosis.
Thrombomodulin binds thrombin, thereby preventing thrombin from cleaving
fibrinogen to fibrin. The thrombomodulin–thrombin complex activates protein
C, which then inhibits the extrinsic coagulation pathway through effects on
cofactors V and VIII (Figure 39–2). Activated protein C also inhibits
plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 proteins, which increases tissue plasminogen
activator, resulting in hyperfibrinolysis (Figure 39–3). One prospective clinical
study found the following effects of hypoperfusion on coagulation parameters:
(1) progressive coagulopathy as base deficit increases; (2) increasing plasma
thrombomodulin and falling protein C (indicating activation of the protein levels
with increasing base deficit), supporting the argument that the anticoagulant
effects of these proteins in the presence of hypoperfusion are related to the
prolongation of prothrombin and partial thromboplastin times; and (3) early-
onset TIC and increased mortality.

FIGURE 39–2 Mechanism of trauma-induced coagulopathy. During periods of

tissue hypoperfusion, thrombomodulin (TM) released by the endothelium
complexes with thrombin. The thrombin–TM complexes prevent cleavage of
fibrinogen to fibrin and also activate protein C (PC), reducing further thrombin
generation through cofactors V and VIII. (Reproduced with permission from Brohi K, Cohen
MJ, Davenport RA. Acute coagulopathy of trauma: mechanism, identification and effect. Curr Opin Crit
Care. 2007 Dec;13(6):680-685.)
FIGURE 39–3 Mechanism of hyperfibrinolysis in tissue hypoperfusion. Tissue
plasminogen activator (tPA) released from the endothelium during
hypoperfusion states cleaves plasminogen to initiate fibrinolysis. Activated
protein C (aPC) consumes plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) when
present in excess, and reduced PAI-1 leads to increased tPA activity and
hyperfibrinolysis. FDPs, fibrin degradation products; PC, protein C; TM,
thrombomodulin. (Reproduced with permission from Brohi K, Cohen MJ, Davenport RA. Acute
coagulopathy of trauma: Mechanism, identification and effect. Curr Opin Crit Care. 2007 Dec;13(6):680-

TIC is not solely related to impaired clot formation. As previously noted,

fibrinolysis is an equally important component as a result of plasmin activity on
an existing clot. Tranexamic acid administration is associated with decreased
bleeding during cardiac and orthopedic surgeries, presumably because of its
antifibrinolytic properties. A randomized control study involving 20,000 trauma
patients with or at risk of significant bleeding found a significantly reduced risk
for death from hemorrhage when tranexamic acid therapy (loading dose, 1 g
over 10 min, followed by an infusion of 1 g over 8 h) was initiated within the
first 3 h following major trauma (the CRASH-II study). Figure 39–4
demonstrates the benefit of initiating this therapy in relation to the time of injury.
Although this study resulted in widespread use of tranexamic acid in major
trauma, its shortcomings (eg, a very small number of its 20,000 patients required
transfusion or were transfused) have more recently resulted in reconsideration of
tranexamic acid administration in trauma care.
FIGURE 39–4 Influence of tranexamic acid in preventing death from bleeding.
Outcomes ratios (OR) of tranexamic acid with 95% confidence interval (green
area) on the x-axis and time (h) to treatment on the y-axis demonstrate improved
survival if tranexamic acid therapy is initiated within 3 h of injury. The area of
the curve to the left of OR 1.0 demonstrates the benefits of therapy, while that to
the right demonstrates harm from intervention. (Reproduced with permission from Roberts
I, Shakur H, Afolabi A, et al. The importance of early treatment with tranexamic acid in bleeding trauma
patients: An exploratory analysis of the CRASH-2 randomised controlled trial. Lancet. 2011 Mar

Hemostatic Resuscitation
Early coagulopathy of trauma is associated with increased mortality. Military
experience treating combat-wounded soldiers and civilians has provided great
insight into trauma resuscitation and TIC. Battlefield resuscitation protocols
have utilized whole blood for decades. Whole blood resuscitation is instituted in
circumstances where casualty load exceeds available blood resources, usually in
remote or forward bases near combat. The process requires about an hour to
collect, process, and then deliver blood between soldiers. The blood is warm,
and clotting factors and platelets are at optimum temperature and pH. The use of
whole blood transfusions in these settings is lifesaving. However, in most
circumstances, the U.S. Department of Defense utilizes more conventional blood
banking techniques and utilization of blood products in combat theaters, making
the need for whole blood transfusions infrequent.
Military conflicts in the 2000s have provided ample opportunities for
developing updated transfusion protocols. Retrospective analysis of severely
wounded service members found improved survival when fresh frozen plasma
was administered early in trauma resuscitations. In an attempt to recreate
whole blood, balanced administration of red blood cell, fresh frozen plasma, and
platelet units (1:1:1) became the standard trauma transfusion protocol in military
settings, and was promptly adopted thereafter by major civilian trauma centers,
which also noted improved patient survival. This approach to transfusion is
termed damage control resuscitation (DCR).
Administering blood products in equal ratios early in resuscitation has
become an accepted approach for preventing or correcting TIC. Although this
combination of blood products attempts replication of whole blood, the resultant
fluid is pancytopenic, with only a fraction of whole blood’s hematocrit and
coagulation factor concentration. Red blood cells will improve oxygen delivery
to hypoperfused, ischemic tissues. Fresh frozen plasma provides clotting factors
V and VIII along with fibrinogen, which improves clotting, possibly due to
overwhelming of the thrombin–thrombomodulin complex. Platelets and
cryoprecipitate, although included in the 1:1:1 DCR protocol, are probably not
necessary in the initial phase of resuscitation, given the normal platelet and
fibrinogen levels noted in early coagulopathy. The use of crystalloid fluids in
early trauma resuscitation has markedly decreased with the increased emphasis
upon early blood product administration.
Most trauma centers have early-release type O-negative blood available for
immediate transfusion to patients with severe hemorrhage. Depending on the
urgency of transfusion need, blood product administration typically progresses
from O-negative to type-specific, then to cross-matched units as the acute need
decreases. Patients administered uncrossmatched, O-negative blood are those at
high risk of requiring massive transfusion. As the amount of uncrossmatched
blood administered increases beyond eight units, resuscitation should persist
using O-negative blood without attempting to switch to the patient’s native blood
type. Reverting to the patient’s native blood type in this situation risks
transfusion reactions that will further complicate resuscitation and survival.
Most clinical studies evaluating DCR have been retrospective. However, a
prospective, randomized, multi-institutional massive transfusion study from ten
U.S. level 1 trauma centers (the PROMTT study) was conducted and published
in 2013, confirming that the greater the injury and concomitant hemorrhagic
shock, the greater the likelihood of TIC requiring massive transfusion, and the
greater the risk of death. The contribution of activated protein C to TIC and the
benefits of blood-based, rather than crystalloid-based, resuscitation for
hemorrhagic shock were also demonstrated.
Point-of-care functional clotting studies are extremely useful for guiding
specific blood product use. Thromboelastography (TEG) and rotational
elastometry (ROTEM) allow more specific use of blood components by
addressing the specific deficiencies rather than relying solely on the 1:1:1
transfusion ratio DCR approach. Both TEG and ROTEM demonstrate the rate of
clot formation and clot stability, reflecting the interactions between the
coagulation cascades, platelets, and the fibrinolytic system. Figure 39–5
demonstrates the pattern seen with TEG. The end results of this technology in
trauma resuscitations are reduced blood product use (with less exposure to
potential infection and less expense) as well as recognition of fibrinolysis.

FIGURE 39–5 Thromboelastograph (TEG). The graph begins as a straight line

until clot formation begins (the enzymatic stage of clotting). As a clot forms,
increasing resistance develops on the strain gauge, creating a splaying of the
graph. The pattern of the graph suggests the status of fibrinogen stores (α angle)
and platelet function (maximum amplitude, MA). Eventually, fibrinolysis will
occur as demonstrated by decreasing MA. Deficiencies of various clotting
components will affect each phase of the TEG, whereas increased fibrinolysis
will be demonstrated by an earlier decline in the maximum amplitude. ACT,
activated clotting time; EPL, Ly30, K, R, values related to rate of clot
breakdown. (Reproduced with permission from Kashuk JL, Moore EE, Sawyer M, et al. Postinjury
coagulopathy management: Goal directed resuscitation via POC thrombelastography. Ann Surg. 2010

Administration of blood products must be done with consideration for

potential hazards that may result from aggressive administration during the
resuscitation phase. Although blood-borne diseases such as acquired
immunodeficiency syndrome, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C are usually cited as
significant transfusion-related risks, modern blood bank donor screening has
decreased the incidence of such infections by as much as 10,000-fold. The
incidence of transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI), until recently the
leading cause of transfusion-related death, has also markedly declined. With the
recognition that the presence of HLA antibodies in donor plasma is the principal
TRALI risk factor, most blood banks now accept plasma and platelet donations
only from males, or from females who have either never been pregnant or who
have been tested and found to be anti-HLA negative. The greatest transfusion
risk patients now face during trauma resuscitation is transfusion-associated
circulatory overload (TACO), which occurs when blood products are
administered at a rate greater than the patient’s cardiac output. This is most
likely to occur when the provider administering blood products has not
recognized that the source of bleeding has been successfully controlled by the
surgeon or proceduralist. Communication in this situation is critical between
those team members resuscitating the patient with blood products those
attempting to control the hemorrhage.

Massive Transfusion Protocols

Delay in obtaining blood products other than red blood cells is a potential
problem for both military and civilian trauma resuscitations. Clinical evidence
supports the need for, and benefit of, established massive transfusion protocols
(MTPs), allowing the blood bank to assemble blood products in prescribed ratios
in supporting blood-based trauma resuscitations. With MTPs in place,
hemostatic resuscitation can continue until the demand for blood products stops.
An MTP-driven, blood-based resuscitation, rather than a crystalloid-based
resuscitation, improves survival from trauma, reduces total blood product
utilization in the first 24 h following injury, reduces acute infectious
complications (severe sepsis, septic shock, and ventilator-associated
pneumonia), and decreases postresuscitation organ dysfunction (an 80%
decrease in odds of developing multisystem organ failure).
MTPs benefit both the patient (improved survival and fewer complications)
and the institution (more efficient and effective processes for utilizing critical
blood bank resources). Most hospitals performing complex surgeries,
transplants, or trauma resuscitations now have MTPs in place, although one must
recognize that the transfusion needs of transplant, cancer, and cardiac patients
may differ from those of trauma patients. Establishing which personnel are
empowered to initiate MTP use during trauma resuscitation is of great
importance, given the expense and implications for the blood bank in terms of
blood product inventory, personnel training and availability, and disruption of
routine blood bank duties. Annual reviews of MTPs are necessary for ensuring
that the most current knowledge, technology, and medications are included in the
protocols that will optimize utilization of blood products.


The initial history and physical examination, emergency procedures, and
evaluations used to determine extent of injury, need for resuscitation, and need
for surgical intervention all occur outside the operating room and at times before
an anesthesia provider has been alerted. However, critical initial issues impacting
anesthetic management of trauma patients include adequacy of airway and
vascular access, ability of the patient to tolerate anesthesia, prevention of
hypothermia, access to robust blood bank supplies, and avoidance of crystalloids
and vasopressors until hemorrhage is controlled. Therefore, anesthesiologist
participation in the earliest assessment of potentially severely injured trauma
patients in the emergency room should be encouraged.

Anesthetic Induction & Maintenance

Severely injured, conscious, and oriented trauma patients arriving for emergency
surgery should have an abbreviated interview and examination, including
emphasis on consent for blood transfusions and advice that intraoperative
awareness may occur during emergency surgery. As always, such discussions
should be documented in the patient’s record.
The operating room should be as warm as practical. Intravenous fluid
warmers and rapid infusion devices should be prepared and ready for use. As
previously noted, all patients arriving for trauma surgery should be presumed to
have full stomachs with increased risk for aspiration of gastric contents, and the
presence of a C-collar for cervical spine stabilization may increase intubation
difficulty. Alternative airway devices (eg, fiberoptic bronchoscope,
videolaryngoscope) and robust suction equipment must be immediately available
and ready for use.
Intravenous access is usually established in the prehospital setting or
emergency department. If the existing peripheral intravenous lines are of
sufficient caliber and quality for infusing blood under pressure (eg, from a rapid
infusion device), a central line may not be necessary for the initial surgical
intervention. However, patients may arrive in the operating room so profoundly
hypotensive and hypovolemic that peripheral intravenous line placement may be
impossible. In these circumstances, a subclavian catheter or intraosseous device
should be inserted and blood-based resuscitation initiated. The subclavian vein is
often preferred for central venous access for profoundly hypotensive patients due
to its position between the clavicle and first rib, which tends to stent the
subclavian vein open even in profound hypovolemia. An intraosseous device
placed with the use of a small bone drill in the proximal tibia or humerus
provides direct access to venous complexes through the bone marrow. Use of
interosseous access requires that the bone proximal and distal to the insertion site
be intact, otherwise extravasation of infused fluids will occur due to the fluid
taking the path of least resistance (the fracture site). Intraosseous infusions
require pressure, not gravity, for infusions to overcome the resistance to flow
originating in the bone marrow. Finally, the ubiquitous availability of point-of-
care ultrasound devices in anesthesia practice may allow safe placement of large-
bore or central venous catheters in jugular veins using ultrasound guidance, even
in the presence of profound hypovolemia.
Major blood loss and hemodynamic instability create a dangerous situation
for the conscious trauma patient and a challenging decision for the anesthesia
provider planning the induction of general anesthesia. Trauma patients with
severe injuries may experience profound hypotension following even modest
doses (0.25–0.5 mg/kg intravenously) of propofol. Etomidate preserves
sympathetic tone, which makes it a modestly safer choice than propofol.
Ketamine is also a reasonable choice, particularly if given in 10-mg intravenous
boluses until the patient becomes unresponsive. Scopolamine, 0.4 mg
intravenously, should be considered as an amnestic agent for the profoundly
hemodynamically unstable but conscious patient at high risk for hemodynamic
collapse on induction of anesthesia arriving in the operating room for emergency
surgery. What is most important is not the particular intravenous anesthetic
induction agent chosen, but the recognition that the hemodynamically unstable
trauma patient will tolerate significantly less medication for induction and
maintenance of anesthesia than in normal circumstances.
Fluid management in major trauma resuscitations emphasizes blood products
rather than crystalloid fluids, as previously noted. An MTP should be requested
and followed, with the blood immediately available upon the arrival of the
patient to the operating room. All fluids should be warmed, except for platelets.
When blood products are rapidly infused, ionized calcium quickly declines and
must be replaced. Vasopressors should not be used, if possible, until the source
of bleeding is controlled. Studies suggest that raising the blood pressure with
vasopressors during hemorrhage disrupts fresh clots, resulting in more bleeding.
An arterial line is helpful but not mandatory in the initial resuscitation of the
trauma victim. Even with the assistance of ultrasonography, cannulating an
artery in the presence of profound hypotension may prove difficult. Attempts at
placing invasive monitors can continue as the patient is prepared for incision, to
include gowning and gloving the person attempting arterial line placement on
the surgical side of the drape, if necessary. Although arterial line placement may
be a challenge, surgical incision cannot be delayed. Surgical control of bleeding
and DCR are the top priorities in trauma resuscitation, not arterial line
placement. Patients in this degree of hemodynamic compromise can be
presumed to have TIC and be in need of massive transfusion. Attempts for
arterial line placement can resume, and are more likely to be successful, as blood
pressure improves from operative hemostasis and resuscitative transfusion.

Damage Control Surgery

If a trauma patient requires emergent laparotomy for intraabdominal
hemorrhage, the trauma surgeon will perform an abbreviated procedure termed
damage control surgery (DCS). This surgical intervention is intended to stop
hemorrhage and limit gastrointestinal contamination of the abdominal
compartment. After making a midline incision, the surgeon quickly searches for
sources of bleeding through a quadrant-by-quadrant examination. Definitive
repair of complex injuries is not part of DCS. Identification and control of
injured blood vessels and solid organs, as well as inspection of injuries in areas
relatively inaccessible to midline approaches but potentially addressed by
interventional radiology techniques (eg, deep liver lacerations, retroperitoneal
hemorrhage), occurs during DCS. Hollow viscus injuries are addressed with
resection, stapling, or both. Leaving the intestines disconnected until the patient
is more stable reduces intraabdominal contamination and operating time.
Communication among the entire trauma team is essential during DCS. The
surgeon must know if the patient is becoming unstable, hypothermic, or
coagulopathic. The anesthesia team must speak up when there is a need to pause
the surgical procedure to allow resuscitation. Pausing surgery results in the
surgeon compressing or packing an area of bleeding during times of profound
hypotension until transfusion restores acceptable systolic blood pressure (80–90
mm Hg). If this interruption of surgery is unsuccessful in improving blood
pressure, the surgeon can directly compress the aorta. This intervention provides
the surgeon direct feedback as to the effectiveness of transfusion—a soft aorta
suggests profound hypovolemia, whereas the return of a firm, pulsatile aorta
suggests a more acceptable circulating blood volume. A brief episode of
bradycardia/asystole may accompany direct aortic compression. When
transfusions are ineffective maintaining perfusion, the operation should be
interrupted, the bleeding areas packed, and a decision should be made between
the surgeon and anesthesia team as to whether the patient can be transferred to
the interventional radiology suite to treat bleeding from surgically-inaccessible
sites or to the intensive care unit where rewarming, correction of coagulopathy
and hemodynamic stabilization may occur.
A key component of DCS is planned re-operation once the patient is more
stable. At a later time, bowel continuity can be restored or a colostomy can be
performed. The abdominal fascia is often not definitively closed after DCS. The
wound may be covered with an occlusive dressing over a wound vacuum
sponge. Bowel edema in the setting of a closed abdomen following massive
transfusion risks abdominal compartment syndrome, respiratory compromise,
and multisystem organ failure.
The interventional radiology suite is increasingly utilized as part of the DCS
sequence. Interventional radiology techniques can reach essentially any bleeding
vessel and deposit coils or foam that may control hemorrhage, most notably in
liver, kidney, and retroperitoneal injuries. Hemorrhage from pelvic ring fractures
or major thoracic or abdominal vascular injuries are also potentially controlled
by such intravascular interventions. In addition, patients are often taken to
interventional radiology following DCS to assess blood flow and hemostasis in
organs either injured by the initial trauma or potentially compromised as part of
the DCS.


Any trauma patient with an altered level of consciousness must be
considered to have a traumatic brain injury (TBI) until proven otherwise
(see Chapter 27). Presence or suspicion of TBI mandates attention to
maintaining cerebral perfusion pressure and oxygenation during all aspects of
care. The most reliable clinical assessment tool in determining the significance
of TBI in a nonsedated, nonparalyzed patient is the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS;
see Table 27–2). A declining motor score is suggestive of progressing
neurological deterioration, prompting urgent neurological evaluation and
possible surgical intervention. Although trauma patients frequently have head
injuries, few head injuries require emergent neurosurgical intervention. TBIs are
categorized as either primary or secondary. Primary brain injuries are directly
related to trauma. Four categories of primary brain injury are seen: (1) subdural
hematoma; (2) epidural hematoma; (3) intraparenchymal hemorrhage; and (4)
nonfocal, diffuse neuronal injury disrupting axons of the central nervous system.
These injuries potentially compromise cerebral blood flow and elevate
intracranial pressure (ICP). Death occurring soon after significant head trauma is
usually the result of primary brain injury.
Acute subdural hematoma is the most common brain injury warranting
emergency neurosurgical intervention and is associated with the highest
mortality. Small bridging veins between the skull and brain are disrupted in
deceleration or blunt force injuries, resulting in blood accumulation and
compression of brain tissue. The accumulation of blood raises ICP and
compromises cerebral blood flow. Morbidity and mortality are related to the size
of the hematoma and magnitude of the midline shift of intracranial contents.
Midline shifts of intracranial contents may exceed the size of the hematoma,
suggesting a significant contribution of cerebral edema or underlying
intracerebral hemorrhage.
Epidural hematoma occurs when the middle cerebral artery or other cranial
vessels are disrupted, often in association with skull fracture. This injury
accounts for less than 10% of neurosurgical trauma emergencies and has a better
prognosis than acute subdural hematoma. The patient with an epidural
hematoma may initially be conscious, followed by progressive unresponsiveness
and coma. Emergent surgical decompression is indicated when supratentorial
lesions occupy more than 30 mL volume and infratentorial lesions occupy more
than 10 mL volume (brainstem compression may occur at much lower hematoma
volumes). A small epidural hematoma may not require immediate evacuation if
the patient is neurologically intact, if close observation and repeated
neurological examinations are possible, and if neurosurgical resources are
immediately available should emergent decompression become necessary.
Intraparenchymal injuries are caused by rapid deceleration of the brain within
the skull, usually involving the tips of the frontal and temporal lobes, and
represent nearly 20% of neurosurgical emergencies following trauma. Such
injuries tend to be associated with significant edema, necrosis, and infarcts in
areas surrounding the damaged tissue. Intraparenchymal injury may coexist with
a subdural hematoma. There is no consensus regarding the surgical interventions
that should be performed for intraparenchymal hemorrhage, but surgical
decompression may be necessary to reduce dangerously sustained elevated ICP.
Diffuse neuronal injury results from rapid deceleration or movement of brain
tissue of sufficient force to disrupt neurons and axons, and is more common in
children than in adults. The extent of injury may not be obvious in the period
immediately following injury, but will become apparent with serial magnetic
resonance imaging. The greater the extent of the diffuse neuronal injury
following trauma, the higher the mortality and disability severity. Surgical
intervention is not indicated for these injuries unless a decompressive
craniectomy is required for relief of refractory elevated ICP.
Secondary brain injuries are considered potentially preventable injuries.
Systemic hypotension (systolic blood pressures <90 mm Hg), hypoxia (PaO2 <60
mm Hg), hypercapnia (PaCO2 >50 mm Hg), and hyperthermia (temperature
>38.0°C) have a negative impact on morbidity and mortality following head
injuries, likely because of their contributions to increasing cerebral edema and
ICP. Hypotension and hypoxemia are recognized as major contributors to
poor neurological recovery from severe TBI. Hypoxemia is the single most
important parameter correlating with poor neurological outcome following
head trauma and should be corrected at the earliest possible opportunity.
Hypotension (mean arterial blood pressure <60 mm Hg) should also be treated
aggressively with fluids, vasopressors, or both, in the presence of isolated head
Management of severe head trauma in the presence of other severe injuries
and hemorrhage creates a difficult resuscitation dilemma. Simultaneous
emergency neurosurgery and damage control laparotomy is nearly impossible to
perform, and in most circumstances, control of life-threatening hemorrhage takes
precedence over neurosurgical intervention. Attempts to increase cerebral
perfusion pressure in the presence of life-threatening hemorrhage will exacerbate
bleeding. Once non-neurosurgical hemorrhage is controlled, attention can be
directed toward the neurosurgical emergency, specifically toward restoring
cerebral perfusion pressure. The prolonged period of cerebral hypoperfusion in
this situation is associated with significant, negative neurological outcome. At
this time, no preventative interventions have been proven helpful in preserving
neurological function in such a clinical scenario.
Management Considerations for Acute Traumatic
Brain Injury
In the absence of an intracranial clot requiring surgical evacuation, medical
interventions are the primary means of treating elevated ICP following head
trauma. Normal cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP), the difference between mean
arterial pressure (MAP) and ICP, is approximately 80 to 100 mm Hg (MAP –
ICP = CPP; see Chapter 26). ICP monitoring is not required for conscious and
alert patients. In addition, patients who are intentionally anticoagulated or who
have bleeding diathesis in response to trauma should not have ICP monitoring.
However, an ICP monitor should be placed when serial neurological
examinations and additional clinical assessments reveal impairment, or when
there is an increased risk for elevated ICP (Table 39–1). Interventions for
reducing ICP are indicated when readings are higher than 20 to 25 mm Hg.
Multiple studies have evaluated interventions aimed at improving CPP and
managing ICP without finding obvious outcome benefits for any treatment
scheme. Current Brain Trauma Foundation guidelines recommend
maintaining CPP between 50 and 70 mm Hg and ICP at less than 20 mm Hg
for patients with severe head injury.

TABLE 39–1 Indications for intracranial ICP monitoring.1,2

Severe head injury (defined as GCS score ≤8 after cardiopulmonary

resuscitation) plus
(a) Abnormal admitting head CT scan or
(b) Normal CT scan plus ≥2 of: age >40 y, systolic blood pressure >90 mm Hg,
decerebrate or decorticate position
Sedated patients; patient in induced coma after severe TBI
Multisystem injury with altered level of consciousness
Patient receiving treatment that increases risk of increased ICP, eg, high-
volume intravenous fluids
Postoperatively after removal or intracranial mass
Abnormal values in noninvasive ICP monitoring, increased dynamics of
simulated values, or abnormal shapes in transcranial Doppler blood flow
velocity waveform (increased pulsatility) with exclusion of arterial
hypotension and hypocapnia
1Reproduced with permission from Li LM, Timofeev I, Czosnyka M, et al. Review article: The surgical
approach to the management of increased intracranial pressure after traumatic brain injury. Anesth Analg.
2010 Sep;111(3):736-748.
2ICP, intracranial pressure; GCS, Glasgow Coma Scale; CT, computed tomography; TBI, traumatic brain

Cerebral blood flow (CBF) is directly related to arterial carbon dioxide

concentration. As arterial carbon dioxide levels decrease, cerebral
vasoconstriction occurs, reducing CBF and ICP. Conversely, as arterial carbon
dioxide levels rise, cerebral vasodilation occurs, increasing CBF and ICP.
Changes in arterial carbon dioxide levels exert a prompt CBF and ICP response,
making hyperventilation an effective therapeutic intervention in cases of
elevated ICP associated with TBI. However, hyperventilation in the presence
of systemic hypotension, particularly in the hemodynamically unstable,
hemorrhaging trauma patient, increases risk of neurological ischemia and
should be avoided until normotension is restored.
Osmotic diuretic therapy is another commonly used and widely accepted
intervention for reducing elevated ICP. Intravenous mannitol doses of 0.25 to 1.0
g/kg body weight are effective in drawing extravascular fluid from brain tissue
into the vascular system, decreasing brain edema and ICP. Because this
intervention also induces brisk diuresis, plasma osmolality and serum
electrolytes must be monitored.
Barbiturate coma is an intervention to reduce cerebral metabolic rate,
cerebral blood flow, and cerebral oxygen demand in order to reduce elevated ICP
and suppress the metabolic rate of ischemic cells until cerebral perfusion
improves. Hypotension is commonly associated with this therapy, which limits
its use in hemodynamically unstable patients. Vasopressors may be used to
maintain CPP between 50 and 70 mm Hg in such cases. The dose of
pentobarbital (preferable to thiopental) is based upon electroencephalographic
(EEG) evidence of burst suppression, the EEG threshold for maximally reduced
cerebral metabolic rate for oxygen and glucose.
Crystalloid is preferable for fluid therapy in the presence of isolated TBI.
Although the use of colloid might seem advantageous in preventing brain edema,
in a recent study albumin-based resuscitation following TBI nearly doubled
mortality. TBI is often associated with blood–brain barrier disruption, and
albumin administration in this situation may result in greater brain tissue edema
and higher ICP, contributing to higher morbidity and mortality.


The normal spine structure comprises three columns: anterior, middle, and
posterior. The anterior column includes the anterior two-thirds of the vertebral
body and the anterior longitudinal ligament. The middle column includes the
posterior third of the vertebral body, the posterior longitudinal ligament, and the
posterior component of the annulus fibrosus. The posterior column includes the
laminae and facets, the spinous processes, and the interspinous ligaments. Spine
instability results when two or more of the three columns are disrupted.
The trauma patient with a relevant mechanism of injury (typically blunt force
involving acceleration–deceleration) must be approached with a high degree of
suspicion for spinal cord injury unless it has been ruled out with imaging studies.
A lateral radiograph of the cervical spine demonstrating the entire cervical
spine to the top of the T1 vertebrae will detect 85% to 90% of significant
cervical spine abnormalities. Cervical spine radiographs must be examined for
structure and alignment of vertebral bodies, narrowing or widening of
interspinous spaces and the central canal, alignment along the anterior and
posterior ligament lines, and appearance of the spinolaminar line and posterior
spinous processes of C2 through C7. The presence of one spinal fracture is
associated with a 10% to 15% incidence of a second spinal fracture.
Thoracolumbar injuries most commonly involve the T11 through L3
vertebrae as a result of flexion forces. The presence of one thoracolumbar spinal
injury is associated with a 40% chance of a second fracture caudal to the first,
likely due to the force required to fracture the lower spine. Bilateral calcaneus
fractures also warrant a thorough thoracolumbar spine evaluation due to the
increased incidence of associated spinal fracture associated with this injury
Cervical spine injuries occurring above C2 are associated with apnea and
death. (C3–C5 roots form the phrenic nerve). High spinal injuries are often
accompanied by neurogenic shock due to the loss of sympathetic tone.
Neurogenic shock may masquerade as hemorrhagic shock in the presence of
major trauma because the source of bleeding may be presumed hemorrhagic,
rather than neurological, in origin. The presence of profound bradycardia 24 to
48 h after a high thoracic spinal cord lesion likely represents compromise of the
cardioaccelerator function found in the T1–T4 region.
The principal therapeutic objectives following spinal cord injury are to
prevent exacerbation of primary structural disruption and to minimize risk of
extending neurological injury from hypotension-related hypoperfusion of
ischemic areas of the spinal cord. In patients with complete spinal cord
transection, very few interventions will influence recovery. Patients with
incomplete spinal cord lesions require careful management of hemodynamic
parameters (eg, avoiding hypotension) and surgical stabilization of the spine to
prevent extension of existing injury and exacerbation of existing neurological
Surgical decompression and stabilization of spinal fractures is indicated when
a vertebral body loses more than 50% of its normal height or the spinal canal is
narrowed by more than 30% of its normal diameter. Methylprednisolone is often
administered for spinal cord injury in this situation. The antiinflammatory
properties of this steroid potentially reduce spinal cord edema within the tight
confines of a compromised spinal canal. Despite outcome studies from animal
models of traumatic spinal cord injury demonstrating benefit from early surgical
intervention, steroid therapy, or both, current human studies have failed to
demonstrate benefit from either intervention. The presence of a decompressible
lesion in the area of an incomplete spinal cord transection is not an indication for
early operative intervention unless other, more life-threatening, conditions are
Maintaining supranormal mean arterial blood pressure to help ensure
adequate spinal cord perfusion in areas of otherwise reduced blood flow due to
cord compression or vascular compromise is likely to be of more benefit than
steroid administration. Hypotension must be avoided during induction of
anesthesia, throughout operative decompression and stabilization of the spine
injury, and extending into the postoperative phase.
The elderly are at greater risk for spinal cord injury due to decreased mobility
and flexibility, greater incidence of spondylosis and osteophytes, and decreased
space within the spinal canal to accommodate spinal cord edema following
trauma. The incidence of spinal injury from falls in the elderly is rapidly
approaching that of spinal cord injury from motor vehicle accidents in younger
patients. Mortality following spinal cord injury in the elderly, particularly those
over the age of 75 years, is greater than that in younger patients with similar
The unique injury pattern of penetrating spinal cord injury warrants separate
consideration. Unlike blunt spinal trauma, penetrating trauma of the spinal cord
due to bullets and shrapnel is unlikely to cause an unstable spine. As a result, C-
collar or long-board immobilization may not be indicated in an isolated
penetrating spinal cord injury. The C-collar placement in the presence of a
cervical spine penetrating injury may actually hinder observation of soft tissue
swelling, tracheal deviation, or other anatomic indications of imminent airway
compromise. Unlike, blunt trauma, penetrating injuries of the spinal cord induce
damage at the moment of injury without risk of subsequent exacerbation of the
injury. Like other spinal cord injuries, however, maintenance of spinal cord
perfusion using supranormal mean arterial pressure is indicated until spinal cord
function can be more thoroughly evaluated.

Burns represent a unique but common traumatic injury that is second only to
motor vehicle accidents as the leading source of accidental death. Temperature
and duration of heat contact determine the extent of burn injury. Children,
because of their high body surface area to body mass ratio, and the elderly,
whose thinner skin allows deeper burns from similar thermal insult, are both at
greater risk for major burn injury. The pathophysiological and hemodynamic
responses to burn injuries are unique and warrant specialized burn care that can
be optimally provided only at burn treatment centers, particularly when more
than 20% of a patient’s total body surface area (TBSA) is involved in second- or
third-degree burns. A basic understanding of burn pathophysiology and of
resuscitation requirements, especially early initiation of therapies such as oxygen
administration and aggressive fluid resuscitation, will improve patient survival.
Burns are classified as first, second, or third degree. First-degree burns are
injuries that do not penetrate the epidermis (eg, sunburns and superficial thermal
injuries). Fluid replacement for these burns is not indicated, and the area of first-
degree burns should not be included in calculating fluid replacement when more
extensive or significant burns are also present. Second-degree burns are partial-
thickness injuries (superficial or deep) that penetrate the epidermis, extend into
the dermis for some depth, and are associated with blistering. Fluid replacement
therapy is indicated for patients with second-degree burns when more than 20%
of the TBSA is involved. Skin grafting also may be necessary in some cases of
second-degree burns, depending upon wound size and location. Third-degree
burns are those in which the thermal injury penetrates the full thickness of the
dermis. Nerves, blood vessels, lymphatic channels, and other deep structures
may have been destroyed, creating a severe, but insensate, wound, although
healthy tissue surrounding the third-degree burn will be very painful.
Debridement and skin grafting are almost always required for recovery from
third-degree burns.
Major burns (a second- or third-degree burn involving ≥20% TBSA)
induce a unique hemodynamic response. Cardiac output declines by up to 50%
within 30 min of the injury in response to a burn-induced massive
vasoconstriction, inducing a state of normovolemic hypoperfusion (burn shock).
Survival depends on restoration of circulating volume and infusion of crystalloid
fluids according to recommended protocols (see below). This intense
hemodynamic response may be poorly tolerated by patients with significant
underlying medical conditions. If adequate intravenous fluid therapy is provided,
cardiac function returns to normal within 48 h of injury, then typically progresses
to a hyperdynamic physiology as the metabolic challenge of healing begins.
Plasma volume and urine output are reduced early on, after major burn injuries.
In contrast to fluid management of blunt and penetrating trauma, where
crystalloid fluids are discouraged, burn fluid resuscitation emphasizes the use of
balanced crystalloid fluids (see Chapter 51) in preference to albumin,
hydroxylethyl starch, normal or hypertonic saline, or blood. Following burn
injuries, acute kidney failure is more common when hypertonic saline is used
during initial fluid resuscitation, death is more likely when blood is
administered, and outcomes are unchanged when albumin (rather than
crystalloid) is used in resuscitation.
Fluid resuscitation is continuous over the first 24 h following burn injury.
Two formulas are commonly used in guiding burn injury fluid resuscitation; the
Parkland and the modified Brooke. Both require an understanding of the Rule of
Nines (Figure 39–6) to calculate resuscitation fluid volumes. The adult Parkland
protocol recommends 4 mL/kg/% burned TBSA to be given in the first 24 h,
with half the volume given in the first 8 h and the remaining volume over the
following 16 h. The adult modified Brooke protocol recommends 2 mL/kg/%
burned TBSA, with half the calculated volume beginning in the first 8 h and the
remainder over the following 16 h. Both formulas use urine output as a reliable
indicator of fluid resuscitation adequacy, targeting adult urine production of 0.5
to 1.0 mL/kg/h as indicators of adequate circulating volume. If adult urine output
exceeds 1.0 mL/kg/h, the infusions are slowed. In both protocols, an amount
equal to half the volume administered in the first 24 h is infused in the second
24-h period following injury. The goal of maintaining adult urine output at 0.5 to
1.0 mL/kg/h continues throughout the initial phase of resuscitation.
FIGURE 39–6 The Rule of Nines, utilized to estimate burned surface area as a
percentage of total body surface area (TBSA). (Reproduced with permission from American
College of Surgeons. ATLS: Advanced Trauma Life Support for Doctors (Student Course Manual). 9th ed.
Chicago, IL: ACS; 2012.)
When pediatric burn patients are encountered, the fluid resuscitation
protocols are the same as for adults. Children weighing less than 30 kg should
receive 5% dextrose in their intravenous fluids and the target urine output is 1.0
mL/kg/h. The target urine output for infants younger than 1 year of age is 1 to 2

Burn Management Considerations

A. Fluid Creep
The Parkland and modified Brooke protocols both use urine output as an
indicator for adequate fluid resuscitation. However, circumstances may arise in
which the volume of fluid administered exceeds the original volume goal. For
example, initial fluid resuscitation volumes may be miscalculated if first-degree
burns are mistakenly incorporated into the TBSA value. Prolonged use of
sedation may result in hypotension, prompting administration of additional fluids
rather than vasoconstrictors. The phenomenon of fluid creep occurs when
intravenous fluid therapy volumes are increased beyond intended calculations in
response to hemodynamic changes related to issues other than circulating
volumes. Fluid creep is also associated with abdominal compartment syndrome
and pulmonary complications, often leading to resuscitation-related morbidity.

B. Abdominal Compartment Syndrome

Abdominal compartment syndrome (ACS) is a risk for pediatric and adult
patients with circumferential abdominal burns and patients receiving intravenous
fluid volumes greater than 6 mL/kg/% burned TBSA. Intraabdominal pressure
can be determined by measuring intraluminal bladder pressure using a Foley
catheter connected to a pressure transducer. The transducer is connected to a
three-way stopcock at the point where the Foley catheter connects to the
drainage tube. After the transducer is zeroed at the pelvic brim, 20 mL of fluid is
instilled into the bladder. Intraabdominal pressure readings are taken 60 s after
infusing fluid into the bladder, which allows the bladder to relax. Intraabdominal
pressures exceeding 20 mm Hg warrant abdominal cavity decompression.
However, an abdominal surgical procedure places the burn patient at increased
risk for intraabdominal Pseudomonas infection, particularly if the laparotomy
incision is near burned tissue. Early and frequent assessment of intraabdominal
pressure and consideration of potential etiologies of hypotension in the burn
patient other than hypovolemia are important preventative measures for ACS.
C. Pulmonary Complications
Excessive fluid resuscitation volumes are associated with an increased incidence
of pneumonia. Patients with severe burns frequently have pulmonary injury
related to the burn. Decreased tracheal ciliary activity, the presence of
resuscitation-induced pulmonary edema, reduced immunocompetence, and
tracheal intubation predispose burn patients to pneumonia. ACS can have an
adverse impact on pulmonary function. Intravenous fluid administration volumes
must be monitored closely and documented to be consistent with American Burn
Association recommendations (ie, the Parkland or modified Brooke protocol).
Fluid administration that exceeds recommendations warrants careful review of
the rationale.

D. Carbon Monoxide and Cyanide Poisoning

The differential diagnosis for altered mental status following burn injury and
smoke inhalation includes carbon monoxide and cyanide poisoning (see Chapter
57). Endotracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation with high inspired
oxygen concentration are indicated in this situation. Carbon monoxide binds
hemoglobin with an affinity approximately 250 times that of oxygen. The
resultant carboxyhemoglobin (HbCO) leaves less hemoglobin available for
binding oxygen and shifts the O2–Hb dissociation curve to the left, both causing
impaired delivery of oxygen to tissues. Pulse oximetry provides a falsely
elevated indication of oxygen saturation in the setting of carbon monoxide
exposure because of its inability to distinguish oxygenated hemoglobin (HbO2 )
from HbCO. Arterial or venous blood gas analysis can directly measure HbCO.
Clinically significant carbon monoxide poisoning is seen when HbCO levels
exceed 10% (those who regularly smoke tobacco have HbCO levels of up to
10%). If HbCO exceeds 20%, intubation and mechanical ventilation is indicated
in order to improve local tissue oxygenation and accelerate carbon monoxide
elimination. Death from carbon monoxide occurs when HbCO levels exceed
60%. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is indicated for carbon monoxide poisonings
from any etiology. Multiple hyperbaric oxygen sessions are required to reduce
the long-term consequences of carbon monoxide poisoning.

Anesthetic Considerations for Burn Therapy

A primary characteristic of all burn patients is an inability to regulate
temperature. The resuscitation environment must be maintained near body
temperature through the use of radiant warming, forced air warming devices, and
fluid warming devices. All burn care environments must be maintained near
Assessment of the burn patient begins with inspection of the airway.
Although the face may be burned (singed facial hair, nasal vibrissae), facial
burns are not an indication for tracheal intubation. The need for urgent airway
management, mechanical ventilation, and oxygen therapy is indicated by hoarse
voice, dyspnea, tachypnea, or altered level of consciousness. Arterial blood gas
determination should be obtained early in the treatment process for assessment
of HbCO level. Mechanical ventilation should be adjusted to achieve adequate
oxygen saturation (based upon measured oxygen levels rather than pulse
oximetry) at the lowest tidal volumes.
Tracheal intubation in the early period following burn injury (up to the first
48 h) can be facilitated with succinylcholine for muscle relaxation. In patients
with significant burns (>20% TBSA), injury and disruption of neuromuscular
end plates occurs, followed by upregulation of acetylcholine receptors.
Beyond 48 h after significant burn injury, succinylcholine can produce
lethal hyperkalemia. This risk for succinylcholine-induced hyperkalemia
persists for up to 2 years following burn injury.
Analgesia for burn patients is challenging. Considerations and concerns
regarding opioid tolerance and psychosocial complications of burn therapy are
commonplace. Multimodal approaches are often advantageous. Regional
analgesia may provide benefit, although in the early post-burn period this
technique may mask the symptoms of compartment syndrome or other clinically
significant signs and symptoms related to the primary burn injury.


The Elderly
The elderly represent the fastest-growing trauma population seen in trauma
centers across the world. The aged are at greater risk for serious complications
and death after even modest trauma. Preexisting, significant conditions that
negatively impact physiological reserve and ability to recover from trauma
contribute more to the higher complication and death rate after trauma than age
itself. Although “geriatric” is not a specific age, with respect to “geriatric”
trauma outcomes, several studies have observed increased morbidity and
mortality after trauma beginning between the ages of 45 and 55 years,
suggesting decreased physiological reserve following trauma may start at ages
far earlier than previously appreciated. With advancing age, several studies
found the risk for death after trauma doubled for trauma victims older than 65
years, when injury severity was matched for those younger than 65 years.
Falling from standing height is responsible for 90% of injuries in patients
over the age of 65 years. Fall-related intracranial hemorrhage, skeletal fractures,
and major thoracic or intraabdominal vascular injuries increase morbidity and
mortality in this patient population. Patients taking oral anticoagulants have
lower GCS scores and higher morbidity than elderly patients experiencing
similar injuries who do not use oral anticoagulants. Use of oral anticoagulants in
this patient population is an independent predictor of 30-day mortality after
falling. Preventing falls in the elderly is an emerging public health issue.

Mass Casualty Incidents

Preparing for mass casualty incidents has become a common annual exercise for
most hospitals, and such preparations must include the anesthesiology service.
While no specific number of casualties identifies an incident as a mass casualty
incident, there are themes of patterns that warrant some explanation and
understanding; nearly all relate to a facility’s usual emergency patient capacity.
Multiple injury incidents are those circumstances where more than one
patient arrives at the same facility from a traumatic event. In a small hospital,
this may overwhelm available resources. However, for most suburban and urban
trauma facilities, such an incident may simply redirect available resources away
from noncritical patients for a limited amount of time and the overall function of
the facility may not be significantly impacted.
Mass casualty incidents are events where the number of patients arriving from
the traumatic event overwhelm available hospital resources, prompting diversion
of noncritical patients to other facilities and interrupting normal hospital
functions, including elective surgery. Patient triage is critically necessary to
ensure limited resources are preserved for the highest-acuity patients. The use
of ultrasound technology has become integral in these situations where CAVEAT
(chest, abdomen, vena cava, and extremities) examinations quickly assess the
viability of critically injured patients.
Although mass casualty incidents are dreaded events, a few predictable
patterns have been well established and warrant mentioning. First, in most mass
casualty events, be it bus accidents, train crashes, civilian bombings in outdoor
settings, or terrorist attacks occurring where victims are not trapped in buildings,
10% of the victims die at the scene, another 10% will be critically wounded and
in need of emergency surgery, 20% will require urgent surgery within 8 h, and
30% will require nonemergent interventions. The key is identifying the nature
and likely number of victims involved. Second, victims of mass casualty events
often arrive at hospitals unannounced. Passers-by or law enforcement personnel
begin transporting victims to the nearest hospital, even if the nearest hospital is
not intended for trauma care, and may arrive without notice. This creates a need
for transporting patients between facilities when emergency first-responder
resources are likely already overwhelmed by the initial incident. Finally,
resources must be reserved for salvageable victims in this setting. Only patients
with pulses should be allowed access to surgical resources and intensive care
beds in mass casualty incidents, and only those patients should be transfused.


Abdominal Trauma in a Previously Healthy Patient

A 22-year-old, previously healthy, 70-kg man is brought to the
emergency department (ED) at 9 am by his mother after fainting at
home earlier that morning. The previous evening, he was involved in an
altercation in a bar during which he was kicked repeatedly in the
stomach. The patient is pale, tachycardic, and lethargic. His pulse is
140 beats/min and blood pressure is 60/34 mm Hg. A FAST (focused
assessment with sonography for trauma) examination in the ED
demonstrates free fluid in the abdomen. Two 18-gauge antecubital
intravenous lines are placed and a blood sample is sent to the blood
bank for type and cross-matching. A massive transfusion protocol
(MTP) is initiated. The patient is brought to the operating room within
16 min of his arrival in the ED.
What measures should be taken prior to induction of
The patient has life-threatening injuries. Although surgical intervention
is necessary, the interval between anesthetic induction and surgical incision
must be as short as possible. Preparing the patient for incision for a major
trauma surgical intervention warrants skin preparation extending from the
patient’s chin to his toes, with warm skin preparation solution. The
operating room should be as warm as possible until the patient is draped.
Avoiding hypothermia is of critical importance. The trauma surgeons
should be prepared to operate immediately in case hemodynamic collapse
occurs with anesthetic induction. This is why the skin must be prepared for
incision prior to, or during, anesthetic induction. Delaying surgical incision
for the placement of arterial line or central venous access is not indicated in
this scenario. Red blood cells and other blood products should be available
prior to anesthetic induction.
Warm intravenous fluids are infused quickly to prevent hemodynamic
collapse upon anesthetic induction. While the fluids are infusing, standard
ASA monitors are applied while the patient is preoxygenated. The surgical
nurse is painting the patient from chin to toes with antiseptic solution. The
surgeons are gowning and gloving. Immediate release, non–cross-matched
O-negative packed red blood cells (RBCs) are brought to the room. The
operating room temperature is uncomfortably warm. Invasive
hemodynamic monitoring catheters and ultrasound devices are present and
immediately available.
What are the priorities of anesthetic induction and
hemodynamic monitoring?
The patient is lethargic. Cerebral hypoperfusion, traumatic brain injury,
or intoxication cannot be ruled out. The mechanism of injury is that of blunt
violence, obligating the need for cervical spinal cord immobilization until a
more thorough neurological evaluation can occur. The choice of anesthetic
induction agent must be chosen with appreciation for the need to prevent
hemodynamic collapse. Benzodiazepines, opioids, and propofol each
attenuate sympathetic tone, and their administration may be life-threatening
in this scenario. Since all trauma patients should be considered to have full
stomachs, rapid sequence anesthetic induction/intubation is indicated. If
sufficient staff is available, someone from the anesthesia or surgical team
should be gowned and gloved, working next to the operating surgeons to
place arterial and central venous lines, using ultrasound technology, if
needed, at the time of surgical incision.
With the patient draped, the surgeons ready for incision and arrival of the
uncross-matched blood in the operating room. Scopolamine, 0.4 mg, is
injected intravenously followed immediately by succinylcholine, 100 mg
intravenously. With inline cervical spine immobilization maintained, the
endotracheal tube is passed with the assistance of a video laryngoscope.
Once endotracheal tube position is confirmed and secured, the surgeons
initiate the incision and proceed with damage control surgical intervention.
The surgeons make a full laparotomy incision while an anesthesia colleague
places a left subclavian central venous catheter. Hemodynamic collapse
occurs as blood spills from the surgical site. The arterial line is not yet in
place, but central venous access via the subclavian vein is now present. The
first MTP blood products arrive in the operating room.
What are the implications of damage control surgery (DCS) and
damage control resuscitation (DCR)?
When confronted with hemodynamic instability during life-threatening
hemorrhage, the surgeons intervene to stop the hemorrhage until the
hemodynamic status can be stabilized, and in a case of abdominal trauma,
to limit gastrointestinal contamination of the abdominal compartment. This
represents DCS. In this case, they pack off the abdomen until sufficient
blood-based resuscitation restores systolic blood pressures to 80 to 90 mm
Hg, which should allow the surgery to proceed.
DCR is an aggressive transfusion protocol utilized during life-
threatening hemorrhage that seeks to mimic whole blood (ie, RBC, fresh
frozen plasma [FFP], and platelet units in a ratio of 1:1:1). Emphasizing
warmed blood product transfusion during hemorrhage reduces hypothermia
and acidosis while attenuating trauma-induced coagulopathy (providing
intravenous crystalloid administration is kept to a minimum). Blood
products in this scenario, with the exception of platelets, must be infused
through a fluid warmer capable of delivering large volumes of infusate for
extended periods of time.
The surgeon packs the abdomen and compresses the aorta.
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is not useful in blood loss scenarios;
aortic compression is the most effective and prudent intervention in
hemorrhage-related hemodynamic collapse. Blood is administered through
a rapid infusion device in a 1:1:1 ratio. An increased end-tidal carbon
dioxide tracing is now observed, and the surgeon notes the aorta is now
more firm. The noninvasive blood pressure cuff shows a systolic pressure
of 82 mm Hg. The surgeon removes an abdominal pack and begins
exploring the abdomen. Although DCR continues, surgical exploration is
repeatedly interrupted due to hemodynamic instability. Eventually, a
brachial artery monitoring line is placed with ultrasound guidance.
What technology is available for more closely tailoring blood
component administration in this situation?
DCR emphasizes blood product use during hemorrhage resuscitation.
Experience with this lifesaving intervention suggests that blood product
utilization can be more precise if functional coagulation tests (eg,
thromboelastography [TEG] or rotational thromboelastometry [ROTEM])
are utilized. These technologies assess the functional status of clot
formation, with results available within 5 min of sampling. Patterns of clot
formation can guide the administration of platelets, fibrinogen, and plasma.
Thrombolysis is also detected with this technology, providing evidence of
the need for antithrombolytic therapies.
A blood gas sample demonstrates metabolic acidosis and hemoglobin of
7.0 g/dL. The functional coagulation study (TEG or ROTEM) demonstrates
a hypercoagulable pattern. As a result, the anesthesiologist alters the
transfusion ratios to 3 RBC:1 FFP:1 platelet units. The surgeon now
indicates that the sources for bleeding—a ruptured spleen and lacerated
kidney—are controlled. The anesthesiologist notifies the team that blood
products will no longer need to be rapidly infused unless hemodynamic
instability recurs.
Are there guidelines for use of blood versus vasopressors?
The question of when to initiate vasopressors during trauma resuscitation
has not been defined. So-called permissive hypotension during active
surgical hemostasis and damage control resuscitation is optimal to prevent
disruption of clot formation. Systolic blood pressures in the 80 to 90 mm
Hg range reduce blood loss and transfusion needs. However, once the
source of blood loss is surgically controlled, no guidelines exist as to when
vasopressors should be initiated, rather than continued transfusion of blood
products. This is an active area of investigation in trauma practices.
As the surgeons continue assessing the abdominal cavity for any as yet
undetected relevant trauma, the patient’s systolic blood pressure gradually
declines to 70 mm Hg. The patient’s core temperature is 35.5ºC, the blood
gas shows an improvement of the metabolic acidosis, with a base excess of
−4 mmol and hemoglobin of 10.0 g/dl. The TEG demonstrates normal
coagulation patterns. Ionized calcium is within normal limits. The decision
to initiate low-dose vasopressin and epinephrine infusions, rather than
transfuse additional blood products, is made; the patient was otherwise
healthy prior to this injury, and transfusion of additional blood products
increases the risk of transfusion-associated circulatory overload (TACO).
The patient’s blood pressure and heart rate stabilize to within normal limits,
the abdomen is temporarily closed, and he is transferred to the surgical
intensive care unit while remaining intubated and sedated.
This typical trauma scenario broadly addresses the common resuscitation
and management decisions required for major trauma resuscitation. At this
time, applying these resuscitation concepts to intraoperative surgery-related
hemorrhage is not supported. Unlike trauma, where the patient is typically
hypotensive for an extended period of time (frequently more than an hour),
intraoperative hemorrhage is typically recognized promptly and addressed
rapidly. Such patients usually do not become profoundly acidotic prior to
initiating resuscitation measures and transfusion. Unlike trauma
coagulopathy, intraoperative coagulopathy in the setting of surgical
hemorrhage is more likely dilutional, rather than endothelium-derived
(thrombolytic), as in the trauma setting. However, the basic concepts of
trauma resuscitation remain relevant: Allow lower systolic blood pressures
until the source for bleeding is identified and controlled, limit
administration of intravenous crystalloids during hemorrhage in deference
to administration of blood products, and utilize TEG or ROTEM to provide
functional assessment of clotting for guidance of blood product
administration. These concepts are accepted and defendable interventions in
nontrauma resuscitation, where research is ongoing to clarify best practices.

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