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The Ugly Truth:

Today, it’s allmost two and a half weeks since me and my best friend,
Rowley Jerferson had a big trouble. I thought that, he would crawling
back to me, but for come reason, that hasn’s happened.
Iam getting a little concerned because the school going to starts back up
in a few days so if we wnt this friend ship vack on track, we need to do
something quickly. If me and ROWLEY ARE REALLY THOURGH
THIS WOULD STINK, be cause we were have a pretty good thing
Now our friendship is only in the past. Iam finding for the new
bestfriend and the problem is I spend all the time for Rowley so now I
Don’s have anyone lined up to take his place.
Right now I have two best options is Christopher Brownfield and Tyson
Sanders but two of them have their own problem!...
I was go our to play with Christopher Brownfield last few weeks
because he an excellent mosquito magnet. Bus I think that he is good as
home friend than school friend.
Tyson is enough to, we’re like the same video game but he always pull
down all is pand down when he use urinal and I don’t know can I ever
get that past.
Any way, I’m still keeping the door open a crack for Rowley, just in
case. But if he want to save this friendship he needs to do something
Because the way things stand, he’s not gonna come out looking very
good in my autobiography.

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