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Relacionamentos Românticos 03

É difícil exagerar o quanto os Ativistas (ENFPs) se importam com o amor.

Este é um tipo de personalidade apaixonada, calorosa e de coração
aberto – que transborda de esperanças e sonhos, ideias e experiências –
e os ativistas trazem cada grama dessa energia vibrante para seus
relacionamentos românticos.
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Para os Campaigners, os relacionamentos românticos são lindos e
emocionantes – uma oportunidade para duas almas não apenas
explorarem o mundo juntas, mas também se conectarem nos níveis
mais profundos.

Muitos ativistas nutrem um profundo desejo de compartilhar suas vidas

com outra pessoa. Como resultado, essas personalidades podem se
sentir um pouco vazias ou sem inspiração quando estão solteiras.
Embora sua dedicação aos relacionamentos seja admirável, os ativistas
podem precisar se proteger contra investir muito de seu senso de
identidade em seu status de relacionamento.

Abanando as Chamas

Quando os ativistas estão interessados em alguém, eles raramente se

contêm. Pessoas com essePremium
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a se apaixonar
facilmente – e se apaixonamcom dificuldade. Os ativistas derramam sua

nova chama com carinho, confiando que a devoção e a paixão que

sentem são reais.

Optimists at heart, Campaigners are undaunted by the practical

challenges and inconveniences of a new partnership. This might explain
why they generally don’t shy away from long-distance relationships – in
their minds, physical distance is no match for the power of true love.
Rather than focusing on potential issues, Campaigners sink into the joys
of a relationship’s honeymoon stage, constantly looking for ways to prove
their dedication and delight their partner.

In a world of dating games and rules, Campaigners’ willingness to

throw caution to the wind can be a breath of fresh air.

For better or for worse, not everyone can match this personality type’s
ardor and intensity. Some people just need more space – whether
physical, emotional, or both. If their partner’s enthusiasm doesn’t seem
to match their own, Campaigners may find themselves feeling insecure
or needy.

And when the flames of romance start to flicker or wane – as happens in

nearly every longer-term relationship – Campaigners might worry that
their devotion has been misplaced and the match isn’t meant to be after
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The Mystery of Relationships
Perhaps because they’re so unstinting with their affection, Campaigners
can struggle with the mystery of why some relationships don’t work out.
Shouldn’t love be enough to keep two people happily together –
especially when one of those partners is as eager to please as a

But, like everyone, people with this personality type need to remember
that relationships are in all ways mutual – mutual interest, mutual
growth, and mutual responsibility. As many Campaigners learn, the fate
of a relationship has less to do with whether it was “meant to be” in some
cosmic sense than with how partners treat and communicate with each

Campaigners know that lasting love takes effort and commitment –

but they may become alarmed when the work of being in a
relationship starts to feel like, well, work.

Cherished Ideals

Campaigners approach their relationships with the highest of ideals.

They long to know and unconditionally accept everything about their
partner, just as they long for that person to know and unconditionally
accept them in return.

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With this intense all-in approach to love Campaigners may feel more
With this intense, all in approach to love, Campaigners may feel more
energized in the exciting, unpredictable early stages of a courtship than
they do in established relationships. After all, long-term relationships
require two people not just to enjoy each other’s company but also to
navigate practical matters together, such as chores, budgeting, and social
or family obligations.

In settled relationships, Campaigner personalities may find themselves

longing for the days when they and their partner were more focused
on candlelit dinners than who was going to empty the dishwasher.

For Campaigners, such issues can seem painfully unromantic. But unless
these types take on their share of the responsibilities and help keep
things running smoothly, they may actually amplify any stress and
resentment in the relationship.

Fortunately, Campaigners can find ways to balance their spontaneous,

passionate nature with the stability and consistency that long-term
relationships require. With their trademark sensitivity and goodwill, these
personalities can transform even the most mundane tasks into a
creative, heartfelt expression of love.

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