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Society in Risk: Relationship Ties

“Do you like metal?” He asked. “Yeah! I love metal”, and this was
the story of how they went to a metal museum, but breaking the
expectations of one of they, the museum was about the minerals.
The confusion about what if want say is common. The sentiment can
is confused, can have too many lines of ideas behind a sentence etc.
These words allow us express intentions of action, so this means that a
society can exist because the objectives of people need of a possibility
of coexistence, otherwise the society will mean a self-destruction of
humanity with actions that nullify the efforts of other actions in the
same territory.
Ignoring the judgment that the middle class is the better class,
Aristotle argued that the high class and low class are the worst classes
for the harmony of a city because both are in extremes, so they are
seduced of ideas that appear in these extremes while the middle-class
is the mid-term of the financial situations, meaning then that in the
middle class has an equilibrium of wishes. So, we can think that the
middle-class is the bridge of the financial situations, the middle-class
represents a common thing that the poor and the rich can talk about,
because the middle-class have a little of each class. If the middle-class
doesn’t will exist, the rich and the poor will enter in conflict.
“The result is a city-state consisting not of free people but of slaves
and masters, the one group full of envy and the other full of arrogance.
Nothing is further removed from a friendship and a community that is
political. For community involves friendship, since enemies do not
wish to share even a journey in common.”1
So, what do are the ties of the relations? A tie of a relationship is the
common objectives, or advantages that you will have with this relation.
Maybe it is assumed that a relation with other is good for the progress

Politcs, chapter 11 pg 119

translated by C.D.C REEVE
of your objectives and the maintenance of your lifestyle, so, these
intentions for with the relations need to be clear.

Well, a word is a sign that point to a thing. What will happen if the
understanding of the sign and the combined signs about the objectives
can be different? You lost the clear of the objectives of the other, and
you don’t have the bridge to talk and interact in a factual sense. So, the
society will establish relations that don’t have really things in common,
and the society will start a self-destruction.

“In Megalopolis the sentiment of friendship wastes away. Friends

become, in the vulgarism of modem speech, "pals," who may be
defined as persons whom your work compels you to associate with or,
on a still more debased level, persons who will allow you to use them
to your advantage. The meeting of minds, the sympathy between
personalities which all cultured communities have regarded as part of
the good life, demand too much sentiment for a world of machines and
a false egalitarianism, and one detects even a faint suspicion that
friendship, because it rests upon selection, is undemocratic. It is this
type of mentality which will study with perfect naïveté a work on how
to win friends and influence people. To one brought up in a society
spiritually fused— what I shall call the metaphysical community— the
idea of a campaign to win friends must be incomprehensible. Friends
are attracted by one’s personality, if it is of the right sort, and any
conscious attempt is inseparable from guile. And the art of
manipulating personalities obviously presumes a disrespect for
personality. Only in a splintered community, where the spirit is starved
to the point of atrophy, could such an imposture flourish.”2

2- By Richard M. Weaver
“Ideas Have consequences”,
pg 31, Unsentimental

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