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#include <stdio.


* main - A program that prints a line using the printf function
* Return: Always 0 (Success)
int main(void)
printf("with proper grammar, but the outcome is a piece of art,\n");
return (0);

#include <stdio.h>

* main - Entry point
* Return: Always 0 (Success)
int main(void)
printf("Size of a char: %lu byte(s)\n", sizeof(char));
printf("Size of an int: %lu byte(s)\n", sizeof(int));
printf("Size of a long int: %lu byte(s)\n", sizeof(long int));
printf("Size of a long long int: %lu byte(s)\n", sizeof(long long int));
printf("Size of a float: %lu byte(s)\n", sizeof(float));

return (0);

gcc -S -masm=intel $CFILE

#include <unistd.h>

* main - Entry point
* followed by a newline, to standaed error.
* Return: Always 1.

int main(void)
write(2, "and that piece of art is useful\" - Dora Korpar, 2015-10-19\n", 59);
return (1);

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