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1/6/23, 00:14 C1 level exam 2022

C1 level exam 2022

This English quiz estimates your level in just 4 sections, including reading skills (English
grammar and vocabulary), listening skills, writing skills and speaking.

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Read the following sentences and select the option that best describes the situation… 1/23
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Beyond Omicron and gold medal tallies, athletes arriving in China’s capital for the
Winter Games next month ____ one more thing to worry about: is it safe to access
the internet?

are having

can't decide

may have

have had

China’s government blocks swaths of the internet to maintain control over public
discourse at home. Its dropping that blockade as part of a pledge to ___ a “simple,
safe and splendid” games -- an opportunity for the country to showcase its rising
economic and political prowess.

stay in

let on


put on… 2/23
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In honor of Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy, we thought it would be fitting to present
what is known as the “I Have a Dream” speech in the economic context in which it
was _____ created.



first time


King’s point was that the economic system America ____ into had left African
Americans and poor people behind, entirely.

have developed

had grown

had shown

has gotten

People must be made consumers by one method or the other. Once they are____ in
this position, we need to be concerned that the potential of the individual is not




upon… 3/23
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Few of these proposals fit the usual definition of a basic income, and they differ
from one another ____. But they share a common thread.



at all


One group of basic income supporters is mostly concerned ____ problems with the
status quo.

of these

with addressing

about handling

for taking

The gender wage gap historically refers to pay disparities ___ men and women
doing the same work. There is also a racial wage gap.




affecting… 4/23
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The gender wage gap has ____ over the years, but women still earn about 82 cents
for every dollar that men earn.





"There is real pain ____ the real economy. You won’t see this pain if your scorecard
is how things are going on Wall Street," Biden said in his speech.






2021 will go down in history as a year of extremes. We witnessed millions more people
become sick or perish from the coronavirus while some of the most developed nations
recorded a broad-based economic recovery. However, the K-shaped recovery has not been
felt by people equally, across all income levels in the U.S. and other countries.

The economic recovery has also brought historic spikes in producer and consumer prices,
vast labor shortages across industries, and a global supply chain clog that still persists
today. The impacts of climate change arrived at our doorsteps, as wildfires, floods,
hurricanes, and tornadoes devastated communities, local economies, and large swaths of

An influx of new traders and investors entered the capital markets this year, and have been
particularly keen on cryptocurrency. The market cap of all cryptocurrencies topped $3
trillion in 2021, as Bitcoin and Ethereum soared to record highs, but experienced intense
volatility. So-called meme-coins, including Dogecoin and Shiba Inu, became mainstream as… 5/23
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they racked up astronomical gains, spurred on by business celebrities such as Elon Musk
and online trading forums like r/wallstreetbets.

Indeed, 2021 was the year retail traders tilted the playing field against traditional Wall Street
institutions. Day-trading enthusiasts swarmed stocks targeted by institutional short sellers
and hedge funds, driving stocks like AMC Entertainment (AMC) and GameStop (GME) to
extreme highs, prompting short squeezes and hundreds of millions of dollars in losses for
legacy institutions. That led to more stock market scrutiny and calls for more online broker

This year will also be remembered for the persistent strength of the capital markets, despite
economic uncertainty, the ongoing pandemic, and a sense of frothiness across many asset
classes. The S&P 500 closed at record highs more than 67 times this year, although
hundreds of stocks fell into bear markets along the way. Meanwhile, several of the biggest
stocks got bigger as Tesla (TSLA) joined the Trillion Dollar Market Cap Club and Apple
(AAPL) danced dangerously close to the $3 trillion apex.

All that said, it’s not a surprise that the U.S. equity markets outperformed all developed
global markets for the fourth year in a row. Many point to the ultra-accommodative
monetary policies extended by the Federal Reserve, which has kept interest rates near zero
and sustained its low-yield monthly government bond-buying program, fueling the stock
market’s fire.

Finally, 2021 can be remembered as the year that the lines between the digital and physical
worlds became more blurred than ever. The rise of decentralized networks and digital
currencies, coupled with the mania over non-fungible tokens (NFTs), represent an
awakening across the world that our lives are becoming more digitized. Facebook became
Meta, Square became Block, and billionaires launched their own rockets into space as their
fortunes soared. Authenticity, decentralization, scarcity, and more extremes are the
hallmarks of this new era.

Although there are widespread nations rallying economics, people is not aware of


False… 6/23
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The author denies a gridlocked condition when it comes to global supply after the
economic retrieval.



Wildfires, floods and hurricanes are also caused by the economic deadlock.



Cryptocurrencies took off in 2021 with capricious ups and downs here and there.



Business celebrities such as Elon Musk don't prop up trading cryptocurrencies.


False… 7/23
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Because of AMC and GME stocks incident, online brokers can trade inadvertency.



In spite of the economics being up in the air, the markets have shown a sense of
renewed vigour.



TESLA and APPLE belong to the Trillion Dollar Market Cap Club.



The U.S equity markets fall behind all developed global markets for the fourth year
in a row.


False… 8/23
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We can say 2021 was the year of the awakening of a new era where the physical
and digital world are not that splitted up at all.




When you picture mountain climbers scaling Mount Everest, what probably comes to mind
are teams of climbers with Sherpa guides leading them to the summit, equipped with
oxygen masks, supplies and tents. And in most cases you'd be right, as 97 per cent of
climbers use oxygen to ascend to Everest's summit at 8,850 metres above sea level. The
thin air at high altitudes makes most people breathless at 3,500 metres, and the vast
majority of climbers use oxygen past 7,000 metres. A typical climbing group will have 8–15
people in it, with an almost equal number of guides, and they'll spend weeks to get to the
top after reaching Base Camp.

But ultra-distance and mountain runner Kilian Jornet Burgada ascended the mountain in
May 2017 alone, without an oxygen mask or fixed ropes for climbing.

Oh, and he did it in 26 hours.

With food poisoning.

And then, five days later, he did it again, this time in only 17 hours.

Born in 1987, Kilian has been training for Everest his whole life. And that really does mean
his whole life, as he grew up 2,000 metres above sea level in the Pyrenees in the ski resort
of Lles de Cerdanya in Catalonia, north-eastern Spain. While other children his age were
learning to walk, Kilian was on skis. At one and a half years old he did a five-hour hike with
his mother, entirely under his own steam. He left his peers even further behind when he
climbed his first mountain and competed in his first cross-country ski race at age three. By
age seven, he had scaled a 4,000er and, at ten, he did a 42-day crossing of the Pyrenees.

He was 13 when he says he started to take it 'seriously' and trained with the Ski
Mountaineering Technical Centre (CTEMC) in Catalonia, entering competitions and working
with a coach. At 18, he took over his own ski-mountaineering and trail-running training, with
a schedule that only allows a couple of weeks of rest a year. He does as many as 1,140
hours of endurance training a year, plus strength training and technical workouts as well as
specific training in the week before a race. For his record-breaking ascent and descent of
the Matterhorn, he prepared by climbing the mountain ten times until he knew every detail of
it, even including where the sun would be shining at every part of the day.… 9/23
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Sleeping only seven hours a night, Kilian Jornet seems almost superhuman. His resting
heartbeat is extremely low at 33 beats per minute, compared with the average man's 60 per
minute or an athlete's 40 per minute. He breathes more efficiently than average people too,
taking in more oxygen per breath, and he has a much faster recovery time after exercise as
his body quickly breaks down lactic acid – the acid in muscles that causes pain after

All this is thanks to his childhood in the mountains and to genetics, but it is his mental
strength that sets him apart. He often sets himself challenges to see how long he can
endure difficult conditions in order to truly understand what his body and mind can cope
with. For example, he almost gave himself kidney failure after only drinking 3.5 litres of
water on a 100km run in temperatures of around 40°C.

It would take a book to list all the races and awards he's won and the mountains he's
climbed. And even here, Kilian’s achievements exceed the average person as, somehow, he
finds time to record his career on his blog and has written three books, Run or Die, The
Invisible Border and Summits of My Life.

It's normal to find it hard to breathe at ____  metres above sea level.


Kilian reached the summit of Everest in ____ hours on his second attempt.


He was  ____ years old when he walked a long way without being carried

one and a half

At the age of ____, he saw mountaineering as more than a hobby.

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At age  _____, he became his own trainer.

of 18

At ___ bpm, Kilian's pulse rate is much slower than even very fit people


Select all the mounts Kilian has climbed in (select ALL that apply)


Mount Everest


Ben Nevis

Mount Huang



Listen the following conversation of Steve Jobs on magaging people and answer the
questions afterwards.
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Steve Jobs is of the opinion of making committees in a company to take decisions.



Steve likes to think about his company's organization as a start-up.



How often do they meet to update themselves what they are doing?

Once a month


Once a week

Each three hours

We can say the whole business is based on ___




hard skills… 12/23
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They all are splitted up in different teams to develop one final product.



Steve only meets with the Marketing team to solve problems.



People are willing to tell Steve is mistaken.



Not only the top of the company can make decisions.


False… 13/23
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Hierarchy is what keeps the company running well.



Steve doesn't contribute with ideas, but listen others and pick the best one.




Listen the following speech of Michelle Obama on How to succeed in life and fill the spaces

Who are you gonna be?

And if you'll notice I'm not asking what are you gonna do but who are you gonna be?
I'm asking you about how you plan to live your life every day.
How are you gonna respond when you don't get that job you had your heart set on?
For all of you who are gonna be teachers, what are you gonna do if the students in your
class next year just don't respond to your lessons?

For all of you (1) ___ ___ ___, how will you react when your boss gives you a goal that feels
way too high?
See these are the moments that define us. Not the day you (2) ___ ___ ___. Not the day you
win ''Teacher of the year''. But the times that force you to claw and scratch and fight just to
get through the day.
The moments when you get knocked down and you are wondering whether it's even worth it
to (3) ___ ___ ___.
See those are the times when you got to ask yourself: ''who am I gonna be?''.
And I want to be clear, this isn't just some vague platitude about building character.

In recent years we've actually been seeing a growing body of research that shows that skills
like resilience and conscientiousness can be just as important to your success as your test… 14/23
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scores or even your IQ.

For instance West Point cadets who scored high on things like grit and determination were
more likely to (4) ___ ___ ___ than those ranked high on things like class rank, S.A.T. scores
and physical fitness.
So what we're seeing is that if you're willing to dig deep, if you're willing to (5) ___ ___ ___
when you fall, if you're willing to work and work until your weaknesses become your
strengths then you'll develop a set of skills that you can mold and apply to any situation you
encounter, any job (6) ___ ___ ___, any crisis you might confront. But you gotta make that

And let me just share just a little secret (7) ___ ___ ___. As someone who has hired and
managed hundreds of young people over the course of my career, whether it was during my
time as a lawyer, as an administrator at a university, a nonprofit manager, even now as First
Lady, I have never (8) ___ ___ ___ I was interviewing to explain a test score or a grade in a
class. Never. I have never once made a hire just because someone went to an Ivy League
school instead of a State school. Never.
What I have looked for is what kind of person you are. Are you a hard worker? are you
reliable? are you open to other viewpoints? have (9) ___ ___ ___ of your own self-interest to
serve other? have you found a way to serve our country whether in uniform or in your
Again and again I have seen that those are the qualities that I want on my team. Because
those are the qualities that move our businesses and schools and our entire country
forward. And just understand this, those are the qualities that you all already embody.
They're the values you learned from your parents, from the communities you (10) ___ ___ ___.

And today more than ever before, that's what the world needs.

Write the missing words in the space 1

going into business

Write the missing words in the space 2

get the promotion

Write the missing words in the space 3

get back up… 15/23
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Write the missing words in the space 4

complete basic training

Write the missing words in the space 5

pick youself up

Write the missing words in the space 6

you might have

Write the missing words in the space 7

before l end

Write the missing words in the space 8

once asked someone

Write the missing words in the space 9

you stepped outside

Write the missing words in the space 10

grew up in

1/6/23, 00:14 C1 level exam 2022

Listen the following speech of Carl Sagan on Life in Earth and answer the following

From a certain perspective, Earth can be seen as

a doll to play with

an insignificant speckle

a bot coming our way

a nod and a wink

Every person who has ever lived has inhabited this place

A grain in a glare

Dust in the sea

A freckle in a bean

A little raindrop falling down

To represent the cruelty of the human beings, Carl describes the war as

a camp of torture

an endless nightmare

a battle between sinners and saints

a fight arena… 17/23
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What feeling does Carl describe when people kill each other?





Whatever generals and emperors have accomplished can be consider as

a gladiator fight

a feast of anger

a mere trifle

a great event

Why would we need help from elsewhere?

To save most of species

To save us from ourselves

To stand up against our enemies

To have a privileged position… 18/23
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The Earth is not the only world known to harbor life.



We are ready to settle in another planet rather than the Earth



What does the distant image of our tiny little world can demonstrate?

The absurdity of human vanity

The greatness of the universe

The insignificant size of the Earth

The blood spilled in vain

We better distrust others to preserve the survival instinct and to save our home



WRITING… 19/23
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This section is divided in two tasks. .

Make sure to follow the instructions.

TASK 1. A media company is making a research on 'Influence that television has in

different countries''. You've asked to write a report addressing how popular are tv
programmes in your country, the effect they are having in local culture and changes
you would recommend and why.

In my country, television programmes are highly popular and hold a significant influence
over the local culture. People regularly tune in to watch a wide range of shows, including
news, dramas, reality shows, and entertainment programs. These programmes shape public
opinions, preferences, and even societal norms to some extent.

The effect of television on local culture is undeniable. It plays a crucial role in shaping the
values, beliefs, and behaviors of the audience. Television programmes can reflect and
reinforce cultural traditions, showcase diverse perspectives, and introduce new ideas and
trends. They have the power to bring communities together, foster discussions, and raise
awareness on various social issues.

However, there are changes that could be recommended to enhance the positive impact of
television on local culture. First, promoting more diversity and inclusivity in the
representation of different social groups, ensuring that various voices and experiences are
accurately portrayed. Second, prioritizing educational and informative content that
encourages critical thinking and promotes cultural understanding. Finally, incorporating
more interactive elements to engage viewers actively and encourage them to participate in
shaping the content they consume.

By implementing these changes, television in my country can become an even more

powerful tool for fostering cultural growth, promoting social cohesion, and encouraging
positive change in society.… 20/23
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TASK 2. Make a pitch for a company to ask for funds, you can include what the
company does, the forecast for this year and what would you use the money for.

Dear Potential Investors,

I am thrilled to present our company, BEAKGO SAS, and share our exciting vision for the
future. We are a dynamic and innovative organization dedicated to revolutionizing the
telecommunication sector

At BEAKGO SAS, we have seen remarkable growth and success over the past year, and our
forecast for this year is even more promising. We anticipate a substantial increase in market
demand, driven by shifting consumer preferences and emerging trends. With our cutting-
edge technology and unparalleled expertise, we are well-positioned to capitalize on these

To further propel our growth and expand our market presence, we are seeking funding of
10.0000 dollars to invest in key areas. Firstly, we will allocate resources to research and
development, allowing us to enhance our product offerings and maintain our competitive
edge. Additionally, we will strengthen our marketing and sales efforts to reach new
customers and solidify partnerships with strategic stakeholders.

The funds raised will also fuel our expansion into new markets, both domestically and
internationally. By leveraging our proven business model and leveraging emerging market
opportunities, we aim to establish a strong global presence and become a leader in the

Investing in BEAKGO SAS offers a unique opportunity to be part of a revolutionary venture

with exceptional growth potential. We have a dedicated team, a proven track record, and a
clear roadmap for success.

Thank you for considering our pitch. We are eager to discuss in more detail how your
investment can help us achieve our goals and deliver outstanding returns.



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