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Class material | Video Vocabulary 

Having difficult conversations 

Script  Vocab 

- Engaging difficult conversations requires skill and practice. Most importantly, it  Engaging >> Llevar acabo 

requires you to understand how to have successful conversations when the potential  Skill>> Habilidad 

exists for emotions to be highly charged. - The focus is to design an environment that  Highly Charged >> Intenso 

creates openness for both parties, so that authentic and accurate communication can  Parties >> Miembros, 

occur. - Pay attention to the timing of the feedback. Are you approaching the other  Participantes 

person during a stress-neutral time for them? Be mindful of the context. - Every tough  Timing >> Concepto de tomar el 

conversation has to have the foundation that I care for you.  tiempo en cuenta 

  Approaching >> Acercarse 

- Don't stack a few good things just to get to the bad. Consistently look for genuine   

opportunities to accentuate the positive in real time. - Direct feedback is clear, and  Stack>> Apilar 

hardly misinterpreted. Saying to a colleague who lost her cool in a meeting, that she  Accentuate>> Acentuar 

seemed to be passionate about the issues will just not be heard. Replace that with  Feedback >> Retroalimentación 

saying, "Your reaction to that idea in the meeting "was very animated. "Help me  Misinterpret >> Mal interpretar 

understand why you feel this strongly about it." - Own it. Never blame the team,  Cool >> Estado positivo de 

management, or organizational performance.  emoción 

  Seem >>Parecer 

In the long term, the more honest you are, believe it or not, the more they'll respect  Issue >> Temas, problemas o 

your decision.  situaciones difíciles 

  Strongly >> Fuertemente 

Own it >> Concepto de tomar 


Blame >> Culpar 

Performance >> Desempeño 

Long term >> Largo plazo 

Class material | Video Vocabulary 

Leading teams 
Script  Vocab 

- First, make the team the right size. Research on the effectiveness of teams suggests  Right size >> Tamaño adecuado 

that the ideal size is between four and seven people. Three people is unstable,  Effectiveness >> efectividad 

because it creates a two against one dynamic. And eight or more actually yields  Unstable >> Inestable 

diminishing productivity, because people feel less accountable for their efforts. - The  Yield >> dar lugar 

team needs to know where it's going. What is the shared vision? We are naturally  Diminishing >> Hacer de menos. 

pack animals, we want to be members of a pack, and we're also goal-seeking animals.  Accountable >> Responsable 

We love to have a quest and we are united by having a quest.  Share >> Compartir 

  Pack animals >> animales de 

- Give your team the freedom to pursue new strategies and solutions, even if some of  manada 

those might fail. When you provide room for creative thinking, and even failure, your  Goal-seeking >> Guiados por 

team is more likely to discover unique solutions. - So, if, as a leader, you're able to step  metas 

back and look at the team, and assess who's going to be a good fit, how to get the  Quest >> Viaje de búsqueda 

right chemistry between the members of the team, and then get them trusting one  Freedom >> Libertad 

another, because they have shared experiences, and they're predictable to one  Pursue >> Perseguir 

another, that team is going to jell very quickly and start functioning as a team instead  Even If >> Aunque 

of as a group of individuals.  More likely >> mayor probabilidad 

  Step back >> hacerte a un lado 

- Plan for the future and look for ambition, ability, and commitment to help you target  Assess >> Evaluar 

high potentials. Knowing what makes them unique will help you hire, motivate, and  Trust >> Confiar 

retain them in your organization. Ultimately, high potentials will become your future  Jell >> Unirse 

leaders and drive your business performance.  Commitment >> Compromiso 

  Retain >> Retener 

Our emotions can also help us understand our deepest values. They can often signal  High Potential >> Alto potencial 

what is more important to us: You feel love to your family. You feel ambition at work,  Deepest >> Más profundos 

and appreciate achievement and self-worth. You feel fulfilled when you’ve been able  Self-worth >> Autoestima 

to help a direct report achieve their goals. You feel peace and satisfaction on a  Fulfilled >> Satisfecho 

mountain summit. It’s far better to focus on these deeper values rather than your  Rather than >> En lugar de 

immediate emotions, which can spur poor decisions.  Spur >> Brotar 
Class material | Video Vocabulary 

Becoming an entrepreneur 
Script  Vocab 

- My best piece of advice for an entrepreneur is that you not focus on writing a business  Pitch >> Concepto de comunicar 

plan in Word, creating financial projections with Excel, creating a pitch with  de qué se trata tu propuesta 

PowerPoint. What you should focus on is making a prototype. - The most successful  Strenghts >> Fortalezas 

entrepreneurs play to their distinctive strengths or what they do uniquely well. The  Overlook >> Ignorar 

trouble with distinctive strengths is that they're easy to overlook because you do them  Tend >> Tender 

reflexibly well.  Undevalue >> Restar valor 

  Overvalue >> Aumentar valor 

As Malcolm Forbes said, "We tend to undervalue "what we are and overvalue what we  Trends >> Tendencias 

aren't." - For your business plan, articulate what the major trends are and the actions  Offset >> Desbalancear 

you're going to take either to offset the negative trends or take advantage of the  Take advantage >> Tomar 

positive ones. - Bootstrap as long as you can and then if you still feel that you need the  ventaja 

help, then you're going to be more successful when you go to the angel investors. The  Bootstrap >> Concepto de llevar 

worst thing that you could possibly do is start a business and go out looking for  un negocio con austeridad 

financing from someone like that right in the beginning.  The worst >> Lo peor 

  Give up >> Ceder 

Because either A, you're not going to get it, because you haven't shown the initiative, or  Marriage >> Matrimonio 

B, you're going to get it and you're going to give up way too much of the business as a  Ups and downs >> altas y bajas 

result of getting financing too early. Working with a co-founder is similar to marriage. To  Trust >> Confianza 

move through the ups and downs, it's vital to sort out relationships, roles, and rewards.  Have your back >> Respaldarte 

Look for every opportunity to reinforce trust because when you have a business partner  Get through >> salir a delante 

who has your back, you can get through nearly any up and down the business throws  Throw >> Arrojar 

your way.  Look forward >> Mirar hacia a 

What do you enjoy? In a typical workweek, what do you look forward to doing? What do  delante 

you see on your calendar that energizes you? If you could design your job with no  Spend time >> Pasar el tiempo 

restrictions, how would you spend your time? These questions help people find or   

rediscover what they love about work. 

Class material | Video Vocabulary 

Solving problems through business analysis 

Script  Vocab 

- One of the first steps in any good critical thinking process is taking a very big problem  Breaking it down >> Concepto 

and breaking it down into smaller ones that you can actually solve. - Considering the  de dividir 

why, assist with understand the level of desire, commitment, and need for the change  Desire >> Deseo 

and how this change impacts both the processes and other areas of the organization.  Commitment >> Compromiso 

You use that information to source other sources of information. It's like anything, if you  Source >> Fuente 

take information in isolation, it's very difficult to ensure that what you have is accurate  Ensure >> Asegurar 

and appropriate for moving forward.  Accurate >> Preciso 

  Moving forward >> Adelantando 

- Analysis takes the information elicited and looks at where the gaps and impacts are.  Elicited >> Solicitada 

You do this by breaking it down and looking at various angles. Analysis involves a  Gaps >< Espacios o brechas 

combination of thinking, inspiring dialogue, and analysis with others. It involves  Bring out >> Sacar 

modeling, diagramming, and documenting to bring out the various angles to ensure  Understood >> Entendido 

impact, gaps, scenarios, and connections are well understood by the team. - It's not  Enough >> Suficiente 

enough for your team to understand the data, you'll need to be able to communicate  Key insights >> Puntos claves 

your key insights to to everyone else in your organization.  Engage >> Interactuar 

Storytelling is still the best way to educate, motivate, and engage others.  

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