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Módulo de Ingles II
English Teacher: Roseola Isaza Vera
Students: Laura Camila Motta Murcia
Liza Fernanda Cardozo Romero
Ana Cristina Hernández Navarrete
Leslie Michelle Buitrago Benito

Administration Of Medicines: It is understood by the route of pharmacological
administration to the path chosen to get a drug to its final destination: the cell
target. In other words, it is the chosen way to incorporate a drug into the body
Anti-inflammatory: It is applied to the medicine or medical procedure used to
prevent or decrease tissue inflammation.
Antibiotic: These medicines are those that fight infections caused by bacteria in
humans and animals either by killing bacteria or by hindering their growth and
Antiparasitic: It is an anti-infective drug used in humans and animals to treat
infections caused by bacteria and parasites.
Aspirin: It’s a drug in the salicylate family. It is used as a medicine to treat pain,
fever and inflammation, due to its inhibitory, non-selective effect of

Benefit-cost: Relationship between benefits and costs, measured in monetary
value, of the use of a medicine.
Biocompatibility: characteristic of various materials for medical or pharmaceutical
use (implants, sutures, depot dosage form, transdermal therapeutic systems, etc.),
which do not cause harmful effects (rejection, irritation, inflammation, sensitization,
etc.) when in contact with the organism.
Blister: Discrete dose container type of solid or semi-solid drug formulations. For
example, a tablet, a suppository. The container consists of flexible sheets, easy to
cut and made of plasticized material, metal or a combination of both, which is in the
form of strips or tapes in which are the spaces that contain the pharmaceutical
form. Its walls must protect the medicine from light, moisture, and abrasion. The
strips contain several units of the drug arranged in parallel rows that allow the unit
doses of the drug to be obtained one by one as required.
good pharmacy practices, GPP: Set of standards that serves to clarify and ensure
that the services provided by pharmacists are of the appropriate quality. The
PRACTICES are almost identical, however, Good Pharmacy Practices are
considered as a way to make effective care or PHARMACEUTICAL CARE
Barbitone: it was the first sedative and sleeping pill of the group of barbiturates. It
was introduced to the market at the beginning of the 20th century
Beneficiary: A person who has benefits under a health insurance plan.

care: health care and medication management is important to clients' health.
Customers: These are the backbone of pharmaceutical services.
Capillary diagnosis: Additional service that is provided in the pharmaceutical
service to users who require it.
Health campaigns: Moment in which the promotion is easier, in addition to
concentrating the interest of the client on the same theme.

Communication: It helps to remember the importance of following the indications of

the treatments.

Continuous improvement: Constant development and evolution for better service

provision and better quality of care.

Dispensation: It is the delivery of one or more medicines and medical devices to a
patient and the information on their proper use made by the Pharmaceutical
Chemist and the Technologist in Pharmacy Regency.
Drug: A natural substance, of plant or animal origin, or synthetic, used in chemistry
or dry-cleaning, or in pharmacy and medicine.
Data: It is the raw input from which the information is produced. Information refers
to data that has been processed and communicated in such a way that it can be
understood and interpreted by the recipient.
Dosage: A dose is a measured amount of a drug, nutrient, or pathogen that is
given as a unit. The higher the amount delivered, the higher the dose. Doses are
most commonly measured for compounds in medicine.
Dicloxacillin: is used to treat infections caused by certain types of bacteria.

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