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Change the sentences from modal expressions to modal verbs:

E.g. I am able to speak English -> I can speak English

A) Are we supposed to wear masks now?

B) She was able to read when she was three.

C) Why do you have to be like this?

D) I'm not able to keep up with too many series.

E) Are wars always going to exist?

F) You're not allowed to throw a party here.

G) I have to wear glasses when I read.

H) I know how to cook an amazing fried chicken.

I) Do you know how to use chopsticks?

J) You have to drive on the left in the UK.

Change the sentences from modal verbs to modal expressions:

E.g. I can speak English -> I am able to speak English

A) We won't say a word.

B) May I talk to you?

C) He must be crazy.

D) Can he wait?

E) Shouldn't you be at school?

F) I'll be waiting for you.

G) Can you play soccer?

H) Must you ever work on Sundays?

I) They may not leave the country.

J) Everyone should study another language.

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