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BANGLADESH INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL, DAMMAM NOTE-1 ACADEMIC YEAR 2022-2023 (MID 2\” TERM) Subject: Biology | Class: VI] Subject Teacher: Mrs. Abida Sultana Student's ID: Sec: Student's Name: CHAPTER: OUR ENVIRONMENT # Earth is a unique planet: Earth is over four and a half billion years old, and still (to our knowledge) the only planet in the solar system to sustain life The Earth is neither too hot nor too cold. It has water and air, which are very essential for our survival. The air has life-supporting gases like oxygen. Because of these reasons, the Earth is a unique planet in the solar system. # The factors that make Earth a unique et: 1. Correct distance from the Sun 3. Presence of water 2. Suitable atmosphere 4, Mineral-rich soil 1. Correct distance from the Sun: m= The planets close to the sun (Eg. Mercury, Venus etc.) are too hot to sustain life and some other planets are too far from the sun(Eg. Jupiter, Saturn etc.) which are extremely cold to sustain life. = Only the Earth is situated at the correct distance from the Sun, enjoys adequate heat and light necessary to sustain life. 2. Suitable atmosphere: m The atmosphere is a blanket of air surrounding our planet. m The ozone layer present in the atmosphere acts as a protective blanket that prevents harmful rays from the sun reaching the Earth. = Oxygen is one of the main element in the atmosphere and it is essential for the survival of organisms on Earth. 3. Presence of wate: organisms on Earth. = The existence of water in liquid form is vital for the survival of m Water is essential for carrying out vital processes within the bodies of living organisms. 4. Mineral-rich soil: m Soil is a mixture of broken rock particles, water, air, living organi ying organic matter called humus and minerals (A very important substance found in soil, basically formed by the break down of large rocks). = The most common minerals found in soil are, Iron, Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium, Nitrogen, Phosphorous etc. = Minerals are necessary for the growth and development of plants. # Different spheres of Eart! There are 4 spheres on Earth which are closely connected with each other. a change in one sphere often results in a change in one or more of the other spheres. 1. Biosphere: The surface of the Earth where living organisms can live/ survive. It is a narrow zone of the earth where land, water, air interact with each other to support life. ————————— ABIDA SULTANA 1 f te Y 2 (a) 2. Atmosphere: The atmosphere is the blanket of gases which surrounds Earth. It is the source of oxygen, carbon dioxide, and ozone that collectively provide life-sustaining conditions on Earth. Hydrosphere: A hydrosphere is the total amount of water on a planet. The Earth’s liquid water constitutes the hydrosphere. The vast majority of Earth's water is in the oceans(salt water), with smaller quantit of fresh water in lakes, rivers and ground water which covers about 70% of the Earth's surface. 4. Lithosphere: The lithosphere is the solid rocky outer part of the Earth. It consists of three main layers: crust, mantle and core. Layers of the Earth: There are three main layers that make up planet Earth. 3. Layers of the Earth Mantie ‘Outer Core Inner Core 1. The Earth's crust is a hard outer shell of rock that ranges between 5 kilometers and 70 kilometers in depth. 2. The Earth's mantle is a second layer with an estimated depth of 3,000 kilometers. This is also made up of rocks, with high deposits of magnesium and iron. 3. At the center is the Earth's core that consists of molten metal - mostly iron and nickel. ABIDA SULTANA, wv mponents of the envi I. Abiotic components Il. Biotic components I. Cultural components I. Abiotic components: Abiotic factors refer to non-living physical and chemical elements in the ecosystem. Examples of abiotic factors are sunlight, temperature, water, air, soil and minerals. ABIOTIC FACTORS A. Light: Sunlight is the main source of energy on Earth and an extremely important abiotic factor without which life is not possible. Plants and all animals are directly or indirectly dependent on this energy for their existence. Role/uses of light: 1. Sunlight is necessary for photosynthesis, the process by which plants can make food. 2. Light influences the daily and seasonal activities patterns of plants and animals. 3. Plants require this energy in order to grow, bloom and produce seed. B. Temperature: Temperature is a measure of how hot or cold something is. is factor. Role/uses of temperature: 1. Temperature regulates weather patterns on our planet. 2. It regulates all the metabolic functions of living organisms. 3. Italso affects the growth and distribution of plants and animals. and animals must have water to survive. If there was no water an important abiotic C. Water: All plants there would be no Role/uses of water: 1, Without water, the plant cannot perform photosynthesis 2. Water is a universal solvent which helps cells to transport and use substances like fe on earth, oxygen or nutrients. 3. Water regulates body temperature and maintain other bodily functions. ABIDA SULTANA D. Air: Air (oxygen & carbon dioxide) is also an important abiotic factor for the survival of all organisms. Role/uses of Air: 1. All organisms need oxygen for respiration. 2. Carbon dioxide is used by plants for carrying out photosynthesis. E, Soil: Soil is another important abiotic factor in land environment. It is the topmost layer of the Earth’s crust & a mixture of weathered rock minerals mixed with humus. Soil plays a vital role in the Earth's ecosystem. Without soil human life would be very difficult. Role/uses of soil: 1. Soil serves as media for growth of all kinds of plants. 2. Soil helps to anchor the plant, holds water and nutrients. 3. Soil provides habitat for billions of organisms(earthworms, termites and micro- organisms) II. Biotic components: Biotic components are the living things that have a direct or indirect influence on other organisms in an environment. For example plants, animals, and microorganisms and their waste materials. Plants: All plants that contain the green pigment chlorophyll are capable of producing their own food. Green plants use sunlight and carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to produce carbohydrates. by the process of photosynthesis. Since, plants produce food for themselves, they are known as producers. Animals: Animals cannot make their own food and are directly or indirectly dependent on plants for their food. Animals play an essential role in maintaining a healthy environment. Microorganisms: Microorganisms are living things that are too small to be seen with the naked eye. They are normally viewed using a microscope. Bacteria, viruses, and fungi etc. are examples of microorganisms. Decomposition of organic matter by microorganism releases nutrients to the soil. I. Cultural components: Human activities and interaction with nature influence on the environment. Cultural components of environment consist of the influence of religious, family,educational,and social activities etc. ABIDA SULTANA

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