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‫جامعة الزقازيق‬

‫كلية الطب البشري‬

‫قسم طب وجراحة العين‬



TBL (1) objectives


Learning objectives:
By the end of this TBL, students are expected to be able to:
 Recognize gross, minute anatomy, blood and nerve supply of the eyelid.
 Define ptosis and differentiate its etiology.
 Evaluate a case of ptosis, and identify the time and type of surgical treatment
 Define entropion, identify its causes and explain its treatment
 Classify ectropion, identify its causes, possible complications and explain its treatment
 Define rubbing lashes, trichiasis, distichiasis and describe their clinical picture
 Differentiate between types of blepharitis; identify their clinical picture and treatment.
 Recognize clinical picture of stye and explain its treatment
 Describe pathogenesis, symptoms, signs, complications and treatment of chalazion
 Differentiate between Hordeolum externum and Hordeolum Internum
 Define lagophthalmos and explain its causes
 Recognize symblepharon , differentiate its types and outline its treatment
 Identify indications of tarsorrhaphy

 Kanski’s clinical ophthalmology (2016): A systematic Approach 8 th edition Brad Bowling;
Eyelid …. (3-5,12-13, 25-26, 34-51, 100- 101)
 Uploaded materials (Book, Cases, PowerPoints…)

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