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e Ten Principles
of Islamic Jurisprudence

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+B=; C'( ) ;I/" K-(; ,'(" /" L) M" GN8O'(/" PQ) ) "7/"
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Verily the principles of each science are ten,

Definition, subject, benefits and then,
Its merit, subject reference and originator,
!e name, source of authority, the ruling of the Lawgiver,
It’s topic. However some of the ten are deemed su"icient,
And whoever grasps them all is most proficient.

1.!e Definition (1_ " 2()

Linguistically, the word b`a`X; `'( (al-fiqh) means ‘understanding,’ although some have said that it
means ‘subtle understanding.’ Technically it is defined as ‘a science that investigates sacred rul-
ings that have been derived for the purpose of practice; having been deduced from detailed

) " .()
2. !e Subjects Matters (+,-,

!e actions of legally responsible individuals (c%d" `) .(), from the perspective of when they are
confronted with the realities of those rulings.

3. !e Benefit (!#" $" % &'():

; % `'(); such that

!e ability to practice in accordance with the dictates of the Sacred Law (L`[" `e3
" ) of God, exalted be He, and avoids His prohibi-
one abides by the commandments (#```````?; (/" f(
; ," %h'().
tions (g(
4. !e Merit (]QX" '()

It is superior to all of the other sciences; due to the statement of the Prophet !, ‘God grants
understanding of the religion to whomever He desires good for.’ And his statement !, ‘If
you pass by the meadows of Paradise then graze therein.’ !ey asked, ‘What are the mead-
ows of Paradise?’ He replied !, ‘!e circles of remembrance.’ ‘A"#’ said, ‘!e circles of re-
membrance are the gatherings of the lawful (ij" `````" 2() and the unlawful (k(#" `````" 2(): how to buy
and sell, how to pray, how to pay charity, how to marry and divorce and the like.’

5. !e Relationship (LM" GN8O'()

It di$erentiates each of the sciences

; ,'(" )
6. !e Founder (K-(

!e Im#ms of Indepenant Legal Reasoning (<=" ;lm;I)

7. !e Name (J;I)

!e Science of Jurisprudence (baX; '( " f(" no; ).

no; ) or the Science of Legal Rulings (kpE

8. !e Ruling of the Lawgiver (+B= %

; C'( D) E) )
It is either a person obligation (q[" '( r#"7) or a communal obligation (L"e=X" s; '( r#"7).

" F; GH;I):
9. !e Source of Authority (<(1$

" v; () and analogy (w="xa; '().

!e Qur’#n (@t#a) '(), the prophetic custom (L%h0GN'(), concensus (+=u

10. !e Topics (];^=N" " .()

Legal verdicts such as ‘intention is obligitory,’ ‘ritual purity is a pre-requisite for the validity
of prayer,’ ‘the entrance of the prayer time is a causative reason for prayer,’ etc

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