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PRO 3M/PRO SMPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN - CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MOI Ki THI Theo déi Page : Hoc Tiéng Anh cing cé Vi Mai Phuong dé hoc GIO! TIENG ANH HON mdi ngay cling c6. KHAO SAT CHAT LUQNG THI TOT NGHIEP THPT 2022 Bai thi: NGOAI NGU; Mon thi: TIENG ANIL THPT TRAN QUOC TUAN - QUANG NGAI Thoi gian lam bai: 60 phit; 50 edu trie nghiém C6 Vii Thj Mai Phuong Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. Mass media is communication-whether written, broadcast, or spoken-that reaches a large audience. This includes television, radio, advertising, movies, the Internet newspapers, magazines, and so forth. Mass media is a significant force in modem culture, particularly in America, Sociologists refer to this as a mediated culture where media reflects and creates the culture. Communities and individuals are bombarded constantly with messages from a multitude of sources including TV, billboards, and magazines, to name a few. These messages promote not only products, but moods, attitudes, and a sense of what is and is not important. Mass media makes possible the concept of celebrity: without the ability of movies, magazines, and news media to reach across thousands of miles, people could not become famous. In fact, only political and business leaders, as well as the few notorious outlaws, were famous in the past. Only in recent times have actors, singers, and other social elites become celebrities or stars. The current level of media saturation has not always existed. As recently as the 1960s and 1970s and 1970s, television, for example, consisted of primarily three networks, public broadcasting, and a few local independent stations. These channels aimed their programming primarily at two-parent, middle-class families. Even so, some middle-class households did not even own a television. Today, one can find a television in the poorest of homes, and multiple TVs in most middle-class homes. Not only has availability increased, but programming is increasingly diverse with shows aimed to please all ages, incomes, backgrounds, and attitudes. This widespread availability and exposure makes television the primary focus of most mass-media discussions. More recently, the Internet has increased its role exponentially as more businesses and households sign on, Although TV and the Internet have dominated the mass media, movies and magazines-particularly those lining the aisles at grocery checkout stands-also play a powerful role in culture, as do other forms of media. What role does mass media play? Legislatures, media executives, local school officials. and sociologists have all debated this controversial question. While opinions vary as to the extent and type of influence the ma ides agree that mass media is a permanent part of modern culture. Three main sociological perspectives on the role of media exist: the limited-effects theory, the class dominant theory, and the culturalist theory. C4u 1: The word "bombarded" is closest in meaning to A, bombed B. got C.attacked D. received Huéng dan giai media wields, all s Tir“bombarded” ding nghia véi tir ‘A. danh bom, B. lay C. tin eéng D. nhan ‘Thong tin: bombard (v): tan céng, kim phién = attack — Chon dap an C KHOA HOC PRO3M/PRO3MPLUS ~ CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MON TIENG ANH CUNG CO VO MAI PHYONG PRO 3M/PRO SMPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN - CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MOI Ki THI Theo déi Page : Hoc Tiéng Anh cing cé Vi Mai Phuong dé hoc GIO! TIENG ANH HON mdi ngay cling cé. Cfu 2: Which is NOT TRUE, according to the text? ‘A. The messages come from TY, billboards, and magazines, etc. C. Communities and individuals continuously receive messages from TV, billboards, and magazines, ete. D. The messages promote products and moods. Huéng dan giai Diéu nao khong ding, theo doan van? A. Cie thong digp dén tir TV, bang quing céo, va tap chi, v.v. B. Cac théng diép dén tir cdc cong déng va cde ca nhan. C. Cie eGng ding va cde ed nhin lién tue nhgn thong digp tir TV, bang quang eo, va tap chi, v.v. D. Cac théng digp quang ba san pham va tam trang, ‘Thong tin: + Communities and individuals are bombarded constantly with messages from a multitude of sources including TV, billboards, and magazines, to name a few. (Céc eng ddng va cd nhan lign tye bj tin céng bai cdc théng digp tir v6 sé nguén gdm TV, bang quang cdo va tap chi, day chi la mot sé it) =A, C ding + These messages promote not only produets, but moods, attitudes, and a sense of what is and is not important. (Cac thong digp nay khdng chi quang ba san phim ma con ca tim trang, thai d6 va y thite ve nhiing gi quan trong va khong quan trong.) — D dung — Chon dap an B Cu 3: According to the text, what is the center of attention of most mass-media discussions? A. Exposure to TV ‘5. Television C. Businesses and households D. Widespread availability of TV Huong din giai Theo doan van, dau la trung tm ciia su chit ¥ cia hau hét cac cugc thao ludn vé phuong tién truyén thong dai ching? A. Su tiép xtie voi TV B. Truyén hinh C. Cie doanh nghigp va cde hd gia inh D. Tinh kha dung rng rai cia TV ‘Thong tin: This widespread availability and exposure makes tele mass-media discussions, (Tinh kha dung va sy tiép xttc rong rai nay khién truyén hinh tré thanh trong tam chinh ca hau hét cde cuge thao luan vé truyén théng dai ching.) ion the primary focus of most — Chon dap an B Cau 4: What does the word "those" in Paragraph 3 refer to? A. Grocery checkout stands B. TV and the Intermet (. Movies and magazines D. Other forms of media Hwéng dan giai Tir “those” trong doan 3 dé cap dén gi? A. Quay thanh todn hang tap héa B. TV va Internet C. Phim anh va tap chi D. Cac hinh thite truyén thong khie KHOA HOC PRO3M/PRO3MPLUS ~ CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MON TIENG ANH CUNG CO VO MAI PHYONG PRO 3M/PRO SMPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN - CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MOI Ki THI ‘Theo déi Page : Hoc Tiéng Anh cuing cé Vi Mai Phuong dé hoc GIO! TIENG ANH HON mdi ngay cling c6. ‘Thong tin: Although TV and the Internet have dominated the mass media, movies and magazines - particularly those lining the aisles at grocery checkout stands - also play a powerful role in culture, as do other forms of media. (Du TV va Internet da théng trj cdc phuong tin truyén théng dai ching, phim anh va tap chi - dic biét 1a nhiing cai duge xép 616i h6a, nhur cae hinh thire truyén théng khée.) — Chon dap an C Cfu 5: It can be inferred from the text that A. One could find a television in the poorest of homes during the 1960s. B. Two-parent, middle-class families were able to watch tens of TV channels. C. Multiple TVs were available in every household during the 1960s Huéng dan giai tai quay thanh toan hang tap héa - ciing déng mét vai trd to Ién trong van Cé thé suy ra tir doan van rang A. mét ngudi cé thé tim thdy mdt cdi TV 6 ngéi nha nghéo nhit trong sudt nhiing nim 1960, B. Cée gia dinh hai bé me, trung lu cé thé xem hing chuc kénh TV, C. Nhiéu TV cé sin trong mi gia dinh trong nhing nim 1960. 1D. Tét cd cde h6 gia dinh ting lop thap khéng thé sé hizu TV trong nhiing nam 1960. ‘Thong tin: These channels aimed their programming primarily at two-parent, middle-class families. Even so, some middle-class households did not even own a television. Today, one can find a television in the poorest of homes, and multiple TVs in most middle-class homes. (Cfc kénh nay chu yéu nhim chuong trinh vao cdc gia dinh hai vo chong, trung luu. Du la vay, mot s6- ho gia dinh trung luu thm chi cdn khGng so hitu mot cai tivi. Ngay nay, ngudi ta c6 thé tim thay mot chiéc TV 6 nhiing ngéi nha nghéo nhat va nhiéu TV 6 hau hét nhitng ngéi nha trung lwu.) — Chon dap én D Céiu 6: Which phrase from the text means "// movies, magazines, and news media were not able thousands of miles"? “A. without the ability of movies, magazines, and news media to reach across thousands of miles. B. people could not become famous. C. mass media makes possible the concept of celebrity. D. the ability of movies, magazines, and news media to reach across thousands of miles. Hudéng din giai Cum nao ttr doan van co nghia 1a “Néu phim anh, tap chi, va phuong tién truyén théng tin tite khong thé truyén xa hang ngan dim”? A. néu khéng ¢6 kha nang truyén xa hing ngan dam ciia phim anh, tap chi, va phyong tién truyén thong tin tie B. moi ngudi khéng thé tré nén néi tiéng, C. phuong tign truyén thong dai ching khién khai niém vé ngudi noi tiéng tro nén kha thi. D. kha nang truyén xa hang ngan dim cia phim anh, tap chi, va phuong tién truyén théng tin tte. — Chon dap an A Céiu 7: What is considered a mediated culture by sociologist A. Communication B. A significant force © Mass media D. Modem culture KHOA HOC PRO3M/PRO3MPLUS ~ CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MON TIENG ANH CUNG CO VO MAI PHYONG PRO 3M/PRO SMPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN - CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MQIKi THI Theo déi Page : Hoc Tiéng Anh cing cé Vi Mai Phuong dé hoc GIO! TIENG ANH HON mdi ngay cling c6. A. Giao tiép C. Phuong tign truyén théng dai ching ‘Thong tin: Mass medi van hoa.) — Chon dap an C Huéng din giai Dieu gi duge cdc nha x4 hdi hoc xem la nén van héa trung gian? B. Luc luong dang ké D. Nén van héa hién dai a significant force in modern culture, particularly in America. Sociologists refer to this as a mediated culture where media reflects and creates the culture. (Truyén théng dai ching 14 mét Ive long quan trong trong van héa hién dai, nhat la 6 MY. Cac nha x3 hi hoc goi dé 14 mét nén van héa trung gian, noi cde phuong tién truyén théng phan Anh va tao nén DICH BAI Mass media is communication-whether written, broadcast, or spoken-that reaches a large audience. This includes radio, advertising, movies, the Internet newspapers, magazines, and so forth Mass media is a significant force in modem culture, particularly in America. Sociologists refer to this as a mediated culture where media reflects and creates the Communities and individuals are bombarded constantly with messages from a multitude of sources including TY, billboards, and magazines, to name a few. These messages promote not only products, but moods, attitudes, and a sense of what is and is not important, Mass media makes possible the concept of celebrity: without the ability of movies, magazines, and news media to reach across thousands of miles people could not become famous. In fact, only political and business leaders, as well as the few notorious outlaws, were famous in the past. Only in recent times have actors, singers, and other social elites become celebrities or stars, television, culture. The current level of media saturation has not always existed. As recently as the 1960s and 1970s, television, for example, consisted of primarily three networks, public broadcasting, and a few local independent stations, These channels aimed their programming primarily at two-parent, middle-class families. Even so, some middle-class households did not even own a television. Today, Phuong tign truyén thong dai ching 1a cach truyén théng - di bang van ban, phat thanh hay ndi - tiép c§n mét lugng Ién khan gia. No bao gdm truyén hinh, dai phit thanh, quing céo, phim anh, béo dign tit, tap chi, vv. Truyén théng dai ching 1a mét lye Iugng quan trong trong van héa hién dai, nhat la 6 My. Cac nha xi hdi hoc goi dé 14 mét nén van hoa trung gian, noi cdc phuong tién truyén théng phan anh va tao nén vin héa. Cae cOng déng va ed nhin lién tuc bi tan céng béi cdc théng diép tir v6 sé nguén gm TV, bing quing cdo va tap chi, day chi ki mot s6 it, Cae thong digp nay khng chi quang ba san phim ma cdn cd tam trang, thai d@ va ¥ thire vé nhimg gi quan trong va khéng quan trong. Truyén thong dai chang khién khdi nigm vé ngudi ndi tiéng tro nén kha thi: néu phim anh, tap chi va phuong tién truyén théng tin ttre khéng c6 kha ning tiép cin qua hang nghin dim thi ngudi ta khong thé tro nén ndi ting. Trén thyte té, chi c6 cae nha lanh dao chinh tr va kinh doanh, cing nhur m@t s6 it ké khét tiéng ngoai vong phap luat, 1a noi tiéng trong qua khit. Chi trong théi gian gin day thi céc dién vign, ca si va cae tang lop x3 hdi khéc mi tro thinh ngudi ndi tiéng hode ngéi sao. Mitte dé bio hoa hién nay cia phuong tién truyén théng khdng phai lite nao cing tn tai. Nhu nhiing, nim 1960 va 1970 gan day, vi dy, truyén hinh cha yéu gom ba mang lnéi, phat s6ng céng cong va m6t vai dai dia phuong dc lap. Cac kénh niy cha yéu nhim chuong trinh vao cée gia dinh hai vor chéng, trung Iuu. Du la vay, mét sé hé gia dinh trung lu thm chi con khong sé hiru mgt edi tivi. KHOA HOC PRO3M/PRO3MPLUS ~ CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MON TIENG ANH CUNG CO VO MAI PHYONG PRO 3M/PRO 3MPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN - CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MQIKi THI Theo déi Page : Hoc Tiéng Anh cuing cé Vi Mai Phuong dé hoc GIO! TIENG ANH HON mdi ngay cling c6. one can find a television in the poorest of homes, and multiple TVs in most middle-class homes. Not only has availability increased, but programming is increasingly diverse with shows aimed to please all ages, incomes, backgrounds, and attitudes. This widespread availability and exposure makes television the primary focus of most mass-media More recently, the Internet has increased its role exponentially as more businesses and households sign on. Although TV and the Internet have dominated the mass media, movies and magazines-particularly those lining the aisles at grocery checkout stands-also play a powerful role in culture, as do other forms of media. discussions. What role does mass media play? Legislatures, media executives, local school officials. and sociologists have all debated this controversial question. While opinions vary as to the extent and type of influence the mass media wields, all sides agree that mass media is a permanent part of modern culture. Three main sociological perspectives on the role of media exist: the limited- effects theory, the class-dominant theory, and the culturalist theory. Ngay nay, ngudi ta c6 thé tim thay mét chiée TV G nhiing ngéi nha nghéo nhat va nhiéu TV o hau hét nhimg ngéi nha trung hu. Khong chi ting tinh, kha dyng, ma chuong trinh cén ngay cing da dang Gi cée chutomg trinh lim hai lng moi Ka tudi, thu hap, xuat than va thai 46. Tinh kha dung va sw tigp xtc rng ri nay khién truyén hinh tro thanh trong tm chinh iia hau hét ede cude thio lun ve truyén thong dai ching. Gan day, Internet da tang vai rd theo cp sé nhan khi ngay cang cé nhiéu doanh nghigp va h9 gia dinh ding ky. Di TV va Internet da thong tri cde phuong tién truyén thong. dai ching, phim anh va tap chi - dc bigt 1a hing cai duge xép 6 Idi di tai quay thanh toan hang tap hoa - cling déng mdt vai tro to 1én trong van héa, nhu cdc hinh thite truyén théng khac. Cac phuong tign thong tin dai ching déng vai tro gi? Cac co quan lap phap, giém déc diéu hanh truyén théng, quan chite trréng hoc dia phuong, ‘va cdc nha xa hOi hoe déu da tranh ludn vé cu hoi gay tranh cdi nay. Trong khi cée y kién khae nhau theo mite d6 va logi anh hung cita cde phong tign truyén thong dai chiing, nhung tit ea cae bén su dong ¥ ring truyén théng dai ching la mot phan cé dinh cia van héa hign dai. Ba quan diém x hdi hge chinh vé vai tro cia phurong tién truyén thong ton tai: ly thuyét tac déng han ché, ly thuyét théng tri giai cap va ly thuyét van héa hoc. Mark the letter A, B, C, or Don your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the following exchanges. Cu 8: Jane and David are university students. They are talking about the result of the history test. Select the most suitable response to fill in the blank. - Jane: "I was worried about the history result, but Ms. White gave me an Al” -David:" A Don't worry about it. B. Good luck to you! D. Ms. White is so mean, Huéng din giai A. Ding lo Ling vé no. C. Chiie mimg ban! That tuyét voi! B. Chite ban may man! D. C6 White ich ky. ‘Tam dich: Jane va David la nhimg sinh vién dai hgc. Ho dang ndi chuyén vé két qua bai kiém tra lich sit. ~ Jane: “Minh da rat lo vé két qua mén sit, nhung c6 White da cho minh diém AI.” ~ David: “Chie mimg ban! That tuyét voi!” — Chon dap an C KHOA HOC PRO3M/PRO3MPLUS ~ CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MON TIENG ANH CUNG CO VO MAI PHYONG PRO 3M/PRO SMPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN - CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MQIKi THI Theo déi Page : Hoc Tiéng Anh cing cé Vi Mai Phuong dé hoc GIO! TIENG ANH HON mdi ngay cling c6. C4u 9: Two friends are talking about the benefits of volunteering. "As far as | know, doing charity work is a really helpful thing for everyone in the society." for me. 5. You can say that again, C. That sounds great. D. L take part in this campaign. Huéng dan giai A, Diéu d6 6n déi voi t6i. B. Ban néi rat ding. C. Nghe that tuyét. D. Minh tham gia vio chién dich nay. ‘Tam djech: Hai ngudi ban dang néi chuyén vé loi ich cia hoat dng tinh nguyén. - Mary: “Theo nhu minh biét, vige lam tir thign 1a mot vige that sy hitu ich d6i véi moi ngudi trong xa hai” - Kate: “Ban néi rat din; — Chon dap an B Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. Cau 10: the homework, he was allowed to go out with his friends, A. Finish B. To finish C. Finished D. Having finished Hudéng dan giai Cau trie: Néu ménh dé trang ngit cé cling chit ngit voi ménh dé chinh, va hanh déng 6 ménh dé trang ngit xay ra trude hinh dng trong ménh dé chinh thi rat gon bing céch luge bé chu tr, chuyén dng tir sang dang ‘having + PP* ‘Tam dich: Sau khi hoan thanh bai tap vé nha, anh ay da durge cho phép ra ngoai cing ban be. — Chon dap an D he family is selling their large country house because they can no longer afford the B, domain C. extract D. disposal Huéng din giai - upkeep (n): chi phi bio duting ~ domain (n); Kinh dia ~ extract (1): doan trich - disposal (n): su ban, virt bo ‘Tam djeh: Gia dinh d6 dang ban ngdi nha 16n 6 néng thén vi ho khong cdn dit kha nang chi tra chi phi bao dudng nita, — Chon dap an A Ciu 12: Our solar system is ina galaxy the Milky Way. A. which called B. calling C. which is calling ‘D. called Huéng dan gi Rat gon ménh dé quan hé: Ménh dé quan hé dang bi déng rat gon bang cach luge bo dai tir quan hé va to be. Cau diy dit: Our solar system is in a galaxy which is called the Milky Way. ‘Tam dich: H@ mat tri cia ching ta nim trong mt thién ha cé tén 1a Dai Ngan Ha, —> Chon dap sn D KHOA HOC PRO3M/PRO3MPLUS ~ CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MON TIENG ANH CUNG CO VO MAI PHYONG PRO 3M/PRO 3MPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN - CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MOI Ki THI Theo déi Page : Hoc Tiéng Anh cing cé Vi Mai Phuong dé hoc GIO! TIENG ANH HON mdi ngay cling c6. Cfiu 13: By the time he is twenty, he the novel. A. would finish ‘WHAVE Finished ©. will finish D. finishes Huéng din Chia this “by the time” — déu higu nhin biét thi tuong lai hoan thanh ‘Tam dich: Trude khi anh Ay 20 tudi, thi anh Ay sé hoan thanh cuén tiéu thuyét nay. — Chon dap an B : The situation of COVID-19 worldwide is still serious, A. is not it Bais it C. doesn't it D. isn't it Hwéng dan gi Tag questions): Ménh dé chinh khang dinh — cau hoi dudi pha dinh Ménh dé chinh ding to be 6 hign tai don — cau hoi dudi ding trg dong tir to be “is” + Cau hdi dudi ding “isn’t it” Tam dich: Tinh hinh COVID-19 trén thé gidi van cén rat nghiém trong, c6 ding khéng? — Chon dap an D Céu 15: Earning money has always been the thing that pleases him most. he becomes, heis. A. The more rich / the more happy B. Richer and richer / happier and happier C. The richest / the happiest ‘D. The richer / the happier Huéng dan gi: C4u tric so sinh kép: The + adj/ady (so sinh hon) + S + V, the + adj/adv (so sanh hon) + S + V: cang...cang ‘Tam dich: Vige kiém tién lu6n 1a thir Lim anh Ay hai long nhat, Anh dy cng tro nén gidu 6, thi anh sang v — Chon dap an D Céiu 16: George was wearing at the wedding. /\. a funny wide yellow silk tie B. very funny wide yellow silk tie yellow silk funny tie D. a tie yellow silk funny Huéng dan giai ‘Trt ty tinh tir: OSASCOMP: Opinion - Size - Age - Shape - Color - Origin — Material ~ Purpose opinion + funny size + wide color — yellow material + silk ‘Tam dich: George deo mot chiée cd vat Iya to bin mau vang vui nhon 6 dim cusi. — Chon dap an A Cfiu 17: Itis easier to understand new words when they are used in their proper “A. context B. situation C. environment D. background Huéng dan giai Kién thite tir ven; - context (n): bdi canh, ngit canh - situation (n): truéng hop - environment (n); mdi truéng - background (n): nén tang ‘Tam djeh: Rat dé dang dé hiéu duge cée tir méi khi chiing duge str dyng trong cée ngit canh phi hop. — Chon dap an A KHOA HOC PRO3M/PRO3MPLUS ~ CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MON TIENG ANH CUNG CO VO MAI PHYONG PRO 3M/PRO 3MPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN - CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MOI Ki THI Theo déi Page : Hoc Tiéng Anh cing cé Vi Mai Phuong dé hoc GIO! TIENG ANH HON mdi ngay cling c6. Cfiu 18: Daisy really liked dress that her boyfriend gave her last week. Aa BO Do the Huéng din Kién thie mao tir: Danh tir da durge xac dinh (dress that her boyfriend gave her last week) — diing mao tir “the” ‘Tam dich: Daisy that sy thich chiée dim ma ban trai c6 da ting vao tudn trude. — Chon dap an D CA 19: “This seems to be an important issue. Mietiyaebated §—_B. hotly debate C. hotly debatin; Huéng dan “Oh, yes. It's a topic.” D. hot debated Cum tir (Collocations): hotly debated/disputed/denied: tranh edi/tranh chi ‘Tam dich: “Day c6 vé La mét van dé quan trong.” - hi nhan/... quyét ligt , diing vay. No ld m6t chu dé tranh edi nay lira.” — Chon dap an A Céiu 20: The students were slow to catch » but gradually they began to understand. A. out Bain Oona D. away Huéng din giai Kién thire cum d6ng tir: ~ catch out: day ai vao tinh thé kh6 khan. ft du nhan ra, higu ra + Cc hge sinh cham theo kip, nhung din din ching ciing bit dau hiéu ra — Chon dap in C Cu 21: He tumed off the lights before going out waste electricity. ‘A. so that not B. in order that not ©. s0 as not to Das not to Huéng dan a : Anh dy da tat dén truéc khi ra ngoai dé khong King phi dién. Chon dipanC Cau 22: My grandfather was up in France, so he could speak French very well. A. grown. 8. brought C. raised. D. broken Huéng dan gi Kién thire cum dong tir: ~ grow up: trong thanh, 16n len ~ bring sb up: nudi nang ai break up: chia tay Ta khong diing A vi grow up khong chia thé bj dong. Tam dich: Ong t6i duge nudi dudng 6 Phdp, vi thé dng cé thé néi tiéng Phap rit gidi. — Chon dap an B Cfiu 23: The manager is good at difficult customers “A. dealing with B. relying on C. showing off D. wiping off KHOA HOC PRO3M/PRO3MPLUS ~ CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MON TIENG ANH CUNG CO VO MAI PHYONG PRO 3M/PRO 3MPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN - CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MOI Ki THI ‘Theo déi Page : Hoc Tiéng Anh cing cé Vi Mai Phuong dé hoc GIO! TIENG ANH HON mdi ngay cling cé. Huéng dan giai Kién thire cum dong tir: - deal with somebody/something: déi pho v6i ai/cai gi - rely on somebody/something: dya dim vao ai/cai gi ~ show off: khoe mé - wipe off: x6a 6 Tam dich: Nguoi quan ly rat gidi viée déi phé voi nhimg khach hang khé tinh. — Chon dap an A Cau 24: in Rome than he was kidnapped. A. Had he no sooner arrived C..No sooner he had arrived D. No sooner he arrived Huéng dan Ciiu trite dio ngir: No sooner + tro déng tir + S + V + than + S + V: ngay khi...thi Tam dich: Ngay khi cu bé dén La Ma thi cau da bi bat cdc. — Chon dap an B Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions. Céiu 25: Overeating is a cause of several deadly diseases. Physical inactivity is another cause of several deadly diseases. A. Both overeating and physical inactivity result from several deadly diseases, B. Overeating and physical inactivity are caused by several deadly diseases. ©. Not only overeating but also physical inactivity may lead to several deadly diseases. D. Apart from physical activities, eating too much also contributes to several deadly diseases. Hudng dan giai Viée an qua mite la nguyén nhan gay ra mét sé can bénh chét nguéi. Khong hoat déng thé nguyén nhan kha cia mOt sé bénh chét ngudi. A. Ca vige dn qua mite va khéng hoat dng thé chat déu do mot B. Vige an qué mite va khong hoat dng thé chit bi gay nén bai mot C. Khong chi vige dn qué mite ma ca vige khong hoat dong thé chat chét ngudi. D. Ngoai cdc hoat déng thé chat, viée an qua mute cing gay nén mét sé cin bénh chet ngudi — Chon dip an C Cfiu 26: Jane didn’t apply for the job in that factory. She regrets it now A. If only Susan applied for the job in that factory. ‘An bénh chét ngudi gay ra. cn bénh chét ngui it déu c6 th és lin dén mot bénh C. Susan regrets to apply for the job in that factory. 1D. Susan regrets applying for the job in that factory, Huéng din Jane da khéng img tuyén cong viée 6 nha may do. A. Sai vi cu géc 6 qua khit, khi chuyén vé cau diéu ude, phai lai vé thi QKD. B. Susan ude ¢6 dy da tmg tuyén cong viée 6 nha may dé. C. Susan lay lam tiée khi phai ting tuyén cdng viée & nha may dé. D. Susan héi tiée vi da img tuyén céng vige 6 nha may do. —> Chon dap an B KHOA HOC PRO3M/PRO3MPLUS ~ CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MON TIENG ANH CUNG CO VO MAI PHYONG PRO 3M/PRO SMPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN - CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MQIKi THI ‘Theo déi Page : Hoc Tiéng Anh cing cé Vi Mai Phuong dé hoc GIO! TIENG ANH HON mdi ngay cling cé. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions, CAu 27: Phonetics is of primary important for any true understanding of the nature of language. Av of B. any ©. important D. understanding Huéng din Kién thie tir vung: - important (adj): quan trong - importance (n): syr quan trong, tinh quan trong, Stra: important — importance Tam dich: Ngir 4m cé vai trd quan trong hang dau déi vi bat ky sw hiéu biét thye su ndo vé ban chat cia ngon ngit — Chon dap an C Cfiu 28: Itis essential that no one admits to the room without proper identification, ‘A. proper B. without C. It is essential D. admits Huéng din giai Cau gid dinh (Subjunetiye): It is + adj + that + S + (should) V/S + (should) be Ved/edt 3. Sira: admits + be admitted Tam dich: Diéu can thiét la khong ai duge cho phép vao phong ma khéng cé gidy té tiy than phi hop. — Chon dap an D C4u 29: In communication, we can have the voice recognition system: devices to be identified our speech. A. other C. the voice recognition system smartphones or other electronic Hudng din giai (Causative form): Dang cha dng: have + somebody/something + do something Sita: to be identified — identify ‘Tam dich: Trong lién lac, ching ta c6 thé dé hé théng nhan dang giong ndi trong dién thoai thong minh hode cde thiét bj dign tir khde nhan dang giong ndi cia ching ta. — Chon dip an D Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. Céu 30: Lunar years were inconvenient for agricultural purposes. A. practical B. ideal |. proper D. useful Huéng dan A. practical (adj): thye tién B. ideal (adj): ly tong C. proper (adj): thich hop 1D. useful (adj): hitu ich inconvenient (adj) |, gay bat Igi >< useful ‘Tam dich: Cac nam am lich khéng thuan tign cho mye dich néng nghiép. — Chon dap an D C4u 31: Don't get angry with such a thing. I's only a storm in a tea cup. ‘A-financial issue B. trivial thing C. commercial tension /D. serious problem KHOA HOC PRO3M/PRO3MPLUS ~ CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MON TIENG ANH CUNG CO VO MAI PHYONG PRO 3M/PRO SMPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN - CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MOI Ki THI Theo déi Page : Hoc Tiéng Anh cing cé Vi Mai Phuong dé hoc GIO! TIENG ANH HON mdi ngay cling cé. Huéng din giai A. van dé tai chinh, B. diéu tam thudng C. cang thing thuong mai D. van dé nghiém trong a storm in a tea cup: chuyén con con >< serious problem ‘Tam dich: Dimng tire gig véi mot thir nhur vay. N6 chi la mét chuyén cén con. — Chon dap an D Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. In China, palaces, temples and houses were built around a series of courtyards, which might include trees and plants often in pots that could be changed with the seasons and pools. The Imperial City in Beijing contained elaborate pleasure gardens with tree artificial lakes and small hills, bridges and spectator areas. Japan has a long tradition of gardens inspired by Chinese and Korean models. In former times, palaces, temples, teahouses and private houses all had garden settings that were closely integrated with the buildings. Kyoto was especially famous for its gardens. The gardens included pools and waterfalls; rocks, stone and sand; and evergreens. They might also contain stone lanterns and sculptures and wooden bridges, gates and pavilions. Every element of a garden was carefully planned, sometimes by Zen monks and painters, to create an effect of restraint, harmony and peace, which is exemplified by the existing Katsura Detached Palace gardens in Kyoto, Such traditions continue to some extent in modern Japan and have influenced Wester landscape architects. Cfiu 32: The Imperial City in Beijing A. is the biggest city in China. ‘8. had elaborate gardens with spectacular artificial landscape. C. contained a lot of pleasure activities. D. was built on a small lake. Hudng din gi Kinh thanh 6 Bac Kinh , A. la thinh phé én nhat 6 Trung Quéc. B. c6 céc khu vurin cong phu véi cinh quan nhan tao ngoan mye C. c6 nhiéu hoat dong giai tri. D. di duge xay dung trén mot hé nude nho. ‘Thong tin: The Imperial City in Beijing contained elaborate pleasure gardens with tree, artificial lakes and small hills, bridges and spectator areas. (Kinh thinh @ Bac Kinh cé nhing vuén canh cong phu c6 cay ¢6i, hé nude nhan tao cing nhimg ngon déi nho, nhiéu cay cau va nhitng khu vue thuéng ngoan.) — Chon dap an B Cu 33: The existing Katsura Detached Palace gardens in Kyoto ‘A. is a model for Japanese modern architecture. B. is an example of Japan's contribution to conservation. C. has experienced many wars and now in peace. KHOA HOC PRO3M/PRO3MPLUS ~ CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MON TIENG ANH CUNG CO VO MAI PHONG PRO 3M/PRO SMPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN - CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MQIKi THI ‘Theo déi Page : Hoc Tiéng Anh cing cé Va Mai Phuong dé hoc GIO! TIENG ANH HON mdi ngay cling c6. Huéng dan giai Nhiing khu vudn tai bigt dign Katsura hign nay & Kyoto A, 1a m6t mé hinh kién tric Nhat Ban hign dai. B. Ii mot vi dy vé sy dong gop cua Nhat Ban cho sy bao ton. C. di trai qua nhiéu cudc chién tranh va hign nay dang trong thi D. dai dién cho kién trac Nhat Ban truyén thong. ‘Thong tin: Every element of a garden was carefully planned, sometimes by Zen monks and painters, to create an effect of restraint, harmony and peace, which is exemplified by the existing Katsura Detached Palace gardens in Kyoto. Such traditions continue to some extent in modern Japan and have influenced Western landscape architects. (M6i yéu té cia khu vuén déu duge lén ké hoach can than, déi khi boi cac thién sur va hoa si, dé tao ra higu img gin di, hai hoa va yén binh, duge minh chimg qua céc khu von trong Biét cung Katsura 6 Kyoto, Nhimg truyén théng nhu vay van tiép tue 6 m6t mite dé nao dé & Nhat Ban hign dai va da anh hudéng dén cdc kién trac su canh quan phuong Tay.) — Chon dap an D Céu 34: Most palaces, temples and houses in China in former times ‘A. could be changed with the seasons. C. were decorated with pots of flowers and plants around them. D. had trees, plants and water around them. Huéng dan giai Da sé cic cung dign, dén tho va nha 6 tai Trung Quée théi ky truée A. c6 thé thay d6i theo mia. B. duge xay dung quanh céc san trong cing cay chau cay. C. duge trang tri bang cée chau hoa va cay ¢6i xung quanh. D. c6 cay c6i, thye vat va nude 6 xung quanh. ‘Thng tin: In China, palaces, temples and houses were built around a series of courtyards, which might include trees and plants often in pots that could be changed with the seasons and pools. (6 Trung Quéc, cde cung dign, dén the va nha 6 duge x4y dug xung quanh mét day san vim, noi c6 thé c6 cay céi va hoa cé thudng duge tring trong chau va cé thé thay déi theo mia, cing nhiéu hd nuée.) — Chon dap an B Céiu 35: What is the best title for the passage? A. Gardening in Japan B. Gardening in China ©. Eastern Landscape D. Trees and Plants in Eastern Architecture Huéng din giai Dau la tiéu dé pha hgp nhat cho doan vin? A. Lam vuén 6 Nhat Ban B. Lam yudn 6 Trung Quée C. Ch quan phuong Déng D. Cay céi va thue vat trong kién trie phuong Dong ‘Tom tat: Doan van néi vé cdc phong cach kién tric canh quan cia mét sé nude phuong Déng nhu Nhat Ban, Trung Quéc. Tac gia da néu cde dic diém chi tiét vé enh quan théi ky trude, va dua ra cae vi du cu thé nh Kinh thanh Trung Quée va Bit dign Katsura - Nhat Ban, — Doan vin viét vé phong cach canh quan phuong Déng — Chon dap an C KHOA HOC PRO3M/PRO3MPLUS ~ CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MON TIENG ANH CUNG CO VO MAI PHONG PRO 3M/PRO SMPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN ~ CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MQIKi THI ‘Theo déi Page : Hoc Tiéng Anh cing cé Vi Mai Phuong dé hoc GIO! TIENG ANH HON mdi ngay cling cé. Cfiu 36: The garden settings of buildings in Japan ‘A. were designed by Chinese and Korean models. 7 D. were carefully planned by monks \cluded pools and waterfalls available for plants. Béi ch vudn toe cila cdc toa nha & Nhat Ban B. thudng duoc hoa quyén tét véi cae toa nha, C. bao gm hé nude va thie nue ¢6 thuc vat. D. dur thién su lén ké hoach ky luGng. integrated with the buil lings. tich hop chat ché véi céc ta nha.) — Chon dap in B Huéng dan giai A. duge thiét ké bai céc mé hinh Trung Quéc va Han Quéc. ‘Thng tin: Japan has a long tradition of gardens inspired by Chinese and Korean models, In former mes, palaces, temples, teahouses and private houses all had garden settings that were closely (Nhat Ban 6 truyén théng lau doi vé nhimg khu vudn lay cam himg tir cae m6 hinh cua Trung Hoa va Han Quéc. Trude day, cde cung dién, dén thd, tra quan va cde nha riéng déu c6 thiét ké sin vudn duge DICH BAI: In China, palaces, temples and houses were built around a series of courtyards, which might inelude trees and plants often in pots that could be changed with the seasons and pools. The Imperial City in Beijing contained elaborate pleasure gardens with tree, artificial lakes and small hills, bridges and spectator areas. Japan has a long tradition of gardens inspired by Chinese and Korean models. In former times, palaces, temples, teahouses and private houses all had garden settings that were closely integrated with the buildings. Kyoto was especially famous for its gardens. The gardens included pools and waterfalls; rocks, stone and sand; and evergreens. They might also contain stone lantems and sculptures and wooden bridges, gates and pavilions. Every element of a garden was carefully planned, sometimes by Zen monks and painters, create an effect of restraint, harmony and peace, which is exemplified by the existing Katsura Detached Palace gardens in Kyoto, Such tradi continue to some extent in modern Japan and have influenced Wester landscape architects. to ns G Trung Quée, cac cung dién, dén tho va nha & due xay dung xung quanh mét day sn vudn, noi c6 thé cé cay cdi va hoa co thuong dugc trong trong chau va c6 thé thay déi theo mia, cing nhiéu ho nuée. Kinh thinh & Bac Kinh c6 nhimg vuon canh céng phu cé cay céi, hd nuée nhin tao cing nhimg ngon déi nh6, nhieu cay cau va nhimg khu vue thuong ngoan. Nhat Ban cé truyén théng liu doi vé nhiing khu vubn ly cdm himg tir cde mé hinh cia Trung Hoa va Hin Quée. Trude day, cde cung dign, dén thd, tra quan va cde nha riéng déu cé thiét ké s duge tich hop chat ché véi cae t6a nha. Kyoto dic biét noi tiéng voi nhimg khu vudn, Céc khu vudn bao gém hé nuse va thac nude; da ting, dé cudi va cat; cling nhiéu cdy thudng xanh. Ching eting cé thé c6 dén da va tac phim diéu khic, cing ciu, céng va cae nha phy bing g3. Moi yéu 16 eiia khu vursn déu duge lén ké hoach cn than, d6i khi béi cde thién su va hoa si, dé tao ra higu img gin di, hai ha va yén binh, duge minh chimg qua céc khu vuin trong Bigt cung Katsura 6 Kyoto. Nhiing truyén théng nhu vay van tiép tuc 6 m@t mite 46 nao dé 6 Nhat Ban hign dai va da anh huéng dén cae kién trae su canh quan phuong Tay. in vue KHOA HOC PRO3M/PRO3MPLUS ~ CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MON TIENG ANH CUNG CO VO MAI PHYONG

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