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Lorenz Dela Cruz STEM 12 EARTH

Activity 2: Reflection and Refraction of Light

Refer to the figures to explain how reflection and refraction are explained by the wave and particle
models of light. Fill up with the appropriate word/s to give meaning to the paragraphs that follow.
Choose from among the words inside the box to complete each sentence.

Reflection and refraction are phenomena that are well-explained by the behaviors of light. When a
source emits light, its dual property can be observed in different circumstances. Light, as waves,
1).___________ in all directions when emitted. Upon impacting a smooth, specular surface, such as a
mirror, these waves 2).____________ or reflect according to the arrival angles. The waves turn back to
front as they reflect producing a 3).____________ image. On the otherhand, light can also arrive at the
mirror surface as a stream of 4)____________. Since these are very tiny, a huge number are involved in
a propagating light beam. Upon arriving a 5). _____________ surface, the particles bounce off in
different points so their order in the beam is reversed resulting to a reversed image. A beam of light
undergoes 6). ____________ when it travels between two media with different refractive indices. Light,
as waves, 7). ____________ direction upon passing from first medium to second medium. A small
portion of each angled 8). ____________ should impact the second medium before the rest of the front
reaches the 9). ____________ This part will travel along the second medium while the rest of the waves
is still travelling in the first medium. Movement will be 10). ____________ through the second medium
due to higher refractive index. Since the wavefronts are travelling at different speeds, light will
11).____________ into the second, medium, thus, changing the angle of propagation. Refracting
particles of light should also change direction upon passing between two media. It is suggested in this
theory that a special 12). ____________ directed perpendicular to the interface acts to change the
speed of the particles as they enter the second medium, resulting to bending of light particles.

A beam of light passes from air into a substance X. If the angle of incidence be 72° and the angle of
refraction be 40°, calculate the refraction index of substance X.

(Given: sin 72° 0.951 and sin 40° = 0.642)


1. Explain how light behaves as a wave and as a particle.

• The wave-particle duality describes how light behaves both like a wave and like a particle. Light can
exhibit characteristics like wavelength and frequency when it experiences wave-like events like
diffraction and interference. But light also exhibits the characteristics of a tiny energy-contained particle
called a photon. Quantum mechanics uses the probability distribution of light's wave nature to express
this duality, and interactions and energy transfer to observe light's particle nature.

2. How are reflection and refraction explained by the wave and particle models of light?

• According to the wave model, reflection occurs when a light wave encounters a boundary and bounces
back, while refraction happens when the wave changes direction and speed while passing through a
different medium. In the particle model, reflection is explained by light particles bouncing off a surface,
and refraction is described as particles changing direction due to interaction with the medium.

3. State the laws of reflection and refraction.

• The laws of reflection and refraction describe the behavior of light when it interacts with different
surfaces or mediums. The law of reflection states that the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of
reflection, meaning that the incoming light ray and the reflected light ray form equal angles with the
surface normal. On the other hand, the law of refraction, also known as Snell's law, states that the ratio
of the sine of the angle of incidence to the sine of the angle of refraction is equal to the ratio of the
velocities of light in the two mediums. These laws provide fundamental principles for understanding the
phenomena of reflection and refraction.

4. What is the speed of light in a vacuum?

• The speed of light in a vacuum is approximately 299,792,458 meters per second, often rounded to
300,000 kilometers per second. This constant value represents the maximum speed at which
information or energy can travel through space without any medium or obstruction.

5. Draw the electromagnetic (EM) spectrum and label its parts.

6. How do objects appear when all of the colors of light are absorbed? Reflected? Selectively absorbed?

• When all colors of light are absorbed by an object, it appears black. This is because the object absorbs
all the incoming light energy, converting it into heat or another form of energy. When all colors of light
are reflected, the object appears white because it reflects all the colors equally. When colors are
selectively absorbed, the object appears to have the color of the light that is not absorbed but rather
reflected or transmitted.

7. Why do clouds look white?

• Clouds appear white because of a phenomenon called Rayleigh scattering. The tiny water droplets or
ice crystals that make up clouds scatter sunlight in all directions, and shorter wavelengths (blue and
violet) are scattered more than longer wavelengths (red and orange), resulting in a predominantly white

Propagation of Light Directions: Describe what happens to the beam of light in each of the instances.
Match each illustration in Column A with the corresponding description on Column B.

Short Essay Questions Directions: Answer the following questions briefly. Write your answers on a
separate sheet of paper.

1. Why is ultraviolet radiation commonly used in sanitizing hospital and operating rooms?

• Ultraviolet (UV) radiation is commonly used in sanitizing hospital and operating rooms due to its
strong germicidal properties. UV light in the range of 200-280 nanometers can effectively kill or
inactivate bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens by damaging their DNA or RNA. It is a chemical-free
method that does not leave behind residues or create resistance. UV sanitization is often used as an
additional measure alongside traditional cleaning methods to help reduce the risk of healthcare-
associated infections and maintain a sterile environment.

2. Using the photon theory, explain how atomic spectra are formed.

• According to the photon theory, atomic spectra are formed through the emission or absorption of
discrete packets of energy called photons. When an atom absorbs energy, typically through heat or
electrical excitation, its electrons move to higher energy levels. These excited electrons then transition
back to lower energy levels, releasing photons of specific wavelengths as they do so. The emitted
photons correspond to specific energy differences between electron orbits, resulting in the
characteristic spectral lines observed in atomic spectra. Each element has a unique set of spectral lines,
enabling their identification.

3. Give the contribution of Max Planck and Albert Einstein in the current understanding of the particle
nature of light.

• Max Planck and Albert Einstein made significant contributions to the understanding of the particle
nature of light. Max Planck introduced the concept of quantization of energy in 1900, proposing that
energy is not emitted or absorbed continuously but in discrete packets called quanta or photons. This
explanation successfully accounted for the observed spectral distribution of blackbody radiation.
Building upon Planck's work, Albert Einstein, in his 1905 paper on the photoelectric effect, proposed
that light itself consists of discrete particles or photons, each carrying a specific amount of energy. This
concept revolutionized our understanding of light, establishing the dual wave-particle nature of
electromagnetic radiation and forming the basis for quantum theory.

Directions: Identify what is being asked. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Based from the equation, E= hc/A, wavelength is __________ proportional to energy.

2. When electrons leave the excited states and return to lower energy levels, they emit energy in the
form of __________.

3. Cone cells of the human eyes have __________ pigments that detect color.

4. The three types of cones in the human eyes are: __________, ___________, and __________.

5. ____________ was proposed by Albert Einstein, which states that light itself is quantized.

6. The value of Planck's constant is ____________.

7. __________ the unit of frequency.

8. Solar energy enters the Earth's atmosphere in the form of ____________.

9. X-rays have ___________ frequency, ___________ wavelength and ___________ energy as compared
to visible light.

10. ____________refers to the print deterioration which is seen as blur across the print.

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