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Burmese Pythons Essay

390 Words
How is the presence of burmese pythons changing the Everglades? "The

Burmese python is a magnificent and powerful animal." (Source 1)

Unfortunately, these pythons aren't quite as magnificent as we thought. The

presence of the Burmese pythons is more than just changes in the Everglades.

These pythons are causing changes in the ecosystem, local animal populations

and people. To start off, the Burmese pythons aren't the animals we want to

have as a pet or we want to be around. They are native grassy swampland of

Southeast Asia. According to, Burmese Python: Not The Ideal Pet (Source 1),

" is among the largest snakes in the world, capable of growing to an

astounding length of 23 feet and weight of 200 pounds." Due to this, most

people have chosen these snakes as pets, but they've encountered way more

than what they could handle.

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