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Cagayan bE Oro CoLtece IsTRUSTOR ENS Sacra = RaikSeee PROCEDURE ay Pa : IMMEDIATE NEWBORN CARE ROUTINE PURPOSE: PRINCIPLE/S: EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES NEEDED: | Sais cen 5 age eee se ee oe 5-tenet Rationale: 2. Prepare cord clamp, mayo scissor, vaccines (Hep 8 & Vit. K) and crede’s prophylaxis. (Ensure newbor/baby's dress, bonnet, mittens, nappies, and Diaper & mothers diaper are avaiable. Rationale: "3. Once a patient isin the delivery table and all materials and medications are prepared, do sterile | _gloves. | (Rationale: “4, When the baby is completely delivered. Do Immediate thorough drying (30 secs - 1 min). Face, body and extremities. Rationale: 5.__Employ skin-skin contact. Let baby lie prone in the mother’s abdomen. Rationale: &. Perform properly timed cord clamping (Once pulsation diminishes, 1-3 mins from delivery, clamp the cord with cord clamp, 1% in from the base, once the obstetrician is done clamping the material side cut in between. Rationale: 7, Cover the newborn properly while in the mother’s abdomen. Place the wristiet in the right leg. Rationale: [Take the vital measurement of the newborn (Head, chest & abdominal circumferences, length and check the perforation of the anus. IMMEDIATE NEWBORN CARE ROUTINE 1

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