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~~ Sd a _ by Y Baz Luhrmann & Craig Pearce smasdpents ‘Aeaued 27.2.0 22. 2 Salmon Amendments: Iesued 2.2.00 33. 3% Blue Anendoents: Issued 34. 3% Pink Amendments: Ieeued 25 25. 3% Green Amendments: Issued 25.2.00 26. 3% yellow amendments: Iesued 7.3.00 17. 3% Goldenrod Amendaente: Taaued 14.3.00 1s. 3% Salmon amendments: Issued 3.4.00 15. 6 Blue Avendmencs: Issued 26.4.0 20. 4 Pink Asendments: Issued 2.6.00 © Sazmark Film Py itd Polisk 25 September, +999 Distribution and disclosure of this material co unauthorised persons oF the copying of this material in eny form is prohibited. e BAZMARK FILM rv uo seneeenr er ‘Telephone (622) 4253 2223 Pax (612) 1353 2800 PEA 448, Fx Stodiet Aura, Dever Ave Meare Pare KEW IEE oy ‘ Melancholic strings. A beautifully hand-written card. Te reade: Twentieth Century Pox presente i DIBGOLVE TO: A second hand-written card, it reads: A Bazmark Film : : DISSOLVE 70: A third hand-written card, It reads: Paris 1299° SUPER OVER: A sepia toned vista of tum of the century Paris. The Eiffel Tower vaulte skyward. In the distance a solitary hill is crowned with a half eonstsucted cathedral. FUSE TOWARDS: The hill and cathedral. A ramshackle little village at the base of the hill now comes into view. SUFER: “Montmartre” ‘PUSH TOWARD: The village roof tops. DISCOVER: An unprepossessing garret. SLOW PUSH: Into the garret window. DWP. CHRIGTIAN’S GARRET. DUSK. The silhouecte of a dichevelled, bearded man slumped over @ typewriter. TRACK ACROSS: Booxs, papers, sketches, old photographs, stzange end exotic furniture, a junkyard of experiences. In Zhe corer. a heavy iron contraption is covered in grimy bedclothes. an incongruous splash of life, as a brightly coloured bird hops inside its gilded cage. SETTLE ON: The bearded man. It is: CHRISTIAN. Head in his bands, Christian's weery eyes stare at the biank page staring back at hin. MACRO SHOT: The words “Moulin Rouge’ are hammered into the sefe white paper. WHIP 70: Christian. Ke hesitates. His aztention is suddenly gaught by che bird ar it flaps ite wings against the cage. ‘Bxpelling a deep breath, Christian types. : DISSOLVE TO: EXTREME CLOSE UP: Words type onto the page. (compnarens 4th Pink Amendments ‘as 81/6/2000 2. 2 COMEENEED: Cemrsrzan v/0 This story is about love. The woman I loved is, she is...she is... Christian breske off. 2 moment “ef anguish. Barely able co form the words, he forces himself to wrice. CHRISTIAN V/0 (CONT'D) ‘The woman I loved is dead. CLOSE Om: Christian, staring, lost. SUDDENLY: We see words as Christian continues typing. CHRISTIAN V/O (Corr-D) She was the most beautiful courtesan in all Paris; ‘The screen momentarily fills with heavy, dark eyelashes and the comer of a painted, red mouth. CLOSE oN: Christian mouths the words as he writes. CRISTIAN V/0 (CONT‘D) She sold her love to men. WE SEE: An ocean of top hats tilting skyward to reveal lust filled eyes. CHRISTIAN V/0 (CONT‘D) Men who came in their mnsreds to gaze upon her. WE SEE: A flash of electrifying dance CHRISTIAN V/0 (cowrD) Men who happily paid for her love WE SEE: A fine white neck encased in a blinding web of aiamonds . ‘ CHRISTIAN V/0 (CONT’D) They ce2led her Satin. The Sparkling Diamone. WE SEE: Words writing ac we hear them in voice-over. CHRISTIAN V/0 (CONT’D) She was the star of the Moulin Rouge... The camera foliows Christian‘s gaze out the window, down on to the delapidated Moulin Rouge. We pass slowly over the ‘boarded up facade and the decrepit windmill and through the derelict garden. We pesh on. up the front steps and into the once magnizicent main hall. We slide forward to the stage, and into e shred of red and gold curtain. (ConerranTED) @ch Pink Amendments es 2/6/2000 2 CowrsswUED: (2) . eUDDENLY: 2 TNT. MOULIN ROUGE. NIGHT.” _ A fleshy mustachioed face pokes through a red curtain :nto @ spotlight end bellows: ‘ZIDLER ene _ The Moulin Rouge... CUT TO: The un‘formed brass band cf the Moulin Rouge; just when we think we are in for a night of Offenbach highjinx - SUDDENLY: the mirrors beneath the bendstand spin, the msic soundtrack lurches forward « mméred years into a super sexual fat. funk. SLAM ZOOM: Zidier’s face as he leads a parade of CAN CAN girls onte the floor. ‘ZIDLER (STNGS) If life‘s an awful bare And living‘s just a chore That you do, cause death‘s Wot such fun I’ve just the antidote & 4nd though I mustn't gloat At che moulin Rouge You‘ll have fun! Seratch thac little niggle FOUR WHORES (SING) ooh ZIDLER (SINGS) Give 2 little wiggle You know that we can Because we... FOUR WHORES (SING) % We we we we... ZIDLER (SINGS) Can can Can! FOUR WHORES (SING) We can can can 2IDLER (6INGS) Den‘t say you can‘t can’t can’t... FOUR WHORES (SING) Because we can can can.. ZIDLER (SINGS) You know you can Can Can (ComrrmuED) 4th Pink Amendments as @°1/6/2000 “ 2 ComrrTNED: 7 FOUR WHORES (SING) 22DLER 1szROS) You know you can ean can can can, can... ‘SINT (S=wGs) You can because... WOME FROMAGE (SINGS) We can... CHINA DOLL (SINGS) Don’t say.. ARABIA (SINGS) You can’t... ‘POUR WHORES (SING) Because you can. Zidler leads his troupe down the booths. Together. he and the girls taunt the RICH RAKES that populate the booths. ZIDLER (SINGS) In this pleasure dome You'll feel right at home ‘There's just one tiny peeve You'll never want to leave Because you can can can FOUR WHORES (SING IN PARALLEL) You'll fee] right at home Yeah, yeah, yeah ‘The Rakes answer: RAKES (SING) : We can can can 2IDLER (SINGS) You know you can can can RAKES (SING) Yes we can can can FOUR WHORES (SING IN PARALLEL) Yeah, yesh, yeah 2IDLER (SDWOS) Don'r say you can’t can‘t can’t RAKES (SING) . We can can can (comrneueD} ach Pink Amendments as -@ 1/6/2000 2 ‘ComrrMUED: (2) - SxDLER (Stas) E Cause you can can can can can can can RAKES (SING) Can can can can can can can ‘the bar at the end of the Main Hall, we introduce lormers of the Moulin Rouge. ei a. COCOLISCIOUS BROS. (SING) From black... ‘(WE CHOC/SIAMESE TWDNS/COCO ‘BROS/LA XO KA CHAU No matter where your fancies fall... ZIDLER You‘re free to choose in this dance ball. La Petite Princess dahces the Can Can. ‘the ful? company throw to LE PETOMANE at the bar. ue farte: ‘LE PETOMANE, ‘Th, th, th, th, seema: SCEMES 2a, 23, 2C HAVE BEEN DELETED*+* 3 EXT. MOULIN ROUGE. GARDEN. NIGHT. 4 Zidler and his merry MOULIN BAND enter the mind-blowingly, exotic garden of the Moulin Rouge. They entice super rich, cashed up RAKES zc cone play with them in this seamy playground. ‘The Rakes bay et the girl‘s feet like lustful hounds. ZIDLER (SDNGS) Got some dark desize? Love to play with fire? Ny not let it rip? Live a zittle bit! RAKES (SING) We can Can Can Yes we can can can can (ore) (comrrwuen) ath Pink Amendments as-@ 1/6/2000 6. 3 3B (CoerrzRLED: Because we can can can Yes we can can can cen We can Can Can | We can Can can + _ Because we can Can we can Can Can? POUR WHORES (SING) Yes you can Can Can. as 3 i xOIT (sms) You iow you omn‘t can’t can't... FENNILESS POET (sTucs) Why can’t I can Can Can? SUDDENLY: From out of nowhere, a ruff looking SM anpears. ‘backed by two BURLY BOUNCERS. ‘4 (SINGS) Because you can't afford it. TRACK: With the Pemiless Poet Graggea by SM and Bouncers our ince... ‘EXT. MOULIN ROUCE. STREET. NIGHT. an 1--a8 be is violent2y chrow to the ground. we becone aware that the outside world is once again in black and white. ‘TILT UP: to discover zidler. He stands. unaware of the poet’ on che ground. ané pops up an umbrella to ward off the (DIGITAL) rain that begins te fa:1- ZIDLER (STNGS) Outside, it may be raining... Zidler turns and walks nonchalantly back into the colour ané rain-fzee nachanal of the Moulin Rouge. INT. MOULIN ROUGE. GARDEN. NIGHT. ZIDLER (sTHas) -but in here it’s entertaining. (comrnan) 4th Pink Amendments as @ 1/6/2000 7 3B CONTINUED: 2 : Zidier turns back to the black end white world of squalor below a3 the tragically poor sing up at hin through the gates of Moulin reuge in the (REAL) rain. 3c EXT. STREET. NIGHT. 3c . 3D EXT. MOULIN ROUGE. GARDEN. NIGHT. »> : We return to the bachanal in the gerden. ZIDLER (SDUS) Outside ir may ba boring. But in here nobody's snoring The show must go on. NONI (SINGS) Do you like like like... CHINA DOLL (SINGS) ge ++.Mhat you see see see? ARABIA (SINGS) What you need need need... NOME FROWAGE (SINGS) Is me me me. 7 1 2IDLER (sms) Queside things may be tragic But in here we deal in magic The show is always on. SUDDENLY: The entire company turns to Zidler who out Like a cork, through che top of a windmill. They all sing to the camera in the sky. ENTIRE COMPANY (SINGS) If you love love love to be free free free then che Moulin Rouge is the place to be. Zidler backflips into the Main Hall and up onto the bandstend as the Rakes, now in full abandon, ecrean back. ® 4th Pink Amendments as“® 1/6/2000 : 8. 3B TNT. MOULIN ROUGE. MATH HALL, NIGHT. 3E ALL (SmNC) We can Can Can FOUR WHORES (SING) It goes on, on. on, through the night, night, night. COCO BROS. /SIAMESE TWINS/LE oe PETOMANE/LE CHOC/LA PETITE FRUNCESS/WHOLE TROUPE We don't ask if it’s wrong or right. . ZIDLER (SINGS) Because we can Can Can. ALL (SING) We can Can Can 2IDLER (SINGS) You know we car Can Can ALL (S=NG) We can Can Can ‘ENTIRE COMPANY (SING) Every need, every wish, every dream, Gream, drean It’s the greatest place youve ever seen. ZIDLER (STNGS) Because we can Can Can auL (smNe) Yes we can Can Can We can ean can can can can can ® 2IDLER (SINGS) 2 ‘Ther we all Can Can Can Can Can Can Can! (commen) 4th Pink Amendments as 62/6/2000 9 38 CONEDIUED: SUPER CLOSE: Zidler slowly turns, the sign that reade Moulin Rouge incamating the magic words that appear. IDLER (SINGS) ‘The Can Can! The screen explodes into Can Can chaos as dozens of Sheesh thyooge che wasn Wail of tae oalia Poste afRs 0 thram 3 ° th death= Gefying physical abandon. QUT TO: zidler. Me continues to rouse the crowd as he leaps from the bandstand end cavorts towards the booths. The image cranks dom inte slew motion. We hear Christian's voice-over accompanied by the elickiag of typewriter keys: CHRISTIAN W/O But nothing at the Moulin Rouge was as it seemed. Harold Zidler had a sickness, an PUSH IN: to the light bulbs (SCREEN BURNS WEITE) 3F EET. MOULIN ROUGE. RIGHT. aF FULL OUT: From the lights. ziMler’s sweaty, deliriously happy face as he blubbers like a baby. 2rDuER I can’t help myself. they're 00 besutiful. i PULL BACK: 2idler fondies a string of electric light bulbs. CHRISTIAN W/O Zilder had overspent wildly an the electrification of the Moulin Rouge Griving it to bankruptey. FULL BACK: Behind 2idler, The Moulin lights up like a Curistmes tree. Zidler coos excitedly. ‘ (DVT. MOULIN ROUGE. MAIN MALL. NIGHT. PULL OUT: froma light bulb back to 2idler cavorting toward the beoths. CHRISTIAN V/O (CONT‘D) idler had 2 plea, he would convert the Moulin Rouge frome dancehall into a theatre and put his prized possession... CLOSE GN: Zidier: high-octane hard sell, lezns toward camera. 7 (ComrranmeD) 4th Pink’ Amendments as-@ 1/6/2000 20. « ‘CONTENUED: 7 2IDLER Satin, the Sarkling Diamond, on stave in @ wild, shocking, Bohemian spectacular called...wait for it: “Spectacular . Spectacular’. FREEZE FRAME: . . i CHRISTIAN {V/0} : eee tte All he needed was an investor. . CLOSE ON: The smell, beady eyes of THE DUKE. . DUXE Shocking. PULL OUT: The Duke is seated nex: to Zidler in one of the aide booths that line the dance-floer. Bobind them etands the Duke's impeccably attired man-servant; WAOGR. ‘2IDLER : The dazzling sete and provocative costumes are being realised by that outrageously creative little monster ‘Toulouse-Lautrec. Bt SCEME 4A HAS BEEN DELETED**+ <8 INT. TOULOUSE LAUTREC’S STUDIO. DAY. a Atop a huge ‘ladder, a bulbous-lippec dwarf, with his shirt : on Ris head is frozen mid brush-stroke as he paints an : alpine vista. Te ie: TOULOUSE =AOTREC. . 4¢ DVT. MOULIN ROUGE. XD HALL. NIGHT. , «es IDLER Ané our new writer is the universes Greatest living poet; Audrey. . 42 INT. TOULOUSE’S LAUTREC'S STUDIO. DAY. wo: an intense, artsy chap in puffy sleeves end velvet hat: : AUUNEY. He reads froma script. . ‘AUDREY : The hille are animated with the guphonioue eympheny of descant.. ©) 4th Pink Amendments as @&1/6/2000 a. 4£ INT. MOULIN ROUGE. MAIN FALL. NIGHT. aILER * ‘The ladies will quiver with excitement ever our leading man, a Tango-dancing o, —-AP. . INT. TPULOUSE’S APARTMENT sTuDTO. pay. 4H = INT, TOULOUSE’S APARTMENT STUDIO. DAY. Weiré buzzing noises emanate from Satie contraption. musical 42 DVT. MOULIN ROUGE. MAI HALL. Day. ‘IDLER And you'll roll with laughter at the qmazing stage effects created by the Doctor. 43 DWT. TOULOUSE’S APARTaNT STUDIO. Day. ar ‘The screen fills with an explosion. We push through to discover the blackened face of the Doctor. DOCTOR, Whacever. 47A DED. MOULIN ROUGE. MAIN HALL. NIGHT. 2mD-ER = tei} you my dear Duke, everything is gozng so well. 478 IW. TOULOUSE’S APARTMENT STUDIO. NIGHT. PULL OUT: The Argentinian, hurling his script, screams. (commneuen) cB) comrIMuED: 4K 0 ONT, MOULD ROUGE. MATH HALL. MIGHT. ax 4th Pink Amendments as-6 1/6/2000 n. ARGENTINIAN The script is shit! I’m going to stick a knife in someone! | ‘The Argentinian makes violently cowards Audrey. SUDDENLY his eyes roll back in his head and he collapses Catching the chords of the electromagnatica machine and FREEZE FRAME: The Argentinian, inches avay from crashing through the floor below. a Chose GN: 2idler: 2IDLER Beouse me, Duke. ‘PUSH IN: on the Dukes lust-¢illed eyes as he peruses the Car Can girls Zidler rockets up to the bandstand and whips the audience up for somk more “Can you can Can Can?* We fast wipe into the bacchanal. CUT: Back to the shocked, flabbergasted Duke. He cannot believe his eyes. ‘The camera rockets away rom the bacchanal through the hal: EXT. MOULIN ROUGE. OARDEN. NIGHT. 5 and magica? garden and up... ; ‘xT. PARIS SKY. NIGHT/DAY. ++.through the sky, and back to the Eiffel Tower. With a final tumtuous chord, the night vista of Paris turns to day. A train cen be seen priling into the station. CERISTIAN V/9 But on the dey I arrived in Paria, I knew othing of Bohenian epectaculars, investors, Dukes, the Can Can or... SUPER FAST PUSH: Toward Montmartre and through the garret window. 4th Pink Amendments as-@ 2/6/2000 nL. 7 (DVT. CHRISTIAN’S GARRET. DAY. A young man, travel case in hand, stands back to camera, staring cuz the window of the now sparsely furnished garret. As che young man turns we realise we are looking at a youthful, clean-shaven Christian, He tums toward a-crusty, id lentlagy who is waiting at the door and pays the wonns fox the room. CHRISTIAN V/O (Comr’D) I had turned my back on my secure bourgeois future to follow my dream. prssauve 70: Christian unpacking his beloved typewriter. F fd cone ‘eo writes (7 OOP) ‘DISSOLVE To: 9, 10, doacee 2030 INT. CHRISTIANS GARRET. DAY. 108 Christian, jacket slung over the chair, winds a clean page of paper into the :ypewriter. Fingers poised over the typewriter keys, Christian stares at the paper for = long moment. BERT: Nothing happens. CHRISTIAN V/O (CONT’D) ‘There was just cne problem... CLOSE GN: Christian staring in horror at the blank page. CHRISTIAN V/0 (CONT'D) I had nothing to write about... SUDDENLY: A thunderous crash of plaster showers Christian an electric generator, closely followed ky a Latin = ooking man, dressed in walking socks and leder hausen, falls through the ceiling, hitting the floor with = thad. - 4th Pink Amendments as 61/6/2000 1. 208 ComPDeED: 203 Christian has leapt to his feet in shock. He doesn't know what to do. SUDDENLY: The door is batteréd open by a bearded dwarf, costumed in a mmn‘s habit. The dwarf/mm flails ill- Christian is interrupted as a head appears through the hole . in the ceiling. It belongs to a willowy-looking chap ina loud striped vest and puffy sleeves: AUDREY THE POET. Audrey calls: How is he? Toulouse suddenly remembers Leder Hauser. ‘TOULOUSE Oh, my goodness. Coming to, Leder Heusen moans. : CHRISTIAN . can I hep? : Christian bends to help but is stopped by a voice from above that sounds like a croas becween Alan Ginsberg and ‘Timothy Leary. ‘THE. DOCTOR Don't touch him! teevenmarren n adth Pink Amendments as-@ 1/6/2000 “as. CoMrEwUED: (2) 208 COT 10: The hole in the ceiling. A drunk, fifsyish, mad- : gyed coot has joined Audrey: THE DOCTOR. A bottle slips : from The Doctor‘s hand and crashes ento the head of Leder Hausen, knocking him out again, AUDREY : ‘The narcoleptic Argentinien is once again * unconscious, and therefore the scenario : Will not be finished in time to present : ‘to the investor tomorrow! - SATIE _ He‘s right Towlouse. I still have to : finish the msiz. . ‘TOULOUSE : Worry, worry, worry; please; we'll just find somecne to read the part... AUDREY Well, where in heaven‘s name are we going to find someone to read the role of the young, sensitive, Swiss poet goatherder? MB: SCENE 10C AND 10D RAVE BEEN DELETED** = ONT. ‘TOULOUSE-LAUTREC'S STUDIO. nay. ae CLOSE OW: A flushed Christian tries to sing. CHRISTIAN (S™NGS) Fer lof on this vertiginous promontory yedelodelehahoo! FULL OUT: Christian wearing leder hausen stands high up on a buge mountain set. Toulouse slops paint on an enormous half finished theatrical back-drop of the Swiss Alps. Om the floor, unconscious, is the Latin-locking man who crashed through the ceiling. He is known as: THE UNCONSCIOUS ARGENTINIAN. - teorerreren yo Ath Pink Amendments as @ 2/6/2000 16. 21 cownnmuaD, na : In the comer Satie pounds the piano with one hand and. makes weird electric noises by neving a metal ring up and down a large tuning fork with the other. Christies i5 trying to sing to this accompaniment. rs 0) )Namaring flock. = . - a Rica aod Eee 2 im the centre of the room, Audrey zeads from a script. on bared nr tne poet guatherder's cends into the valley like ous anew, issing Unbridled with joy, ahe runs to the tup Of the mount and sings: : (udrey shouts) Lautrec! Toulouse runs into the middle of the room, and sings: he hills animate with the euphoni is te ‘Symphony of descant. in Audrey, anocher tantrum, turns to the Doctor and Satie. ‘AUDREY STOP, STOP, STOP! ‘That insufferable droning is drowning cut my words, can we plosee just stick toe Little decorative ano? ‘THE DOCTOR Eow about your words making sense then? Audrey; imnedietely defensive. AUDREY ‘ What are you suggesting? Be mem Q from a script) ove SURE NE matey ef detec SE, an would say that about a bili. Audrey is mortally offended. AUDREY Oh really? SATIE It doesn't fiz the msic. What if she - Sings: “The hilis are v:tal intoning the descant’. o sth Pink Amendments as.@ 1/6/2000 17: SonrzMcED: (2) ‘The Doctor is adamant. ax pocTon No, no! ‘The hil? intones the wondrous orchestra ef guffering’. The Unconscious Argentinien, whe has muddanly regcined -eonsciousness, chimes in. ae seas ARGENTINIAN The hills are incarnate with syaphonic melodies Christian can't help himself. He sings: CHRISTIAN (SINGS) The hills are alive with the sound of music? All eyes aze suddenly on Christian. Toulouse is awestruck. rouovse The hilis are alive with the sound of music: it'f tp, -- modem. Se completely, evolutionarily, Bohemianly modera! ‘That's it. Yes. yes, that's it! ‘The Argentinian is in raptures. ARGENT The Bills are alive with the sound of music. I like it! The Doctor intones intensely. ‘ME DocTOR The Rilie are alive with che sound of music. Incredible! Excitedly Satie plays and singe. SATE (SINGS) The hills are alive with the sound of music. It fits perfectly. Christian ventures the next phrase. Incandi ferous! 4th Pink Amendments es @1/6/2000 as. ‘corm: (3) a . Audrey protests. EE AUDREY Impossible. a Toulouse turns excitedly to Andrey. ‘TOULOUSE e ‘You two should write the show together! “ow o"" qai@irey goes dangerously quiet. AUDREY a < bey your pardon? ToOUoUsE Zell be absolutely marvelous, with the Doctor's contraptions and Gatie's ridiculously stupefying mesic, and all these loud words by you, Audray and the technique. AUDREY There wiil be no modern technique, except for mine. B mur ete Audrey screams. AUDREY Bither the boy goes or I do! Audrey pauses, desperately hoping they will ask him to stay. (AUDREY (CONT’D) Do net think I jest! : No response. Pinally Audrey has to act. : AUDREY (CONT’D) Iwill net waste my talents in this laughable free-for-all. As he exits he threarers. AUDREY (Cost? D) Do not expect to see me again! Without missing a beat, Toulouse tums te Christian and : hands him a large glass of absinthe. : ‘TOULOUSE Here's to your first job in Paris (comrmmm) yo ath Pink Amendments as-@ 1/6/2000 2. (COMTIED: (4) a Christian is shocked. Satie calls. SATIE Toulouse, Zidler’1) never agree. (to Christian) No offence but have you ever writte: i. enything like this before? ies : CRISTIAN Wo. ‘The Argentinien, with ridiculous machismo. ts ARGENTINIAN I like boy's gor talene. Bim. xo fumy but Phare like talent. derma Toulouse mummura :ntensely. TOULOUSE (coHT‘D) ane bills are alive with the sound of music - Christian we can write the truly Bohemian revolutionary show we've alvays Greamed of. SATZE ‘But how will we convince Zidler? Toulouse exclaims to Christian: ‘TOULOUSE ‘The gizl! CHRISTIAN The girl? Satin 11" the Moulin Rouge . We'll”go to tonight. once Sarin hears your revolutionary Bohenian poetry she'll be astounded and demand you write the show. CLOSE OW: Christiea nervous. CHRISTIAN Bur... Satie, draguing Toulouse aside, whispers agitatedly, SATTE We won’: get a penniless writer near Satin tonight: you know what happened last time. (coumaren) ©) ©) 4th Pink Amendments as @ 1/6/2000 20. 22 Comma: (5) ‘TOULOUSE Don't worry, we'll dress him up so he looks rich. :. ‘The Argentinian whispers exciredly. ARGENTINIAN ‘He can wear my suit... ‘TOULOUSE We'll engineer a moment alone between ‘them. he'll speak his poetry for her, and “the bills will be alive with the sound of music’ Satie. Satie, nervously excited, turns to Christian. SATIE Yes, finally revolutionary Bohemian words for Bohenien revolutionary msic. Christian stamers nervously. CuRrsTrax But <'m not sure I can write that sort of ‘TOULOUSE Why not? seemm: SCENE 11A MAS BEEN DELETED**+ 218 DWT, TOULOUSE-LAUTREC'S STUDIO. DAY. CLOSE ON: Christian nervous. CHRISTIAN Ah... I'm not sure I'ma. revolutionary. TOULOUSE You believe in Beauty don't you? strue Bohemian : Christian. CHRISTIAN ARGENTINIAN CHRISTIAN SATIE ‘Truth? 4th Pink Amendments as .@ 1/6/2000 a1. u CONTINUED: ae Love? (CLOSE ow: Christian. ‘then anythiag, eve? More 1» believe in : a - love. Love ia like eaygen, leve is a - many eplendoured thing, love lifte us up : where we belong, al] you need is love. : ‘Toulouse exclaims. Then fool you can‘t us, you're a true Bohenien revolutionary! ARGESTINIAN/THE DOCTOR/SaTTE We can't be fooled! Toulouse pouring glasses of absinthe, proposes a toast. ‘TouLoUsE Here's to the nav weiter of the world's @ fizst Bohemian revolutionary show. Argentinien! T kiss you! . SATIE A show with revolutionary Bohemian mesic. Satie pounds heavy, fuzzy chords on his electromagnetica machine. They all start revolutionary Bohemian dancing as they dress Christian up. : Toulouse sings. TOULOUSE (SINGS) A show where you con bump and grind THE pocTor (szNcs) 4 show that's good for your mind ARGENTINIAN (SINGS) & show where you can twist and shout SUDDENLY: Satie breaks into @ screaming, rock voice. SATIE (SINGS) Let if al nang our : (counmmED) 4th Pink Amendments as. 1/6/2000 22. 1B ComenwED: (2) as t at au (sum) But you wan't foo... SUDDENLY: The msic and Bohentians stop simlcanecusly. They tum to Christian, he proffers the first thing that pops into his mind. CHRISTIAN . ‘The children of the revolution. — owt ™o"" Ghe misic kieks back in as The Bohemians cheer. ALL (Szu3) No you wan't fool the children of the Fevelutien No you won't fool the children of the evolution, ao, ne, no. Similtaneously Christian and the Bohemians Grain their absinthe classes. SUDDENLY! CHRISTIAN AND BOHSMIAN’S POV: A giant green fairy shoots into the universe, its demonic eyes stare down ax it booms PAIRY - 3 am the green fairy absinthe: Ty God. " United in an Absinthe torpor, they all blissfully sing. ALL (S7#3) The hills are alive sith the sound of music. (PRACK: With The Bohemians and Christian as, still singing. they dance our of Toulouse’s studio and onto the fire escape. 12 EXT. TOULOUSE'S APARTMENT BUILDING. NIGHT. az The Bohemians and Christian joyously sing as they dance down the L‘Amour sign. TOULOUSE (SINGS) : A show to open your eyes ARGENTINIAN (6INGS) A show to blow you sky high! SATE (STHGS) : A show with controversy "| DOCTOR/CHRISTIAN (SING) : That will set the world free, yeah! tocmerrren th Pink Amendments as-@ 1/5/2000 2B. ‘CONTENTED! e . Freedom, beauty, truth and love! Yeah freedom, bomuty, truth and love! GREEN FAIRY (SINGS) The hiiis are alive with the sound of music. EXT. CHRISTIAN'S GARRET. WIGHT. ‘The Bohemians and Christian, sing as they dance along the parape: AL (SG) wo you won‘t fool the children of the revolution. Ne you won't fool the children of the Fevelution! BOHEMIANS (SING) No you won't fool the children of the ‘revalution No you won't fool the children of the revolution! With final rousing chorus The Bohemians halt. x GREEN FATRY (SINGS) The hills are alive. see mB: | SCENE 13a, 14 AS BEEN DELETED ++ 25 DWT. MOULIN ROUGE. MAIN HALL. NIGHT. Om the bandstand, Zidler rape demonically to the crowd. ZIDLER (SNCS) 0b you can Can Can Yes you can, Can Can! CUT TO: Christian ané The Bohemians. They joyously continue their sang on the dance floor. BOHEMIANS /CHRISTIAN (SING) Won't fool the children of the zevolution. _ SUT To: Zidler on the bandstand. ZIDLER (TNCs) Yes you can, Can Can! CUT TO: Christian end the Bohemians as they dance towards the booths. teosraerrent 4th Pink Amendments as @ 1/6/2000 2m. a COUNTER WITH: Zidler as he lightly steps dow the mezzanine. ; 2IDLER + _ Can you CAN CAN CAN? As the Bohos are seen passing behind Zidie=, we push toward them, discovering Toulouse scaring some tourists cut of his fea ‘Tuloune glences ercund the hell. He cannot see Zidler in the bosth next to then. jooenp Mission accomplished. We've successful: evaded Zidler. _ ‘Track with Toulouse and Christian to Zidler and The Duke. CLOSE ON: ‘The small, beady eyes of THE DUKE. 2TDLER My deer Duke! DUKE Waer Go I get to meet the girl? PULL OUT: Zidler murmers seductively. ‘200LER After her number, I’ve arranged a special supper. Just you and Mademoiselle Satin: totally alone. DUKe Alone you say? TRACK BACK: To Toulouse. He leans ir to Christian. TOULOUSE (cont ‘d) After her number, I'1] arrange a private meeting. Just you and mademoiselie Satin; totally alone. OSE ON: Christian, nervous. CHRISTIAN ‘Alone? HOLD: 2idler and The Duke, Toulouse and Christian in the one frame. ZIDLER/ TOULOUSE Yes, totally alone... (comrneD) as r) 4th Pink Amendments as--@ 1/6/2000 25. 5 COwRDUED: (2) RANG! High above the crowd a thunderous flash of white ight eqplodes into a trillion sparkling embers. CUT 70: The held four shot. White light flashes on the ‘Bohos, Zidler and The Duke. PUSH IN: Holding only Christian end The Duke. TOPOGRAPHICAL SHOT: Hundreds of top hats illuminated by the “blazing white light. The hats tilt back in unison to gaze ~- “jon the unearthly vision of the jewel encrusted SPARKLING DIAMOND descending on a trepese through the clearing encke. ‘A deep, hot silence fills the hall. ZIBLER AND TOULOUSE JOIN CHRISTIAN AND THE DUKE IN THE ‘Toulouse whispers: ‘TOULOUSE e's her: the Sparkling Diamend... 2idler whispering to The Duke. ‘2XDLER satin. : SATIN: Sadly sings. SATIN (SINGS) The Preach are glad to die for love. ‘They delight in fighting duels, But I prefer 2 man who lives (TRACK IN ON: Christian. SATIN (SDNGS) (CONT‘D) And gives, expensive... Jewels! : SUIDENLY: The orchestra pounds into « ramixnctious, neo- swing dance-sroove. The Top-Mats scream like reucous school boys. SATIN (STNGS) (CONT’D) A kiss on the band may be quite continental SATIN (SINGS) (COMT’D) ‘Bur diamonds are 4 girl's best friend ‘Nervous’ finds himself palming a big franc note into the qutstretched hat of the WICKED-FACED BOY who trails Satin. SATIN (SINGS) (CONT'D) A kiss may be grand (comrzarceD) ® Ath Pink Amendmentis as €,1/6/2000 26. 15 corrneea: (3) as Satin allows TREE PAT FANS to plant kisses an her chaexs. She withdraws, lambasting them with. ‘SATIN (SDHGS) (Cawr’D) But it won't pay the rental Qa dumble flat . or you feed your pussycat, Sets pointe the rat 7ane towards the wicked-Faced Day and his c ion hat. The audience is becoming wilder. SATDN (STNGS) (CoMT’D) Men grow cold as girls grow old And we all lose our charms in the end Satin rubs herself against a group of Top-Hatters like an affectionate feline. SATIN (SINGS) (CONT'D) But square cut or pear shape These rocks don't lose their shape Diamonds are 2 girl's best friend Aided by the TABASCO BROTHERS acrobats, Satin flies up onto @ table then abandons herself to a free fall. The Tabascos gateh her and carry ner high above the crowd. the Top- Matters strain to touch her. the wicked-faced hoy's hat now overflows with cash and sparkling trinkets COT 70: Christian, mouth agape. seemp: SCRWRE 15a, i5B, 15c, 15D mAVE BEN DELETEDS?* DWP. MOULIN ROUGE. MATN HALL. WIGHT. SE Terrified, Christian rises. CHRISTIAN S I should go... Toulouse and The Bohemians pul] him back into his seat. ‘TOULOUSE She's seally very shy, and «@ great lover of poetry. Satin is joined by « chorus of Can Canning acolytes. CUT TO: The cold, beady eyes of The Duke. He watches Satin Cur 70: Satin. She dances up the stairs through a line of rich Rakes, snatching gifts as she goes. : (comrswaeD) 4th Pink Amendments as-@ 1/6/2000 2. 265 ComrasuED: CLOSE OM: Christian's stumed expression. He mkes to CHRISTIAN I should really umn..., unpack. ‘Toulouse reassures Christian with a devilish grin. TOULOUSE Don't worry. I'll sally forth and tee shings up: Toulouse raises his cence like a mock sword. It sends a rinks tray, held by o passing waiter, flying inte the lap of The Duke in the adjacent beoth. TOULOUSE (contd) Oa. ob zerribly sorry. Toulouse, snatches a white handkerchief from The Duke's breast pocket and begins maniacally dabbing. ‘The Duke clearly loathes being touched. : 4th Pink Amendments as‘@ 1/6/2009 28. 19E 0 CONFENUED: (2) ase DOE t's all right. Leave me! Don't touch, please! cur 70: The platforn. SATIN (SINGS) There may come a time when a hard boiled employer thinks you're Zidlex mimes pinching Satin‘s bottom ‘ZIDLER (SINGS) awoul nice Satin snatches a diamond gift SATIN (STNGS) but ger that ice or alse no dice, WONT, MOME, ARABIA, CHINA DOLL (SDH3) He's your guy when stocks are high But bevere when ‘start to descend Cause that’s when Jouses, Go back to their . SATIN Te The Duke here Harold? : ‘ 2IDLER Liebchan, would Daddy let you down? SATIN Where is he? Zidler is now looking over Satin's shoulder. In the centre ZIDLER'S POV: Through a blur of audience he can see The Duke being accosted by a madly dabbing Toulouse. CLOSE ON: Zidler's herror stricken fa tcowrzwaeD) ath Pink Amendments as 1/6/2000 23. 255 COMPTITED: (2) sooac's haz TEER, foeme “a e's that bloody madman Toulouse doing? He's supposed to be working with Audrey om the script: * Because of theiz choreography, Satin is turned away and camnot see Toulouse. - CUT 10: The Duke's booth. His face distorts with outrage. ‘DOKE oat eilk handkerchie! was a gift from ay mother rouLouSE Bozzy. CUT 70: 2idler. He whispers. ZrDLER In the middle booth, the one Toulouse is waving the hanky at. Aa Batin turns, Toulouse leaps to Christian and plucks a handkerchief from Christian‘s pocket ‘TOULOUSE Excuse me Christian. cease ow: Satin. she strains to spy The Duke through the crowd. CUT TO: Toulouse. He waves the handkerchief at Christian. TOULOUSE (conta) May I borrow? CUT TO: Satin, puzzled. SATIN ‘The one Toulouse is shaking the hanky at, are you sure? Zidler dances around Satin. ZIDLER Give mee peek. Toulouse, having returned to The Duke's booth, is enthusiastically dabbing. He etope, confueed by the cold hard shape beneath The Duke's jacket; ir feels suspiciously ike a gum. Toulouse looks up. He realises he is not @aebbing The Duke. but The Duke's man-1 ‘warner. Warner shakes his head in stesn warning. Toulouse indignantly throws the handkerchief in Warner's face. ‘TOULOUSE You clean him up. tcowrnarent ©) 1) 4th Pink amendments as @ 1/6/2000 30. 1SE CONTINUED: (4) 38E Toulouse leaps onto the dance flooz. CUT TO: Zidler squatting down to join Satin behing the chorus of Can Can girls. Unseen by the audience they talk as they frantically disrobe. ‘IDLER That's him chicken. I hope that demmic little leon didn't frighten him off. GOT TO: “The outraged Duke. Unseen by Zidler, he stalks off; Warner in tow. CUP TO: Satin and Zidler behind the Can Can. girls. SATIN Will he invest? Pi cggioee Pigeon, after a special supper with you, how could be refuse? SATIN What‘s his type? Satin's face suddenly transforms into that of a wilting flower's. SATIN (cont’d) Wilting flower? CLOSE ON: Satin transforms into a bright and bubbly good- time girl. SATIN (cont‘d) Bright and bubbly? CLOSE ON: A haughty demeanour. SATIN (cont‘d) Ox smoldering temptress? gidler; 2 professional appraisal. 2IDLER I'd say smoldering temptress. zidler, a parting thought. 2EDLER (cont'd) We're all rely:ng on you gosling. Remember; a real show, in a real theatre, with a real audience and you'll be Satin, a warm smile. tcomrrenen) ©) €) 4th Pink Amendments as @ 1/6/2000 31. SE Comrmwmmp: (5) sr A real actzes: ‘The Can Can chorus part, revealing Satin, apparentiy naked but for a covering of fake diamonds. Zidler in his underwear makes a big show of snatching up his trousers. As Zidler exits the platform, he elmost collides with Toulouse. - ‘Toulouse pops out of frame just in the nick of time. Satin, wagging her finger at the departing Zidler sings. SATIN (SINGS) Cause that's when those louses CUT TO: Toulouse yelling up et Satin from ground level. ‘TOULOUSE Bejeweled vision... Satin unaware of Toulouse continues to sing. SATIN. (SINGS) Go back to their spouses ‘TOULOUSE Amazonian goddess... SATIN (STNGS) Diamonds are a girl's best... Gblivious to Toulouse, Satin catches hold of an enormous diamante bracelet on the end of « trapeze. The Tabasco Brothers swing Satin through the a: : SATIN (SINGS) Diamonds are a girl's best... Diamonds erea girl's best 4 CUT TO: Christian. He is wide-eyed with amazement as the near-naked Satin leaps from the diamante trapeze to land in front of him. SATIN (SINGS) Friend ‘The crowd applauds wiidly as Satin bends to Christian. Christian, staring up into the beautiful blue eyes of ' Satin, has stosped breathing. CLOSE ON: Satin. SATIN I believe you were expecting ne. tenwerranen e 4th Pink Amendments as-@ 1/6/2000 185 32. ASE COTTE: (6) CLOSE ON: Christian, éumbstruck. CHRISTIAN Oh... ak, yes. * As the crowd chant, Satin cheekily extends her hant to Christian SATIN zim afzaia it’s lady's choice. Toulouse‘s head suddenly pops up between then. TOULOUSE I mee you've met my Englich friend Ch.. Satin turns sharply to Toulouse. SATIN I'll take care of itt Toulouse leaning close, whispers: ‘TouLousE Hes not just anybody. Satin suiles conspiretorielly. sar = know. Satis turns back to Christian. SATIN (cont‘d) Let's dence. Satin offers her hand ance more to Christian. Toulouse shoves Christian up out of his seat. To wild approval trom the crowd, Satin and Christian take the floor. : CUT TO: Toulouse end Cohorts, amazed. SATIE ‘That seemed to go well. ‘THE pocToR Incredible. ARGENTINIAN Be has the gift with the woman. ‘TOULOUSE I told you. He is a genius. CUT 70: The dance floor. Christian's awkwardness disappears as he finds his feet. The crowd react as Satin and Christian really start to move. Ath Pink amendments as~@ 2/6/2000 33. 18 7 DVT. MOULIN ROUGE. BACKSTAGE. NIGHT. 26 zidler has his eye to a spy-hgle behind the bandstand. 5M helps Zidler back into his clothes. ZXDLER'S POV: Through a blur of crowd, zidiex can see Satin Gancing with her top-hatted parcner. ‘22DLER te * That Duke can move. (ORT. MOULIN ROUGE. .0IN HALL. NIGHT. a7 Satin purrs coquettishly as she dances with Christian. SATIN So wonderful of you to take an interest in our little show Christian can‘t believe his luck. CHRISTIAN Tt sounds very exciting; I'd love to be involved. Satin tries te contain her amasenent. SATIN Really? CHRISTIAN Yes; Christian, suddenly worried he is being too forward. CHRISTIAN (cont'd) Provided you enjoy what I do. Satin, @ meaningful gaze. SATIN Of course Z will. CLOSE CN: Christian blushing. CHRISTIAN Toulouse said we might be able to do it in... private. Satin a saucy smile. SATIN Dia ne? Christian stammers. (comezmuED) ® 4th Pitk Amendments a8 @ 2/6/2000 3a. 17 CoMrrZHUED: ro CHRISTIAN ‘Yes @ private...y'know CLOSE GN: Christian, shy but’ intense. CHRISTIAN (cant‘d) ‘Poetry’ reading. CLOSE GN: Satin, confused. and then she thinks she LM@derstends: the young, rich Duke is too shy te mentica ox. Satin smiles knowingly. sary Ob, a ‘poetry’ reading. I'd love a little ‘poetry’ after supper. OSE OM: Christian amazed. then comes the moment all have been waiting for: as the builds, che Can Can girls kick top hats from men's £ . Man wrizbe ecstatically as their hats sail skyward. ‘air is filled with kicking feet and popping hats. aE SATIN (cant‘d) Meng on to your hat. A tumultuous crescendo of music ac, with a lithe lono- dumbed kick, Satin sends Christian's hat sailing skyward. FOLLOW: The haz as it spins high above the dance-floor. BANG! Christian's hat falls with perfect precision, back on top of his head. We hear: Christian's voice-over. CHRISTIAN (V/0) : That was the night 7 fell in iove. cur To: Satin heid high on « pyzemid of Moulin performers. She launches into her provecstive finale. SATIN (STINGS) Diamonds, diamonds, I den’t mean rhinestones, But diamands are a girl's best.... best friend. With the final show-stopping chord, Satin throws her head and arms skyward: the crowd thunders. SUDDENLY: A foreboding underscore. (comrrreED} 4th Pink Amendments as~@ 2/6/2000 35. 37 CORTTRIED: (2) 7 GOP SHOT: Satin high.above the crowd. Her face is filled wath panic. She gasps desperately for air. Suddenly her eyes roll back and she is crashing to the floor. woments before impact, Le Chocolat catches her in his massive arms the crowd, thinking this is another amazing stunt, cheers wildly. GlOSE cM: satin in Le Chocolat's arms, There is no sign of Tite. Le Chocolat locks urgently to 2idler who is now atop the bandstand. Bidler signals Le Chocolat to get Satin off the floor. Le Chocolat spirits Satin away as the crowd wildly claps: sv]PLEASE MOTE: THERE ARE NO SCENES 18, 19, 20°°° 23 DWT. MOULIN ROUGE. CORRIDOR NIGHT. 22 CLOSE OH: Satin's unconscious face. WONT LEGS IN THE AIR, the bitchy lead dancer of the Can Can troupe, comments dryly. NIN Don't know if that Duke’s gona get his money’s worth tonight. MOME FROMAGE, © dunb but good-natured dancer, is concerned. MOME FROMAGE Don't be unkind Wind 4 214 DWT. MOULIN ROUGE. DRESSING ROOM. NIGHT. aaa Le Chocolat lays Satin on a tattered chaise longue. The faces of the Can Can girls stare down at her. Suigenty an older wooun: MARIE pushes er wey arough She gizls. MARIE Let me through girls. CLOSE ON: Satin. Her eyes open gently as Marie holds smelling salts under her nos : Satin coughs, then smiles as she mocks herself. © 4th Pink Amendments as @ 1/6/2000 36. 2 22 23 comDnED: aan SarDN Oh these silly costumes. ‘SM pushes his way through the girls. oH Alright you girls, back out front and make those gents thirsty. 4 hisses to Merie. $M (cont'd) Problems? OW: Marie, quickly covering. ORIE Nothing for you to be worrying about. SM looks to Chocolat. me Don't just stand there; frock on for the Hunkadala ! NT. MOULIN ROUGE. MAIN HALL. MIGHT. 22. The crowd continues to chant. cRowD cin! Satin! Zidler, werried, looks to the wings. ‘SM indicates Satin will not be appearing. SLAY ZOOM: Zidler's horrified face. Then, the consummate professional, 2idler pouts like a sad child. ZIDLER You've frightened her away. But I spy some lonely Moulin Rouge dancers who are looking for a partner or two, so if you can Hunk Hunk, you ean ‘The music strikes up and chey dance the Hunkadola. Le Chocolat and the COCOLICIOUS BOYS anc La Petite Princess perform the Hunkadola. TINT. MOULIN ROUGE. MOULIN ROUGE DRESSING ROOM. NIGHT. 23 Marie laces Satin inte a red satin dress. (corre) e 2. With e patron like him and Spectacular Spectacylar, all your dreams could come true: You could be the next Sarah Bernhardt. With almost religious reverence, Satin starca into ane of phe many hand-coloured Sarah Bemhardt posteards that adorn rer. ‘SATIN Oh Marie, could I ever be like the great Sexah? wane You've got the talent; you hook this Duke and you'll be lighting up the great . stages of Europe before you know it. CLOSE ON: Satin. Almost like a prayer, she whispers into the mirror. ‘SATIN I!21 be en actress Marie, and we can fly, fly away from here. SURDEMLY: The door burete open: revealing a panicked 2idler. ZIDLER Ducky, everything alright? Satin, standing tel, radiates lif SATIN Of course marold. idler beans like e proud father. 2IDLER Oh thank goodness, you certainly weaved your magie with that Duke on the dance SATIN How do I look? tie Zidler. 2IDLER My little strawberry. how could he resist fzom gobbling you up? Everything's going 80 weld! 23 © 4th Pink Amendments .as~q ‘1/6/2000 38. 26 ‘EXT. MOULIN ROUGE. GARDEN. NIGHT. 26 The Duke has been cleaned up. He hurries with Warner back through the garden and into the hall. ‘DUKE Find zidler; the girl's waiting for me. As. The Duke wipes irame, the heads of Toulouse, Satie, The itinian ané The Doctor pop up in front of camera. They gaze up towards the towering wood and papier-miché Elephant that stands in the garden. . Toulouse whispers, amazed. TOULOUSE Unbelievable, straight to the elephant. CLOSE GN: The Argentinian awestruck. ARGENTINIAN ‘The boy has talent. GRANE: Up rom the Bchenians, and around the elephant to Look... 24K © EXT. MOULIN ROUGE. ELEPHANT. NIGHT. 24a Through a heart shaped window in the elephant’s head. There, we can see Christian standin: self-consciously in a magical red room upholstered like the inside of a genie’s bottle. 25 INT, MOULIN ROUGE. ELEPHANT. NIGHT. 25 Christian looks nervously around the room. Satin appears, from behind a screen wearing nothing but a diephanous silk ” gown. SATIN Wnat do you think; poetic enough for you? Christian, transfixed by the vision of this goddess, stamners.. CHRISTIAN Y...yes. Satin glides seductively to a small trolley laid out with caviar and Champagne. SRTIN A little suppex? ternerrenren\

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