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Design Considerat ions for Schools

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ronit ( le&uid=320)

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# 1 (showthread.php?tid=1918&pid=2305# pid2305)
02-04-2015, 07:17 AM
Natural Light - Rooms should be designed such t hat t he Nat ural Day Light is sufficient and t here is minimum
dependency on art ificial light ing. Glare must be avoided. Windows for
t eaching spaces should be horizont al. 

Natural Ventilation - Vent ilat ion should be by means of permanent wall vent s and windows wit h opening
sect ions. Vent s should cont ain baffles for noise, wind and rain.

Windows should be double glazed, easy to clean and maint ain,and have high and low level opening sashes. 

Windows should be posit ioned such t hat sashes must be easy to operat e wit h nat ural vent ilat ion and an
adequat e level of safet y.

Doors should be easy to Operat e. T he door, frame, and opening mechanism to should be designed so as to
prot ect against injury to fingers, et c. A glazed viewing panel in t he door from all rooms to t he corridors should
be provided for t he benefit of small children.

Acoustic condit ions in schools should facilit at e clear communicat ion of speech bet ween t eacher and
st udent , and bet ween st udent s wit hout int erfering wit h st udy act ivit ies.

Floor fi nishes must safe, hardwearing, non-slippery, chemically resist ant , durable, resist ant to wear & easily
cleaned.  T he Healt h and Safet y implicat ions of t he select ed flooring should be considered. 
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vijay kasliwal ( le&uid=319)

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# 2 (showthread.php?tid=1918&pid=2319# pid2319)
02-11-2015, 06:25 AM

Design spaces to meet t he specific needs of st udent s, t eachers, and administ rat ive st aff wit h disabilit ies.

Design for fut ure flexibilit y, which enables spaces to be easily modified.


T he import ance of t he physical appearance of a public school should not be minimized. A school building t hat
is at t ract ive and responds to and is consist ent wit h t he design and cont ext of t he neighborhood, builds a
sense of pride and ownership among st udent s, t eachers, and t he communit y. T he ext erior should
complement t he neighborhood and reflect t he communit y's values. T he int erior should enhance t he learning
Provide an int erior environment t hat is visually comfort able and st imulat ing by int egrat ing nat ural and
art ificial light ing, eliminat ing glare, and incorporat ing colors t hat st imulat e or soot he, depending on t he
space funct ion.
Design for diffuse, uniform daylight t hroughout classrooms.

Avoid direct -beam sunlight .

Use a daylight ing analysis tool to int egrat e light ing syst ems, cont rols, and mat erials t hat reflect or
absorb light .
Cost -effect ive
Apply cost effect ive principals in t he planning, design, const ruct ion, and operat ion of school
facilit ies.
Select building element s on t he basis of life cycle cost analysis.

Consider t he recyclabilit y of mat erials.

Specify mat erials and product s t hat are easy to maint ain.

Ut ilize life-cycle cost analysis tools.

Int egrat e day light ing syst ems, high-performance HVAC, energy-efficient building shell, and high-
performance elect ric light ing.

Funct ional
Clust er classrooms around common areas.

Connect spaces visually wit h colors and pat t erns, part icularly for primary school children.

Provide plat form spaces for gat hering, sit t ing, and present ing and alcoves for quiet play,
reflect ion, and reading.

Decent ralize administ rat ive spaces to encourage act ive leadership and maximize int eract ion wit h
st udent s.
Provide a "home base" for each st udent and t eacher.

Product ivit yElement ary schools should enhance t he healt h and product ivit y of st udent s, t eachers, and
st aff.Secure and Safe
Maximize visual access to corridors and school grounds.

Increase occupant s' sense of ownership and "t erritorialit y" by providing comfort able, not
inst it ut ional, rooms and by clearly defining t he school boundaries.

Cont rol access to t he building and grounds by individuals and vehicles.

Accommodat e safe egress from t he building in case of emergency.

Use Durable non toxic building mat erials.

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vijay kasliwal ( le&uid=319)

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# 3 (showthread.php?tid=1918&pid=2320# pid2320)
02-11-2015, 06:26 AM
Sustainable Schools

Designing sust ainable, high performance green schools.

Use energy, wat er, and ot her resources efficient ly.

Int egrat e renewable energy st rat egies, including passive solar design and, where appropriat e, solar t hermal
and photovolt aics.

Int egrat e high-performance mechanical and light ing syst ems.

Conserve and prot ect nat ural areas. Provide barriers t hat prot ect children and plant s and wildlife.

Incorporat e mat erials and product s derived from sust ainable-yield processes and/or are manufact ured

Provide opport unit ies for safe walking and bicycling to school.

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prakash nair ( le&uid=2179)

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# 4 (showthread.php?tid=1918&pid=2957# pid2957)
08-07-2018, 12:53 PM
First and foremost , t he ent ry should be welcoming

St udent display spaces by t he ent rance can make a powerful st at ement about t he learning mission of
t he school.
Transparency is t he idea of developing a school wit h high levels of visibilit y in bot h formal and informal

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