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It really doesn't matter what she thinks as it isn't her problem to solve.

what he kept trying to convince himself. She was trying to insert her opinion
where it wasn't wanted or welcome. He already had a plan and even though that
plan didn't correspond with what she wanted him to do or what should be done,
it wasn't her decision to make. The question now became whether he would
stick to his convictions and go through with his plan knowing she wouldn't

1.He was aware there were numerous wonders of this world including the
unexplained creations of humankind that showed the wonder of our ingenuity.
There are huge heads on Easter Island. There are the Egyptian pyramids.
There’s Stonehenge. But he now stood in front of a newly discovered monument
that simply didn't make any sense and he wondered how he was ever going to
be able to explain it.

2.Frank knew there was a correct time and place to reveal his secret and this
wasn't it. The issue was that the secret might be revealed despite his best
attempt to keep it from coming out. At this point, it was out of his control and
completely dependant on those around him who also knew the secret. They
wouldn't purposely reveal it, or at least he believed that, but they could easily
inadvertently expose it. It was going to be a long hour as he nervously eyed
everyone around the table hoping they would keep their mouths shut.

3.The shoes had been there for as long as anyone could remember. In fact, it
was difficult for anyone to come up with a date they had first appeared. It had
seemed they'd always been there and yet they seemed so out of place. Why
nobody had removed them was a question that had been asked time and again,
but while they all thought it, nobody had ever found the energy to actually do it.
So, the shoes remained on the steps, out of place in one sense, but perfectly
normal in another.

4.She sat in the darkened room waiting. It was now a standoff. He had the
power to put her in the room, but not the power to make her repent. It wasn't
fair and no matter how long she had to endure the darkness, she wouldn't
change her attitude. At three years old, Sandy's stubborn personality had
already bloomed into full view.

5.It was a simple tip of the hat. Grace didn't think that anyone else besides her
had even noticed it. It wasn't anything that the average person would notice, let
alone remember at the end of the day. That's why it seemed so unbelievable
that this little gesture would ultimately change the course of the world.

6.Eating raw fish didn't sound like a good idea. "It's a delicacy in Japan," didn't
seem to make it any more appetizing. Raw fish is raw fish, delicacy or not.

7.A long black shadow slid across the pavement near their feet and the five
Venusians, very much startled, looked overhead. They were barely in time to
see the huge gray form of the carnivore before it vanished behind a sign atop a
nearby building which bore the mystifying information "Pepsi-Cola."

8."Are you getting my texts???" she texted to him. He glanced at it and chuckled
under his breath. Of course he was getting them, but if he wasn't getting them,
how would he ever be able to answer? He put the phone down and continued on
his project. He was ignoring her texts and he planned to continue to do so.

9.There was nothing to indicate Nancy was going to change the world. She
looked like an average girl going to an average high school. It was the fact that
everything about her seemed average that would end up becoming her

10.They say you only come to peace with yourself when you know yourself
better than those around you. Derick knew nothing about this. He thought he
had found peace but this was an illusion as he was about to find out with an
unexpected occurrence that he actually knew nothing about himself.

11.Out of another, I get a lovely view of the bay and a little private wharf
belonging to the estate. There is a beautiful shaded lane that runs down there
from the house. I always fancy I see people walking in these numerous paths
and arbors, but John has cautioned me not to give way to fancy in the least. He
says that with my imaginative power and habit of story-making a nervous
weakness like mine is sure to lead to all manner of excited fancies and that I
ought to use my will and good sense to check the tendency. So I try.

12.All he wanted was a candy bar. It didn't seem like a difficult request to
comprehend, but the clerk remained frozen and didn't seem to want to honor
the request. It might have had something to do with the gun pointed at his face.

13.She asked the question even though she didn't really want to hear the
answer. It was a no-win situation since she already knew. If he told the truth,
she'd get confirmation of her worst fears. If he lied, she'd know that he wasn't
who she thought he was which would be almost as bad. Yet she asked the
question anyway and waited for his answer.

14.He couldn't move. His head throbbed and spun. He couldn't decide if it was
the flu or the drinking last night. It was probably a combination of both.

15.The fog was as thick as pea soup. This was a problem. Gary was driving but
couldn't see a thing in front of him. He knew he should stop, but the road was
narrow so if he did, it would be right in the center of the road. He was sure that
another car would end up rear-ending him, so he continued forward despite the
lack of visibility. This was an unwise move.
16.It probably seemed trivial to most people, but it mattered to Tracey. She
wasn't sure why it mattered so much to her, but she understood deep within her
being that it mattered to her. So for the 365th day in a row, Tracey sat down to
eat pancakes for breakfast.

17.The robot clicked disapprovingly, gurgled briefly inside its cubical interior
and extruded a pony glass of brownish liquid. "Sir, you will undoubtedly end up
in a drunkard's grave, dead of hepatic cirrhosis," it informed me virtuously as it
returned my ID card. I glared as I pushed the glass across the table.

18.I've rented a car in Las Vegas and have reserved a hotel in Twentynine Palms
which is just north of Joshua Tree. We'll drive from Las Vegas through Mojave
National Preserve and possibly do a short hike on our way down. Then spend all
day on Monday at Joshua Tree. We can decide the next morning if we want to do
more in Joshua Tree or Mojave before we head back.

19.April seriously wondered about her sleeping partner choices. She looked at
her bed and what a mess it had become. How did she get to the point in her life
where she had two dogs, three cats, and a raccoon sleeping with her every

20.Patricia's friend who was here hardly had any issues at all, but she wasn't
telling the truth. Yesterday, before she left to go home, she heard that her
husband is in the hospital and pretended to be surprised. It later came out that
she was the person who had put him there.

21.The song came from the bathroom belting over the sound of the shower's
running water. It was the same way each day began since he could remember. It
listened intently and concluded that the singing today was as terrible as it had
ever been.

22.Things aren't going well at all with mom today. She is just a limp noodle and
wants to sleep all the time. I sure hope that things get better soon.

23.What were the chances? It would have to be a lot more than 100 to 1. It was
likely even more than 1,000 to 1. The more he thought about it, the odds of it
happening had to be more than 10,000 to 1 and even 100,000 to 1. People often
threw around the chances of something happening as being 1,000,000 to 1 as an
exaggeration of an unlikely event, but he could see that they may actually be
accurate in this situation. Whatever the odds of it happening, he knew they
were big. What he didn't know was whether this happening was lucky or

24.There was only one way to do things in the Statton house. That one way was
to do exactly what the father, Charlie, demanded. He made the decisions and
everyone else followed without question. That was until today.
25.He couldn't remember exactly where he had read it, but he was sure that he
had. The fact that she didn't believe him was quite frustrating as he began to
search the Internet to find the article. It wasn't as if it was something that
seemed impossible. Yet she insisted on always seeing the source whenever he
stated a fact.

26.Dragons don't exist they said. They are the stuff of legend and people's
imagination. Greg would have agreed with this assessment without a second
thought 24 hours ago. But now that there was a dragon staring directly into his
eyes, he questioned everything that he had been told.

27.The day had begun on a bright note. The sun finally peeked through the rain
for the first time in a week, and the birds were singing in its warmth. There was
no way to anticipate what was about to happen. It was a worst-case scenario
and there was no way out of it.

28.She was infatuated with color. She didn't have a favorite color per se, but
she did have a fondness for teals and sea greens. You could see it in the clothes
she wore that color was an important part of her overall style. She took great
pride that color flowed from her and that color was always all around her. That
is why, she explained to her date sitting across the table, that she could never
have a serious relationship with him due to the fact that he was colorblind.

29.Here's the thing. She doesn't have anything to prove, but she is going to
anyway. That's just her character. She knows she doesn't have to, but she still
will just to show you that she can. Doubt her more and she'll prove she can
again. We all already know this and you will too.

30.The rain and wind abruptly stopped, but the sky still had the gray swirls of
storms in the distance. Dave knew this feeling all too well. The calm before the
storm. He only had a limited amount of time before all Hell broke loose, but he
stopped to admire the calmness. Maybe it would be different this time, he
thought, with the knowledge deep within that it wouldn't.

31.It was supposed to be a dream vacation. They had planned it over a year in
advance so that it would be perfect in every way. It had been what they had
been looking forward to through all the turmoil and negativity around them. It
had been the light at the end of both their tunnels. Now that the dream vacation
was only a week away, the virus had stopped all air travel.

32.It had been a rough day. Things hadn't gone as planned and that meant
Hannah got yelled at by her boss. It didn't even matter that it wasn't her fault.
When things went wrong at work, Hannah got the blame no matter the actual
circumstances. It wasn't fair, but there was little she could do without risking
her job, and she wasn't in a position to do that with the plans she had.
33.Dave found joy in the daily routine of life. He awoke at the same time, ate
the same breakfast and drove the same commute. He worked at a job that never
seemed to change and he got home at 6 pm sharp every night. It was who he
had been for the last ten years and he had no idea that was all about to change.

34.It had been a simple realization that had changed Debra's life perspective. It
was really so simple that she was embarrassed that she had lived the previous
five years with the way she measured her worth. Now that she saw what she
had been doing, she could see how sad it was. That made her all the more
relieved she had made the change. The number of hearts her Instagram posts
received wasn't any longer the indication of her own self-worth.

35.Do you think you're living an ordinary life? You are so mistaken it's difficult
to even explain. The mere fact that you exist makes you extraordinary. The odds
of you existing are less than winning the lottery, but here you are. Are you
going to let this extraordinary opportunity pass?

36.Don't forget that gifts often come with costs that go beyond their purchase
price. When you purchase a child the latest smartphone, you're also committing
to a monthly phone bill. When you purchase the latest gaming system, you're
likely not going to be satisfied with the games that come with it for long and
want to purchase new titles to play. When you buy gifts it's important to
remember that some come with additional costs down the road that can be
much more expensive than the initial gift itself.

37.He knew what he was supposed to do. That had been apparent from the
beginning. That was what made the choice so difficult. What he was supposed to
do and what he would do were not the same. This would have been fine if he
were willing to face the inevitable consequences, but he wasn't.

38.His mother had always taught him not to ever think of himself as better than
others. He'd tried to live by this motto. He never looked down on those who
were less fortunate or who had less money than him. But the stupidity of the
group of people he was talking to made him change his mind.

39.Bryan had made peace with himself and felt comfortable with the choices he
made. This had made all the difference in the world. Being alone no longer
bothered him and this was essential since there was a good chance he might
spend the rest of his life alone in a cell.

40.It wasn't that he hated her. It was simply that he didn't like her much. It was
difficult for him to explain this to her, and even more difficult for her to truly
understand. She was in love and wanted him to feel the same way. He didn't,
and no matter how he tried to explain to her she refused to listen or to
41.The tree missed the days the kids used to come by and play. It still wore the
tire swing the kids had put up in its branches years ago although both the tire
and the rope had seen better days. The tree had watched all the kids in the
neighborhood grow up and leave, and it wondered if there would ever be a time
when another child played and laughed again under its branches. That was the
hope that the tree wished every day as the swing gently swung empty in the

42.He had disappointed himself more than anyone else. That wasn't to say that
he hadn't disappointed others. The fact was that he had disappointed a lot of
people who were close to him. The fact that they were disappointed in him was
something that made him even more disappointed in himself. Yet here he was,
about to do the exact same things that had caused all the disappointment in the
first place because he didn't know what else to do.

43.It's always good to bring a slower friend with you on a hike. If you happen to
come across bears, the whole group doesn't have to worry. Only the slowest in
the group do. That was the lesson they were about to learn that day.

44.Welcome to my world. You will be greeted by the unexpected here and your
mind will be challenged and expanded in ways that you never thought possible.
That is if you are able to survive...

45.The river slowly meandered through the open space. It had hidden secrets
that it didn't want to reveal. It had a well-planned strategy to appear calm,
inviting, and appealing. That's how the river lured her unknowing victims to her
water's edge.

46.She has seen this scene before. It had come to her in dreams many times
before. She had to pinch herself to make sure it wasn't a dream again. As her
fingers squeezed against her arm, she felt the pain. It was this pain that
immediately woke her up.

47.She had a terrible habit o comparing her life to others. She realized that their
life experiences were completely different than her own and that she saw only
what they wanted her to see, but that didn't matter. She still compared herself
and yearned for what she thought they had and she didn't.

48.It was their first date and she had been looking forward to it the entire week.
She had her eyes on him for months, and it had taken a convoluted scheme with
several friends to make it happen, but he'd finally taken the hint and asked her
out. After all the time and effort she'd invested into it, she never thought that it
would be anything but wonderful. It goes without saying that things didn't work
out quite as she expected.

49.It's not his fault. I know you're going to want to, but you can't blame him. He
really has no idea how it happened. I kept trying to come up with excuses I
could say to mom that would keep her calm when she found out what happened,
but the more I tried, the more I could see none of them would work. He was
going to get her wrath and there was nothing I could say to prevent it.

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