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Name: Geraldy Amrico

NPM : CA211120126
Class : B211CAASH3

The visit (2015)

Horor Movie
This film is about two brothers, Rebecca and Tyler,
who are going on vacation to their grandparents' house in a
small village on the outskirts of town. His mother, Paula,
suggested the idea for the holiday. They went to their
grandparents' house and were warmly welcomed because it
was their first meeting after a dozen years apart.

Then they ate together and made small talk until the rules
that the two brothers had to follow when they lived in the
house were discussed, one of which was the prohibition on
leaving their rooms at night, specifically after 9.30 p.m. As
evening nears, their grandfather took the two brothers to
their room and reminded them of the time limit.

However, they were awakened in the middle of the night by a strange sound that
appeared to be coming from the room next to them. Curiosity drives them to investigate what
is going on until they discover a surprising fact when they notice their grandmother acting
strangely. Her hands are clawing at something, her grandmother runs unpredictably, and she
shows other unusual behavior.

They were scared and told their mother the next day about what they saw that night. His mother,
it turned out, was doubtful enough to encourage the two brothers' efforts to prove it by installing
a video camera to record the incident in the middle of the night. What they didn't expect was
the threat from astral beings to harm them. A exciting holiday visit turns out to be a scary

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