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Neurological examination - Knowledge @ AMBOSS ‘ 4 AMBOSSA sections || REGISTER | LOGIN Nystagmus a Definition Nystagmus is an involuntary repetitive, and twitching movement of one or both eves. Classification. “There are several types of nystagmus. Themast commonly seen ones are listed below. 1 + Jerk nystagmus:a slow movement of the eyes towards defined direction followed by fast, corrective movement backward (thenameof the rystagmus is determined by the direction of movement nthe fast phase, Le, left-beating,right-beating, downbeat, upbeat) End-gaze nystagmus + A physiological horizontal jerk nystagmus caused by maintenance of extreme eye postion + Incontrast, gaze-evoked nystagmus caused by maintenance of eccentric eye positions + Horizontal nystagimis:atype offerk nystagmus in which the eyes move horizontally ‘Apogeotropic nystagmus + variant of horizontal aystagmus in which the eyes beat toward the celing forthe nondependent ea] when the headisturnedrom sdeto side with the patient nsupine position + Canbeclicited using the supine roll maneuver inpatients wit atera semicireular canal BPPV: and, in association with a downbeat ‘component, inpatients with cerebellar or brainstem lesions Geotropie nystagmus + Avariant ot horizanta nystagmus in which the eyes beat toward the ground (or the dependent ear) wen the headis turned from side toside with the patient supine position + Inpatients with ateral semicircular canal BPPV, this type ofrystagmus canbe elicited using the supine-roll manewwer. + Vertical nystagmus [type of jerk aystagmusinwhich the eyes move vertically Movernent inthe fast phases elther upwards or downwards (upbeat nystagmus, downeatrystagmus ) + Torsional nystagmus: typeof jerk nystagmus with cataryosiltions ofthe eve alongs anteroposterior axis|clacoise,counterclackwise) lpsiversve torsional nystagmus + Atype of torsional nystagmus where the unper pole ofthe eye beats toward the affected side + Cane seen in anterior and posterior canal BPPY, 3s wells media longitudinal fasciculus lesions + Mixed nystagmus ‘Amixed pattern of ctferent types of jrknystagmus ‘Typically has peripheral cause Examples: vestibular neuritis (mised ntal-torsional benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (mixed vrticaltorsional) + Pendula ystagmus ‘A type of nystagmus defined by sinusoidal osilating mavernents of one or both eves ‘Often related to multiple sclerosis Always considered pathological Your last free article Sienupand getunlimted access, HAVEANACCOUNT?LOG ston ur 17 of 20 7/15/2023. 9:09 AM

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