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Lesson 6: Talking Cards PowerPoint

- In this PowerPoint activity, we will have fun learning more about one another.
Each person will take a turn picking a card and a member of the group to answer
the question. After you answer a question, it is your turn to pick a card and a
different member.
- Each card represents a different question… but you never know which one you
will get. That’s what makes this fun!

If Clause Questions:

A If you could have a pet, what would it be?

2 If you had a million dollars, what would you buy?

3 If you could meet any person in the world, who would it be and why?

4 If you could change something about your school what would it be?

5 If you had to live in another country, which would you choose and why?

6 If you had to spend a day alone at home, what would you do?

7 If you could do anything in the world what would you do?

8 If you could speak three languages well, what would they be?

9 If everyone in the world suddenly disappeared, what would you do?

10 If you were rich, what would you want to do?

J If you could choose how old you were, how old would you be and why?

Q If you had to choose one meal to eat every day for the rest of your life,

what would it be?

K If you found $100,000 what would you do with it?

Describe things:

A Describe your physical characteristics.

2 Describe your clothing style.

3 Describe your mother.

4 Describe your father.

5 Describe your favorite food.

6 Describe your house.

7 Describe your best friend.

8 Describe a beautiful piece of art you have seen.

9 Describe your English teacher.

10 Describe the difference between a dog and a cat.

J Describe your favorite book.

Q Describe your favorite hobby.

K Describe your favorite game.

What Questions:

A What is did you do last weekend?

2 What is your favorite movie and why?

3 What is your favorite sport and why?

4 What did you do last night?

5 What type of music do you like and why?

6 What is your favorite color and why?

7 What does your best friend do for work?

8 What type of house do you wish you live in?

9 What was your favorite subject in school and why?

10 What is your favorite holiday and why?

J What is your favorite TV program and why?

Q What do you want to do when you retire?

K What is one thing you would change about yourself?

Mixed Questions:

A If you were stuck on an island and could only choose three things to

bring with you, what would they be?

2 What is your normal morning routine?

3 Where did you go for your last vacation?

4 Where did you grow up?

5 Why did you want to study English?

6 Which do you prefer: summer or winter? Why?

7 Which magazines do you like to read?

8 How many hours do you usually sleep at night?

9 Do you like shopping? Why?

10 How often do you go to the cinema? What kinds of movies do you like?

J If you had to commit a crime, which would it be? Why?

Q Would you like to travel to other countries? Why?

K If you had o choose another country to live in, which would it be? Why?

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