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The success of a country is often measured solely in economic development.

Besides economic growth,

in my opinion, the evaluation should take a number of other aspects into account.

The first factor is technology, which significantly affects human life nowadays. Technology is now having
a substantial effect on the economic development of countries. Countries are applying technology in
various fields to increase productivity without spending much on labor. More specifically, according to
research by Havard University, in the manufacturing industry, technological advancement enables
higher-quality production of more and better goods and services. Therefore, the more sophisticated and
widely used the technology, the stronger the economy, which marks the country's accomplishment.

However, politics is a further significant variable. The political system is a critical factor that can
influence all the facets that measure the success of a country. More specifically, a nation with good
political policies will promote the blossoming of domestic enterprises and attract investment from
foreign corporations, which make noteworthy contributions to the prosperity of that country. From a
social perspective, policies affect the effectiveness of solving social problems. For example, if the
government implements programs to create work possibilities for the jobless, as a result, unemployment
might be abolished. The efficiency of approaches for coping with societal issues is undoubtedly a gesture
of success.

In conclusion, I believe that what determines a country's success is not its financial condition but rather
its technology and stable political scenario.

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