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Asset Movement Process Flow

An asset movement process flow outlines the steps necessary to move an asset from one
location to another within an organization. The following is an example of an asset movement
process flow:

1. Request for Asset Movement: The process begins with a request for asset movement.
This request can come from various sources such as the asset owner, department head,
or facility manager.
2. Approval: The request is then reviewed and approved by the appropriate authority. This
may involve verifying that the asset movement is necessary, ensuring that the asset is
not in use, and determining the destination location.
3. Asset Disposal: If the asset is no longer required by the organization, it may need to be
disposed of. This may involve following specific procedures for the disposal of assets,
such as selling, recycling, or donating.
4. Asset Tagging: Before the asset is moved, it should be tagged with its asset
identification number (AIN) or barcode label to ensure proper tracking.
5. Transportation: The asset is then transported to the new location. This may involve
using an internal transportation system, such as a company vehicle, or an external
transportation provider.
6. Asset Inspection: Once the asset arrives at its new location, it must be inspected to
ensure that it is in good condition and that no damage has occurred during
7. Asset Registration: The asset must be registered at its new location, and its updated
location must be recorded in the organization's asset management system.
8. Asset Reassignment: If the asset has been reassigned to a new owner, the necessary
changes must be made to the asset management system, and the new owner must be
informed of the asset's location.
9. Asset Verification: Finally, the asset should be verified periodically to ensure that it is
still located at its registered location and is being used according to its intended purpose.

By following this asset movement process flow, organizations can ensure that their assets are
properly managed, tracked, and utilized.

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