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Jean Therrien

Advanced English Grammar


Practical assignment 2


Professor : Miss Sara Downs

Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières

6 avril 2013
Since each individual is unique in this universe we are aware of, it is equally
true that each life experience is also unique in every way. This goes
without saying…And it’s also true that this uniqueness, though it makes us
who we are as individuals, is sometimes the innermost veil which prevents
us from sharing the deepest thoughts and emotions that make us who we

Philosophers and artists alike have pondered with this essential flaw in
human nature for thousands of years and still, the dilemma remains the

Living alone or not may be a personal choice or a necessity, but, in the long
run, it finally comes down to one thing : How well do you know yourself?
What are your rights and wrongs? What are your limits? What are you
ready to share with those who will, for different reasons, be a part of your
day to day life?

The simplest and most practical reason to live with others would be to
share the expenses and the chores of modern life. This would also be the
least involving…As long as everyone around considers money as much or as
less as you do…

And then, there are all those deeper motives which, however untold, are
often the real ones : fear of solitude, the longing for a magnificent love
story or, for instance, the unavoidable choice of helping your aging parents
in their old age…

But sometimes, there comes into your life, the soul you feel is your true
mate, like a bright sunshine amidst all the greys of life. As an artist, I’ve
lived through different loves, joys and sorrows and every tear and every
smile taught me a little more about myself. The romantic aspect of
existence is probably one of the most intense experiences in human life
apart from giving birth to a child, who, for better or for worse, will always
be part of you and you, a part of him or her.
And then, there are those loves that will never be lived nor experienced in
any way, for time wasn’t ripe…That’s why, sometimes, you have to go so far
to know where your heart is…or was…These will be your favourite loves
and your favourite years, for they will never perish and they’ll remain as
fresh as morning dew in the inner sanctuary of your soul.

To be or not to be alone… That’s the other question that Hamlet could have

Jean Therrien

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