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Identify the steps on how to use a needle threader. Write nos. 1-10 on the blanks.

___________1. Pull the thread through the loop so that you have a tail of at least a few inches in length.

___________2. Hold both the needle threader and needle in one hand, while keeping the wire loop of the needle threader
through the eye of the needle.

___________3. Hold the needle in one hand, and the needle threader in your other hand.

___________4. Insert the wire loop of the needle threader through the eye of the needle.

___________5. Insert the thread through the wire loop of the needle threader.

___________6. Hold both lengths of thread together.

___________7. While holding both threads, pull the wire loop of the needle threader out of the eye of the needle.

___________8. Pull the needle threader off the thread.

___________9. Once the wire loop is out of the eye, release the tail end of the thread.

___________10. Fold the tail over to meet the other thread.

Enumerate the steps in Knotting the thread.

Method 1






Method 2






I. Match the basic sewing tools and materials according to their functions and descriptions.

__________1. Sewing box a. It is used to take body measurements accurately.

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