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Week 15 - Task: Assignment - Things he/she likes and

he/she doesn’t like


Andy: Hi Fabio
Fabio: Hello Andy, how are you?
Andy: I'm worried
Fabio: Why are you worried?
Andy: I don't know what to get my sister.
Fabio: Oh, tuesday is his birthday
Andy: Yes, and I want to give him a present, but I don't know what things he likes.
Fabio: Well, I already have your gif
Andy: Seriously, can you help me find a gif?
Fabio: Oh, of course, I'll help you find a present.
Andy: Oh, thank you very much, well let's start with his likes, do you know what thelike?
Fabio:Yes, I know your sister very well, because she really likes andmedical books.
Andy: Umm, I don't know much about medical books.
Fabio: He also loves food too much.
Andy: And what kind of food do you like?
Fabio: He really likes chifa food, sweets islittle and he like desserts.
Andy: Umm, I think I know what I can give you. Do you know which one is his
favourite?what flavor is it and what kind of desserts do you like?
Fabio: He loves desserts that contain chocolate, howabout Did you buy him a
chocolate cake for his birthday
Andy: It's a great idea, thanks.
Fabio: You're welcome.
Andy: ok I'm leaving bye
Fabio: Well, see you bye.
Alex: Hi, how are you?
Andy: I'm fine! I started guitar lessons last week!
Alex: Great!
Andy: Do you know how to play the guitar?
Alex: No, I don't like to play instruments. I prefer to dance
Andy: Really? I hate singing
Alex: I understand, do you like chocolates?
Andy: Hmm, not much. I prefer cakes and sweets.
Alex: What is your favorite animal?
Andy: I love cats! And you?
Alex: I prefer dogs, they are more affectionate.
Andy: Did you see Warren's latest horror movie?
Alex: No, I hate horror movies! I only watch animated movies!
Andy: You can't be serious! I never watch animated movies
Alex: Wow! We have many differences!
Andy: Yes, too many. I have to go now, we'll talk later, Goodbye.
Alex: Well, goodbye Andy.

. Integrantes:
-Fabio Ronal Cacyalla Castillo.

-Andy Erick Briones Chahua

-Jhon Alexander Camacho Madrid

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