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Chapter 14: Are you talking to me?: Rant Away!


Text, text, drive, drive, ooooooooooo accident…………….. your death or others death

I'm not sure why people text while driving; what's the point if you can just wait?

I hate a lot of things in my life, and one of the important things I hate is texting while driving. I
Because a family I know drove to their son's wedding, and when they got back in the car, there
was another car in front of them, and the driver was texting while driving, and the two cars
crashed. Which is why texting while driving makes me mad.

I was with someone in the car and he was checking his email because he had a habit texting
while driving, and i used to tell him when you stop the car you can do anything with your phone,
unfortunately the respond “i have job to do and people are looking for me”, but you can easily
respond to to who ever bothering you “im busy driving and i will deal with anything i need to
when i can.” which is the worst thing there was a child in the back seat. And that people are
texting while driving and he's risking his life and the child's life too. I really don't understand
what's the point if you just wait, people need to understand if they text while driving they are
risking their life and others life. Texting and driving is estimated to kill 11 teenagers everyday, in
total causing more than half a million accidents each year.

We all know that driving is dangerous as it is and nearly everyone agrees with that and when
you add texting to the already dangerous situations, It's like adding gasoline to a fire, but most
people do it anyway. When people text while driving they don't pay attention to the road so they
spend approximately 10% of their driving outside of their lane. Texting while driving might put
your life at risk or innocent lives at risk. You could argue by saying it is gonna be quick and
easy. But the weakness is when you say nothing is gonna happen. The human brain can only
do one thing at a time. So don't do more than one thing at a time and if it's so important, I think
you should stop the car, And text only when it is safe to do it.

We can't do anything since people consider their phones to be important, so I've decided to
carry a snake with me every day because if I see someone texting while driving, I'll pray that the
window is open and throw it at them, which would be hilarious.

Honestly if they want to text so much that they don't buy a bus pass.
Ethos: “Are you aware of the impact of texting while driving?” as well as "it can wait" and "no
text is that important." It will be fine.” are examples of ethos because I believe it informs the
audience about some of the things I say about texting while driving and how I am constantly
trying to assist others and don't text while driving, which may lead the audience to trust me and
my viewpoint. Also, which promotes texting while driving awareness.

Logos: Logically, this commercial shows the cause and effect of the death in family due to
texting while driving. One life can be taken because of a split second of distraction while driving.
As well, many of the commercials present logistics of the amount of death or years occurring
due to the distraction of texting while driving.It was an excellent example of a logo in my rant
when I mentioned a family I knew who died in an accident. Because they were stories or facts, I
believe it was an excellent example. The way I tell the family's story exemplifies why you should
not text while driving since you are risking your life and the lives of others.

Pathos: “A family I know drove to their son's wedding, and when they got back in the car, there
was another car in front of them, and the driver was texting while driving, and the two cars
crashed.”. The entirety of the commercials depend on playing on one's emotions. Whether the
person who was in the accident is present in the commercial, or family member discussing the
hardships of losing their sister, their brother , their parents because of a text it is only brings to
light the realities of the situation, but also emotional toll it can have on the person on the car
accident or family and friends. I think this is a good example of pathos because the reader could
have an emotional connection to this. I think that this was also a good idea to add to my rant
because I'm giving examples to get the look of texting while driving is to riskey.

The audience is persuaded by not only being given startics, but also true stories of horrible
things that have occurred due to texting while driving. I think “wow.. I would never want that to
happen to me.” These strategies, using logos, ethos, and pathos, make us consciously aware of
when we are texting and driving, and its effect.

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