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* TextBuilder Definitions for:

* Custom grammatical properties: {X}

* Regular expressions (regex): /X/
* Predefined substitution constants for commonly used complex strings: [X]

* [COUNT] encapsulates the notation for choosing the correct article or number

* Noun-Case-property labels

* Gender-property labels

* Test of custom property {g} (as in Swedish en vs ett)


* Regex to detect next word starting with a vowel.


* Regex to detect if previous text ends with an s.


* Substitution for primary-noun possessive suffix


* Substitution for secondary-noun possessive suffix


********* Below here are items for testing purposes ***********

* Test of custom property named 'g' with labels "en" and "ett"

* The items below are to test some features for Turkish language.

* Possessive-suffix selection formula


* Regex to test if previous string ends in non-vowel.


* Regex with match groups to resolve the vowel group of the last vowel of the
previous string (optionally ending in 1 or more non-vowels).

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