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Module 3: 006

"Early Game Apps"

Debutify - Theme: Enterprise Version

I recommend using the Enterprise version for your store because it comes with all the bells and
whistles you will need in the long run of running your e-commerce store. These add-ons such as
bundles, upsells, cart upsell, cart goal, sticky add-to-cart, quantity breaks, FAQ, and many more! If you
use any other themes, you will have to install various apps to have these features integrated, and this
will end up costing you more collectively.

These add-ons are essential for any large business because it helps increase your Average Order Value
(AOV) which will bring in more money for your business and allow you to spend more money on
acquiring new customers.

However, if you currently don't have the funds to afford to get the enterprise version, just get a
cheaper version and selectively choose the add-ons you are able to use.

Loox - Shopify Reviews

Having reviews is ESSENTIAL to your business, there is no way around it. This is an add-on you cannot
skip, I'm, sorry. Without having proper trust in your website, your customers will get scared and leave.
Having a business without reviews is setting yourself up for failure.

Use Loox to import as many reviews as you can onto your website, you want as many reviews as you
can to convey trust to your customers. You can never have enough reviews so I would say try and
shoot for 100 reviews, if you can't get that many, that's ok. Just try your best to get as many reviews
as possible.

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