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Reduction of Drying Time for Pepperoni by Vacuum-drying



Commercial pepperoni was dried under vacuum (100 kPa) at three tem- Preparation of pepperoni
peratures (177, 197, and 227C) and matching controls were dried under Commercially prepared pepperoni sticks '50 mm in diameter were
commercial conditions. Vacuum-dried pepperoni achieved a moisture: manufactured from previously frozen beef and pork, salt, dextrose (pro-
protein (M:P) ratio of 1.6:1 after 9 to 12 days drying, compared to 18 prietory level), spices and sodium nitrite. Tempered (237 to 27C) meat
days for the control. Overall drying time was reduced '30%. Among trimmings were coarse ground, combined with cure ingredients and
temperature treatments, 177C treatment had more weight loss and darker spices in a blender, innoculated with a high temperature (≤407C) starter
color (P , 0.05) than others. Weight loss and Kramer shear force were culture (Pediococcus sp., Diversitech, Inc. Alachua, FL) and reground
higher (P , 0.05) for vacuum-dried pepperoni, whereas Hunter a and b through a fine grinder plate. After vacuum stuffing into fibrous casings,
values tended to be higher for the control throughout the drying period. fermentation was performed in a climate controlled smokehouse at 407C,
85% relative humidity (RH) for 16 to 18 hr to an endpoint pH of 4.5 to
Key Words: fermented, sausage, pepperoni, vacuum-drying, texture 4.6. Proximate composition of the fermented undried pepperoni sticks is
recorded in Table 1.

FoodScience95 0805 Mp
Samples for vacuum treatment were removed from the fermentation
INTRODUCTION chamber, cut into 15–20 cm sections, clipped, bagged in plastic (to avoid
moisture loss) and shipped overnight to the Meat Science Laboratory at
Texas A&M Univ. Upon receipt, 12 sticks were placed into a laboratory
model vacuum chamber (Model 5851, National Appliance Co, OR and
Model 1410S, VWR Scientific Co, NJ), held at 177, 197 or 227C and the
vacuum adjusted to 100 KPa for a total drying period of 15 days. The
FERMENTED SAUSAGES, such as pepperoni, have long shelf-life chambers were monitored on a daily basis and pepperoni samples were
due to reduced water activity (aw), increased salt (NaCl) con- removed at 3-day intervals (0, 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15 days) to evaluate
centration and decreased pH. pH decline in most fermented chemical composition and physical properties until a final M:P ratio of
products manufactured in the U.S. is achieved through anaerobic 1.6:1 or less was achieved. Similar pepperoni sticks from the same man-

glycolysis of added sugar (glucose) to DL-lactic acid by an in- ufacturing lot (controls) and the same diameter as the vacuum-dried pep-
oculum of homofermentative lactic acid bacteria. Reduction in peroni, were dried under commercial conditions (207C, 65% RH,
moderate air flow, 18 days) and sampled at 3-day intervals for compar-

Sunday Feb 04 07:52 AM

aw and pH (≤5.1–5.2) inhibit the growth of many spoilage mi- ison with vacuum-dried samples. Three replications (different manufac-
croorganisms during ripening (Baldini et al., 1983). According turing lots) were performed.
to Genigeorgis (1978), the major physical factors affected by
fermented sausage ripening are the development of desirable
meat color and flavor, and textural characteristics. Chemical and physical analyses
Application of new or existing technologies to shorten drying Weight loss of individual pepperoni sticks was determined at 3-day
time could be of great economic importance for production of intervals throughout drying. Moisture, fat and crude protein contents (%)
fermented dry sausages such as pepperoni. Lu and Townsend were analyzed according to AOAC (1990) procedures at day 0 and at
(1973) shortened the drying period by incorporating freeze-dried each sampling interval. Pepperoni (30g) was blended for 30 sec with
meat into the meat block of a dry sausage formulation. Town- 90mL dd-water at high speed in a Waring Blendor. pH values of each
send et al. (1980) reported that fermented sausage drying time stirred sample were determined in duplicate using a combination elec-
could be reduced '40 to 50% with incorporation of pale, soft, trode attached to a digital pH meter (Model 610, Orion Research Inc.,
exudative (PSE) pork in the meat block. However, they noted Cambridge, MA).
Water activity (aw) values were evaluated every third day using a
increased rancidity and undesirable textural characteristics when Rotronic Hygroskop DT system (Model D2100) equipped with a sensor
PSE pork alone was used in the manufacture of fermented sau- (Model DMS 100 H, Huntington, NY) covering the range of 0.80 to
sage. Honkavaara (1988), however, reported that a meat block 0.95 aw. Pepperoni samples were sliced 5 mm thick, placed in a dispos-
consisting of 33.2% PSE pork, 36.5% beef, 26.6% back fat, able sample cup (50 mm cm diameter and 10 mm deep) and inserted
3.5% salt and 0.1% nitrite produced a fermented dry sausage into a metal holder. Water activity was measured by the electrolyte sen-
without quality defects. sor and based on electrical impedance difference of a hygroscopic liquid
In an effort to shorten drying time and increase efficiency of substance or electrolyte. Calibration of the sensor was performed with
pepperoni production, the application of vacuum during the dry- two standard solutions (Rotronic Humidity Standard 959304; 80% RH
ing phase of production may accelerate water evaporation from and 95% RH) before use. Sliced pepperoni ('10g) was measured using
duplicate samples.
the surface by increasing internal capillary flow. Our objectives Diameters (mm) of pepperoni sticks were measured in triplicate at 3-
were to assess the effectiveness of vacuum to accelerate pep- day intervals. After slicing to 5 mm sections, diameter measurements
peroni drying using three temperature treatments and one vac- were made using calipers at three different sites on each slice. All meas-
uum (100 KPa) combination, and to determine the time required urements were performed in triplicate. Kramer shear measurements were
to reach a moisture:protein (M:P) ratio of 1.6:1 using vacuum performed using an Instron Universal Testing Machine (Model 1011,
drying vs pepperoni from the same lot dried to the same end- Instron Corp., Canton, MA) equipped with a multi-bladed Kramer shear
point under commercial drying conditions. Chemical composi- attachment. Ten shear measurements were made on individual pepperoni
tion and physical properties of pepperoni under each treatment slices using a 500 kg load cell with a 30 sec downstroke over a shear
regime were monitored at 3-day intervals over 18 days drying. load range of 100 kg. Pepperoni sticks were sliced 5 mm thick but varied
in diameter (50–42 mm) depending upon the stage of drying at which
the measurements were made. The shear force was calculated as kg
Authors Chin and Keeton are with the Dept. of Animal Science, force/g-cm2 of surface area exposed to the shear blade (Acton and Dick,
Texas A&M Univ., College Station, TX 77843-2471. Author Lacey 1977).
is with the Dept. of Agricultural Engineering, Texas A&M Univ., Color values were determined with a Hunter Colorimeter and Color
College Station, TX 77843-2117. Difference Meter fitted with an M head. The instrument was standardized

142—JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE—Volume 61, No. 1, 1996

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Table 1—Chemical composition means of pepperoni dried under vacuum (100 kPa) as compared to commercially processed controls

Days of Moisture, % Fat, % Protein, % M:P ratio

0 Mean 45.3ax 44.8ax 35.0ex 35.3fx 14.2dx 13.9fx 3.24ax 3.22ax
SD 0.9 1.1 0.3 1.0 0.1 0.4 0.03 0.09
3 Mean 40.6bx 40.0bx 36.4ex 37.7ex 15.8cx 15.1ex 2.58bx 2.66bx
SD 0.1 1.0 0.4 0.8 1.3 0.3 0.21 0.13
6 Mean 38.3cx 35.6cy 38.6dy 40.9dx 17.0bcx 16.8dx 2.26cx 2.09cx
SD 0.7 1.6 0.7 0.8 1.2 0.2 0.20 0.09
9 Mean 35.1dx 32.3dy 41.2cy 43.0cx 17.4bx 17.6cx 2.01cdx 1.83dy
SD 0.8 1.6 0.4 0.8 1.2 0.2 0.10 0.10
12 Mean 32.4ex 29.3ey 42.4bcy 44.7bx 18.0abx 18.5bx 1.81dex 1.58ey
SD 0.3 1.4 0.4 0.8 1.1 0.7 0.12 0.06
15 Mean 30.2efx 26.8fy 44.2aby 45.9ax 18.6aby 20.0ax 1.70ex 1.38fy
SD 1.0 1.1 0.4 1.2 1.3 0.8 0.07 0.07
18 Mean 28.0f — 45.4a — 19.3a — 1.45f —
SD 0.2 — 0.3 — 0.4 — 0.02 —
a-f Means among drying days within a control or vacuum treatment having the same superscript are not significantly different (P . 0.05).
x,y Means between control and vacuum treatments having the same superscript are not significantly different (P . 0.05).
CTL: Control (Commercial Drying Conditions); VAC: Vacuum Drying.

Table 2—pH, water activity (aw), diameter (DIA) and shear force (SF) of pepperoni dried under vacuum (100 kPa) as compared to commercially processed
Days of pH aw DIA (mm) SF (kg/g-cm2)
0 Mean 4.54ax 4.58ax 0.94ax 0.94ax 50.0ax 50.0ax 0.15cx 0.18dx
SD 0.04 0.11 0.01 0.01 0 0 0.01 0.02
3 Mean 4.57ax 4.60ax 0.92abx 0.92bx 49.2ax 48.5by 0.17bcx 0.22dx
SD 0.06 0.06 0.00 0.01 0.2 0.4 0.00 0.04
6 Mean 4.60ax 4.57ax 0.91bcx 0.91cx 47.9bx 47.1cx 0.20by 0.27cx
SD 0.09 0.07 0.01 0.01 0.6 0.5 0.01 0.04
9 Mean 4.63ax 4.59ax 0.90cdx 0.90dx 47.4bx 46.1dy 0.26aby 0.30cx
SD 0.10 0.04 0.01 0.01 0.6 0.5 0.01 0.05
12 Mean 4.66ax 4.61ax 0.89dex 0.88ex 46.2cx 45.0ey 0.29ay 0.37bx
SD 0.07 0.05 0.02 0.01 1.2 0.5 0.03 0.06
15 Mean 4.64ax 4.59ax 0.88ex 0.86fy 45.9cdx 44.1fy 0.32ay 0.45ax
SD 0.09 0.04 0.01 0.01 1.3 0.4 0.04 0.06
18 Mean 4.63a — 0.87e — 45.2d — 0.34a —
SD 0.08 — 0.01 — 0.5 — 0.04 —
a-f Means among drying days within a control or vacuum treatment having the same superscript are not significantly different (P . 0.05).
x,y Means between control and vacuum treatments having the same superscript are not significantly different (P . 0.05).
CTL: Control (Commercial Drying Conditions); VAC: Vacuum Drying.

Table 3—Weight loss (%) of pepperoni dried at three temperatures under each temperature treatment. Data were analyzed using analysis of vari-
vacuum (100 kPa) as compared to commercially processed controls ance by the general linear model procedure (GLM) of Statistical Analysis
Days of Weight loss (%) System (SAS Institute, Inc., 1985). Treatments by replication and drying
drying CTL 17&C 19&C 22&C day by replication were used for error terms in the GLM analysis. When
0 Mean — — — —
treatment effects were significant (P , 0.05), mean separation was ac-
SD — — — — complished using the Student-Newman-Kuels procedure.
3 Mean 6.05fx 6.87ex 7.76ex 6.95ex
SD 0.10 1.17 1.31 0.56
6 Mean 9.00ey 13.76dx 12.86dx 12.32dx
SD 0.35 2.46 0.63 0.75
9 Mean 13.32dz 19.45cx 17.02cy 16.42cy BASED ON A PRELIMINARY STUDY, three temperatures (177, 197,
SD 0.62 2.10 0.71 0.62
12 Mean 15.88cz 23.22bx 20.78by 20.49by and 227C) in combination with vacuum (100 kPa) were selected
SD 0.53 1.93 0.41 0.84 to evaluate the effects of vacuum drying. Because no differences
15 Mean 19.05bz 26.17ax 23.81ay 23.56ay among temperature treatments were found (P . 0.05) for chem-
SD 0.86 1.49 0.20 0.76 ical composition, pH, water activity, diameter and shear force
18 Mean 21.83a — — —
SD 0.47 — — — values, means of all temperature treatments under vacuum were
a-f Means among days within drying temperature treatments having the same super- pooled.
script are not significantly different (P . 0.05). Percentages of moisture, fat, protein and the M:P ratio of
x-z Means among drying temperature treatments within days having the same super- fermented pepperoni over the 18 day drying period were com-
script are not significantly different (P . 0.05). pared (Table 1). On the initial day of drying, moisture mean
CTL: Control (Commercial Drying Conditions).
values were 44–45%, and decreased (P , 0.05) to 26–30% in
all treatments during 15 days drying. Differences in moisture
with a white plate (L 5 91.74, a 5 20.97, b 5 1.46) and results were between the control and vacuum drying treatment became ap-
expressed as Hunter L (whiteness), a (redness), and b (yellowness) values. parent (P , 0.05) after 6 days drying. However, no differences
in moisture were observed among temperature treatments. Mois-
ture of the vacuum-dried pepperoni samples ranged from 29 to
Statistical analysis 30% after 12 days drying to achieve a M:P ratio ≤1.6:1, the
maximum legal limit allowed for pepperoni. Acton and Dick
The statistical model was a randomized block split-plot design. Three
replications (three manufacturing lots) of three different temperature (1976) reported that the average moisture content of commercial
treatments under one vacuum level were randomly assigned to two vac- pepperoni was 28.5% (53.8%) which was similar to our results.
uum chambers. The whole plot was represented by three temperature As moisture content of pepperoni decreased, percentages of
treatments (177, 197 and 227C) and one control, whereas the subplot was fat and protein increased (P , 0.05) as expected (Table 1). Fat
represented by six different drying days (0, 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15 days) of content of vacuum-dried pepperoni was higher than the control,

Volume 61, No. 1, 1996—JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE—143

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Table 4—Hunter color values of pepperoni dried at three temperatures under vacuum (100 kPa) as compared to commercially processed controls

Days of Hunter-L Hunter-a Hunter-b

drying CTL 17&C 19&C 22&C CTL 17&C 19&C 22&C CTL 17&C 19&C 22&C
0 Mean 44.7ay 46.7ax 44.9axy 46.1axy 23.1ax 22.4axy 21.5ay 21.3by 19.9ax 18.1ay 17.5ay 17.9ay
SD 0.6 0.4 1.5 1.6 1.2 1.0 0.3 1.2 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.1
3 Mean 44.2ax 45.2bx 44.0abx 45.2ax 23.2ax 22.0axy 21.3ay 21.8aby 18.9abx 17.2ay 17.1ay 17.5ay
SD 1.1 1.0 0.8 1.8 0.8 0.2 1.2 0.8 1.2 0.3 0.2 0.7
6 Mean 42.6abx 44.4bx 42.6bcx 42.9bx 23.6ax 22.6axy 21.6ay 22.3ay 18.3bx 17.2aby 16.9ay 17.3abxy
SD 1.7 1.1 0.6 1.9 1.7 0.5 0.5 0.3 2.2 0.6 0.4 0.9
9 Mean 41.5bcx 40.5cx 41.7cdx 42.2bx 23.6ax 22.5axy 21.6ay 22.4axy 17.9bcx 16.1bcy 16.5aby 16.6bcy
SD 1.9 1.4 0.3 1.2 1.4 0.8 0.1 0.5 2.4 0.9 0.2 0.4
12 Mean 39.8cdx 38.6cdx 39.7dx 39.0cx 23.8ax 22.0ay 21.9ay 22.5axy 17.3cdx 15.3cdy 15.7bcy 16.0cy
SD 2.2 0.5 1.7 2.0 2.0 0.3 1.0 0.2 2.3 0.1 0.7 0.5
15 Mean 38.7dx 36.7dy 37.2exy 38.1cxy 23.2ax 21.9ayz 21.6az 23.2axy 16.5dx 14.7dy 14.9cy 15.7cxy
SD 2.8 0.6 0.4 2.0 1.3 0.6 0.6 0.2 2.4 0.2 0.3 0.4
18 Mean 37.9d — — — 23.9a — — — 16.6d — — —
SD 2.8 — — — 1.7 — — — 2.8 — — —
a-f Means among days within drying temperature treatments having the same superscript are not significantly different (P . 0.05).
x-z Means among drying temperature treatments within days having the same superscript are not significantly different (P . 0.05).
CTL: Control (Commercial Drying Conditions).

as the M:P ratio reached ≤1.6:1 after 9 to 12 days drying. How- (P , 0.05) between controls and vacuum treatments began to
ever, no differences in protein content were noted between con- appear after 6 days drying and were apparent on days 12 and
trol and vacuum dried samples. Acton and Dick (1976) reported 15 (Table 2). On day 12, the average shear force for all vacuum-
the average fat and protein content of pepperoni to be 43% dried pepperoni was 0.37 kg/g-cm2, whereas the control was
(53.7%) and 18% (51.6%), respectively. Results from their 0.29 kg/g-cm2. However, a comparison of vacuum-dried pep-
study were similar to ours with 44–45% fat and 18–19% protein peroni on day 12 and the control on day 18 showed similar
at a M:P ratio of ≤1.6:1. Demeyer et al. (1974) and Genigeorgis values of 0.37 and 0.34 kg/g-cm2, respectively. Acton et al.
(1978) have shown that the amount of protein and fat in pep- (1977) reported the shear force of commercial fermented sau-
peroni is important and that they affect development of flavor sage dried for 30 days to be .1.0 kg/g-cm2, but the addition of
via proteolysis and lipolysis during drying. corn syrup softened the product. Differences in shear force val-
A M:P ratio of ≤1.6:1 was achieved after 9 to 12 days vacuum ues we observed, as compared to Acton et al. (1977), might be
drying (Table 1) over a range of 177C to 227C. This is important due to differences in shear conditions, the thickness and diam-
because it demonstrates that the drying time of pepperoni could eter of the samples, or the number of days dried.
potentially be shortened from 18 days to 9 to 12 days with use Weight loss (%) of pepperoni sticks increased (P , 0.05)
of vacuum (100 kPa). This represents a reduction in drying time during drying (Table 3) across all treatments as drying time
of '30%. M:P ratios of all treatments decreased (P , 0.05) progressed. After 12 days, .20% of total weight was lost in all
during drying due to loss of moisture and corresponding in- vacuum treatments (Table 3), while the control weight loss was
creases in protein and fat (Table 1). only 16%. The rate of weight loss for vacuum treatments was
Initial pH of all pepperoni sticks ranged from 4.54 to 4.58 greater than that of the control after 6 days drying and tended
and did not change substantially during drying (Table 2). By to decrease over the drying period (Table 3). Water activity,
day 12 and at a M:P ratio ≤1.6:1, pH in vacuum dried pepperoni however, decreased consistently over the drying period (Table
was 4.61 (50.05) while the control was not different (P . 0.05) 2). These results agree with Townsend et al. (1980) who con-
statistically. These results were in agreement with Palumbo et cluded that most of the moisture must be lost before changes in
al. (1976) who reported a pH range of 4.7–4.9 with 50.1 pH aw could be discerned. The 177C treatment had more weight loss
unit variation during drying. However, Wardlaw et al. (1973) than the other vacuum treatments after 9 drying days. After 6
observed that the pH decreased (P , 0.05) during fermentation days vacuum drying, all treatments had lost more weight than
and then increased by 0.1–0.2 pH unit during long term (60 the control and reached a ≤1.6:1 M:P ratio between 9 and 12
days) drying due to appearance of basic nonprotein nitrogen days. Weight loss to that endpoint appeared to be similar
(NPN) compounds. whether dried under vacuum or by conventional means but vac-
Water activity (aw) initially was 0.94 (50.01) for both treat- uum drying was more rapid. Thus, weight loss, product diam-
ments and decreased (P , 0.05) to 0.88–0.89 after 12 days eter, aw and Kramer shear force values of control pepperoni
vacuum drying (Table 2). There were no differences in aw be- samples taken after a normal 18 day drying cycle were com-
tween the control and vacuum treatments through 12 days dry- parable to those after 9 to 12 days vacuum drying.
ing, but after 15 days, vacuum-dried pepperoni samples had Hunter L (whiteness) and b (yellowness) values decreased (P
lower (P , 0.05) aw than controls. Palumbo et al. (1976) re- , 0.05) in all treatments as drying time progressed (Table 4),
ported aw of commercial pepperoni to range from 0.80 to 0.87 but generally Hunter a (redness) values were not different except
depending on degree of drying. They also noted that aw in the for the initial 227C treatment (day 0) and day 15. Pepperoni
early drying stage did not change significantly, although the rate dried under vacuum and by the traditional method had similar
of weight loss was faster. Hunter L values across temperature treatments throughout dry-
Pepperoni diameters (mm) in all treatments decreased pro- ing (Table 4). However, the control in many cases had higher
portionally with a decrease in moisture (Table 2). Initial diam- (P , 0.05) Hunter a values on a specific drying day than the
eters of 50 mm were reduced to 46.2 mm for the control and vacuum treatments. Control Hunter b values were higher than
45.0 mm for vacuum-dried pepperoni when treatments reached vacuum treatments throughout drying which may be partially
a ≤1.6:1 M:P ratio on day 12. Diameter differences (P , 0.05) due to higher initial Hunter b values. Townsend et al. (1980)
were apparent between the control and vacuum treatments be- reported an increase in Hunter a values for fermented sausage
ginning at the third day of drying and continuing through day during fermentation, whereas no differences were noted during
15. However, diameters at a M:P ratio of 1.6:1 were almost drying. Our results confirmed the observation of Townsend et
equal, 45.0 vs 45.2 mm. al. (1980) and noted that control Hunter b values were higher
Kramer shear force (kg/g-cm2) measurements (Table 2) in- (P , 0.05) than those of vacuum-dried samples. Thus, vacuum-
creased (P , 0.05) in all treatments as drying time increased dried pepperoni did not differ in whiteness from the control but
and were slightly higher for vacuum-dried samples. Differences tended to be less red and yellow.
—Continued on page 148
144—JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE—Volume 61, No. 1, 1996
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component did not affect judges’ scoring and therefore must be employed by the USDA grading service, these data confirmed
the least important color component. Standard deviations of R, potential problems associated with visual evaluation of marbling
G, and B were not significant (P . 0.05), probably because of scores.
limited ranges of variation in these parameters. These data con- Image features relating to the spatial variation of marbling
firmed the complexity of defining fresh meat color in an RGB were not significant in the regression. This confirmed the report
format (AMSA, 1991). of McDonald and Chen (1992) that information on the spatial
Sensory panel marbling scores were regressed against differ- distribution of marbling was no more valuable in predicting
ent combinations of marbling features. When global marbling marbling scores than surface fat area. Our results further sub-
area density, Da, was used as the independent variable, the re- stantiated the claim that uniform sensory evaluations of mar-
sulting R2 was 0.69 compared to 0.47 reported by McDonald bling scores are difficult because they are subjective and biased
and Chen (1992) on the basis of marbling area. This improve- by visual deception of the total amount of marbling (USDA,
ment was probably due to improved segmentation resulting from 1989).
the use of color images. Regression of sensory marbling scores
against count density, Dc, was slightly better (R2 5 0.70). How-
ever, an R2 of 0.69 or 0.70 is not considered adequate and shows CONCLUSIONS
that marbling scores were not satisfactorily predicted using ei- IMAGE PROCESSING FEATURES accurately predicted the color (R2
ther marbling area or number of flecks per unit area alone. 5 0.86) and marbling scores (R2 5 0.84) of beef steaks that
Regression of sensory marbling scores against all computed were taken at the 12th and 13th rib where beef quality grades
marbling features through backward elimination revealed sev- were determined in an ‘‘on-line’’ commercial setting. Use of
eral important features (Table 2). The fact that the mean red was this technology could greatly improve quality control of beef
significant in predicting marbling suggested that judges were production in packing plants. Developing an automated system
influenced by the lean color. In a commercial setting, beef car- to detect such quality attributes could have a strong impact on
casses are normally ribbed to expose the LD muscle well in food processing industries.
advance (30–60 min) of the USDA grader. During this period
of time, oxygen permeates the muscle tissue and changes the
major muscle pigment from deoxymyoglobin (dark purplish red) REFERENCES
to the more normal appearing oxymyoglobin (bright cherry red). AMSA. 1991. Guidelines for meat color evaluation. Proc. Recip. Meat Conf.
This common practice confirms the impact that color has on 44: 3–17.
Iowa State University. 1989. Standards for Beef Color. Iowa State Extension
sensory evaluation of marbling scores and is consistent with our Publication #515.
data. McDonald, T. and Chen, Y.R. 1990a. Application of morphological image
processing in agriculture. Trans. ASAE 33(6): 1345–1352.
Both the count and area densities of small marbling flecks McDonald, T. and Chen, Y.R. 1990b. Separating connected muscle tissues
(Dc1 and Da1) influenced sensory grading as expected. Although in images of beef carcass ribeyes. Trans. ASAE 33(6): 2059–2065.
our sensory panel was instructed to weigh large and small mar- McDonald, T. and Chen, Y.R. 1991. Visual characterization of marbling in
beef ribeyes and its relationship to taste parameters. Trans. ASAE 34(6):
bling flecks evenly, the significance of area density for large 2499–2504.
flecks (Da3) suggested that the presence of a few large marbling McDonald, T. and Chen, Y.R. 1992. A geometric model of marbling in beef
longissimus dorsi. Trans. ASAE 35(3): 1057–1062.
flecks strongly affected sensory scoring. Likewise, global mar- SAS Institue, Inc, 1990. SAS Users Guide: Statistics, SAS Institute. Cary,
bling area density (Da) was significantly related to ultimate mar- NC.
USDA. 1989. Official United States Standards for Grades of Beef Carcasses.
bling score. These data suggested that the panel was unable to Agricultural Marketing Service, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Washington,
discern thoroughly between differences in marbling fleck size DC.
and abundance. This confirmed our initial assumptions that hu- Ms received 3/13/95; revised 8/8/95; accepted 8/28/95.
man evaluation of meat quality, in particular marbling score, is
imprecise. Instinctively, panelists perceive marbling score as re-
lated to overall abundance of marbling even though the USDA This paper is a contribution from the Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station Journal
series number 12,287.
grading standards mandate that each marbling fleck be consid- We thank Dr. Don Nauman for invaluable experience and suggestions, our ten panelists for
ered equal regardless of size (USDA, 1989). Although this sen- determination and time, and Rockville Meat Co. for generous support. This research was
supported in part by funds from the Missouri Beef Industry Council and was presented in
sory panel did not receive as much training as individuals part or whole at the American Society of Animal Sciences meeting in Orlando, FL.


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